Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:39:57 AM

Chapter 257: The hard work should be left to the opponent

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Chapter 257: The hard work should be left to the opponent

Chapter 257 The hard work should be given to the opponent

After about touching a stick of incense.

Du Wan glanced across the table, shocked by his foodie prowess?

When she glanced at Pei Hao secretly and felt that his expression was normal, she quickly moved her position and asked Ningqin and the others to clear the dining table. She took Pei Hao to the quiet room.

Arrived in the quiet room and sat down.

Luoqi brewed a pot of ginseng tea himself.

Du Wan asked: "Didn't you meet my elder brother when you came in?"

Brother Du may not have time to pay attention to me for the time being. Can Pei Hao say that his father-in-law let him in?

Du Wan asked again: "Then when do you decide to stay and leave?"

I just came here and you want to drive me away? Im so unwelcome to you?

No, Im just asking casually, dont get me wrong. Even if Du Wan had this intention in her heart, she would not say it in front of others. She still understands this principle of life.

Pei Hao looked at her with his deep eyes.

Confirmed again and again that she really had no intention of driving him away, and then put the matter aside.

The two chatted for a while.

Pei Hao talked about Peis mothers birthday.

Du Wan was quite surprised, "Are you going to do something big?"

According to my mothers wishes, yes.

Havent enough of your fathers herbs been stolen? Du Wan teased.

Pei Hao chuckled, "Don't be afraid. Maybe another windfall is waiting for you."

Last time, Song Ling'er's incident caused a big fuss. The imperial doctor of Song suffered from severe bleeding and spent most of his net worth as compensation before redeeming his daughter and suppressing the theft.

Birthday is in a week.

At that time, the town government will send a special post.

As Pei Hao talked, he talked about the court affairs. The first snow this year fell earlier than in previous years. "This winter is colder, and there are serious snow disasters in several counties."

Du Wan had expected this.

This winter only a small number of areas were affected.

It will only get colder next year. Half of the Great Qin State has been affected by the disaster, and countless people have frozen to death. When the spring of the next year came, the plague was raging again, and in the summer there were heavy rains, forest fires, etc., and I thought that it would be fine. Then a year passed, and instead of getting better, there were constant natural and man-made disasters.

Upon hearing this, Du Wan gave him a thumbs up.

She only recommended that one person should go, but he directly said that two people should go.

Pei Hao didn't sit for long before he stood up and left.

After leaving the princess's residence, he went straight to the Yamen, and then entered the palace to meet the saint.

The next day, in the morning.

After the morning dynasty.

It spread that Xie Zhang was about to leave the capital to provide disaster relief.

The people escorting the disaster relief money and food along the way were the officers and soldiers of the Imperial City Division, and the leader was Mu Si'an.

Du Wan was eating melon seeds and listening to gossip.

Immediately, she asked: "Will my father go to court today?"

Its up. Ningqin replied.

What about my eldest brother?

The prince of the county also summoned him into the palace early.

Du Wan thought for a while, the emperor would probably ask about the reason for closing the palace.

Yesterday, the whole family agreed on the story and directly said that she suddenly fell into a coma, just like when she was a child, and the only thing hidden was the inheritance of the jade medal.

And this statement is also the closest to the fact. The emperor and Mrs. Du knew that her situation was special and would not doubt her. What's more, Yulingyuan was the first to seal it off, and this couldn't be hidden.

Du Wan looked outside the house, snowflakes were falling, "Ningqin, Luoqi, we are going to eat antique soup tonight."

Antique soup, also known as modern hot pot, is named after the "dong" sound it makes when food is put into boiling water. In the winter of the Qin Dynasty, hot pot is very popular. Du Wan also learned about this from memory.

Ningqin and others responded.

Du Wan improved it a bit. She ordered the ingredients herself and taught them how to cut and prepare them properly. If there was any seasoning issue, Du Wan also took care of it herself. The next step is to wait for the Du family and his son to come back. As long as they come back, the brush can be started immediately.

At this time, Du Wan also asked someone to notify the eldest princess to come.

So Du Wan waited and waited until the eldest princess came, and then waited until evening, but still did not wait for the father and son to return home.

It is getting late outside.

Du Wan said: "Mother, let's eat without waiting for them. Maybe they ate in the palace."

Okay. The eldest princess said with a smile.

Ningqin and others were waiting on her, and Du Wan was having a great time eating.

However, before he could finish his meal, a guard hurried in and reported, "To inform the princess, the guards of the Pei family are here and said they have something important to see you."

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