Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:40:36 AM

Chapter 242: I want a promise from the princess

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Chapter 242: I want a promise from the princess

Chapter 242: Asking the Princess for a Promise

Yuan Tong took Du Wan to the Zen room where he lived, and asked the young monk who was waiting to bring him tea. "Princess, tell me, what are you doing here again?"

"I'll pay you back. I didn't know the value of the incense last time, but later I found out that you sold one for a thousand taels, so I still owe you nine thousand taels. No, I brought it to you specially." Xiao Du Wan With a very sincere face, he took out a handful of banknotes and pressed them on the tea table with a "pop" sound, without even counting them.

Yuan Tong had a bad premonition again, "There must be more than nine thousand taels of silver notes here."

Yeah, you dont have to look for the extra ones, just sell me some pills. Du Wan innocently winked at Yuan Tong while talking.

Yuan Tong knew that twitching eyelids would do no good.

He opened his mouth to say that he sold myrrh balls.

Then, Du Wan took out another box and placed it on the table, "Two hundred years of ginseng, exchange for Qi Yang Pills."

Yuan Tong finally understood. She was prepared.

Suddenly, Yuan Tong smiled and said, "It's not like we don't have any pills. The poor monk still has some in stock over the years. As long as the princess promises the poor monk something, I can give them all to you."

Du Wan asked: "Hey, what is it?"

Yuan Tong felt a little regretful after hearing this.

The little girl was actually not impulsive and did not agree immediately.

Yuan Tong smiled and said that he would be as kind as possible, "As long as the princess makes a promise."

A promise? What promise?

Its a promise.

Du Wan did not agree in a hurry, always suspecting that this was a trap. She stared at Yuantong's old face with suspicion, trying to get some clues from his face.

After a long while, Du Wan shook his head and said, "Who knows what will happen in the future? I also bought these pills for others. If you don't sell them, I'll just pretend that I didn't buy them. Anyway, I won't suffer much loss."

Yuan Tong's heart was inexplicably blocked.

Thought it was a sure thing, but it turned out to be rejected?

Yuan Tong looked at the large stack of banknotes, and then at the well-preserved ginseng. He did not force Du Wan anymore, accepted the banknotes and ginseng, got up and walked to a small pharmacy. When he came out, he had a lot of money in his hand. Two small white jade bottles came out.

Alas. Du Wan sighed and shook his head, as if he was autistic.

That little appearance doesnt need to be said much to make people think of her leaving happily and then returning disappointed.

The old patriarch didn't ask any more questions and walked away regretfully.

Du Wan returned to the small courtyard where she lived, closed the door of her room, and her depressed expression disappeared immediately.

Come to the small courtyard and hide the two small jade bottles.

Then he asked Ningqin to prepare some food as if nothing had happened. Wanting to deceive the old clan leader, Du Wan could not go back for the time being, so Du Wan felt at ease and played in the clan for a few days, jumping up and down the mountains and rivers.

Meanwhile, she also went up the mountain.

Seeing that Du Yunrong and others were not doing well, she felt relieved again.

When I went back, I received a letter from the Pei familys guard.

In the past few days, Pei Hao has been writing a letter a day, and the content is mostly gossip about the capital, such as who was arrested today, which house was ransacked, and who committed suicide. Among these big things, there are also some small things mixed in. Gossip, for example, Xie Qi cared about Qin Yuyu, and when he learned that Qin Yuyu had returned home, he asked the housekeeper to send him a lot of medicinal materials and supplements, etc.

What Pei Hao described in his letter means that Xie Qi is very interested in Qin Yuyu. Qin Yuyu refused to welcome Xie Qi and waited. Between the lines, they try to express their affection as a husband and a concubine.

Du Wan took a quick look and saw Pei Hao's little thoughts.

Arent you just afraid that she would still be thinking about Xie Zhang?

Todays letter.

Du Wan took it and opened it to look at it, "Huh?"

Today's letter is a bit informative. The Su family was sentenced. After Prime Minister Su's death, the entire family was imprisoned. Prime Minister Su's two sons were occasionally interrogated, but they almost didn't know anything about it. In addition, Prime Minister Su himself confessed his crime and provided a list of names, so there really was nothing to try.

The emperor told the court this morning that Prime Minister Su had a good attitude in pleading guilty and did not expect him to cut off his **** after a hundred years, so he spared his family from the death penalty. However, the death penalty can be avoided, but the living crime cannot be escaped, and the whole family became official slaves. After signing the deed of betrayal, he secretly sent her to the princess's mansion.

A group of ministers came forward, and no one dared to refute.

It is only recently that courtiers have clearly realized that the emperor is not a paper tiger.

As long as there is a little evidence of guilt, no official will be spared if it falls into the hands of the emperor. On the other hand, Prime Minister Su's charges were only announced for embezzling military pay. The crimes of suburban Zhuangzi and murdering the princess were not charged to the Su family due to insufficient evidence.

Sister? When did you return to the clan?

Du Wan, who was looking at the letter, suddenly heard Du Qian's voice of surprise.

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