Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:37:54 AM

Chapter 324: Getting rich overnight is a dream

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Chapter 324: Getting rich overnight is a dream

Chapter 324 Getting rich overnight is a dream

Princess Mansion.

The brothers and sisters went straight to the main courtyard when they returned home.

When they saw that the eldest princess was fine, the brother and sister both breathed a sigh of relief.Follow current novels on novelb((in).(com)

After he breathed a sigh of relief, he began to discuss seriously whether he was a younger brother or a younger sister.

Du Qian said he wanted a sister, but Du Wan insisted on a younger brother.

It made the eldest princess very happy.

Hand-in-law Du next to him looked speechless. "Whatever you are doing, go back to your own yard. I am here to disturb your mother to rest."

Du Wan's face was very innocent, "Dad, we are not messing around, we are having a serious discussion."

Yes, my sister and I are discussing it. Du Qian agreed.

Du Prince Consort pointed at the two brothers and sisters angrily, "Is it up to you to decide whether your mother is pregnant with a boy or a girl? I think I am a three-year-old child who doesn't even understand this."

Du Qian:

It seems so.

Du Wan rolled her big eyes and asked, "Mother, do you still need Qi Yang Pills?"

"I'm pregnant, and the imperial doctor said you can't take medicine randomly." The eldest princess said with a smile.

Du Prince Consort noticed his daughter's expression and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, "Wanwan still has Qi Yang Pills?"

Du Qians eyes lit up, What else?

Du Wan did not deny it and nodded.

Its not that Prince Consort Du covets his daughters things, Keep them away, they might be useful in the future.

"There is another matter that cannot be told, lest it attracts covetous people." Du Qian agreed.

Du Wan originally wanted to say that she gave Pei Hao one, but then she thought about it and did not say it, "Does Master Yuantong have any anti-fetal medicine for pregnant women?"

I dont know. Prince Consort Du shook his head.

Du Qian is also unclear. He rarely interacts with the monks at Huguo Temple.

Du Wan would ask this as a precaution.

The eldest princess is an advanced maternal age, and this place is not modern, and there are no modern medical methods. Du Wan was worried about what might happen, so it would be better to prepare some commonly used medicine as soon as possible.

Du Wan felt that he had to find time to go to Huguo Temple.

The brothers and sister left the main courtyard.

It didnt take long for the eldest princess and Prince Consort Du to find out about the palace banquet.

The eldest princess sneered coldly, "It's really something that can't be brought to the table."

"Don't be angry. Don't let your body get hurt because of this kind of anger. It's not worth it." Du Ma had seen Qin Yuyu before and looked at her as a nice girl. He didn't expect her heart to be so dark.

There are one thousand taels?

She clearly remembered the old man who gave the red envelope and was still wearing a patched cotton coat.

Sneakly open another red envelope, another thousand taels?

Last time she came here, she seemed to have received a red envelope, but she ignored it and gave it to the old housekeeper to confiscate?

Fuck! Heartbroken, made a mistake?

Du Qian was walking and found that his sister was lagging behind. He turned around and asked, "Sister, what are you doing?"

Hearing this suddenly, Du Wan was startled. His first reaction was to hide the red envelope behind his back and said, "Nothing."

"It's really sad. Does my sister have a little secret?" Du Qian pretended to be very sad.

Du Wan curled her lips and stretched out her little hand hidden behind her back, "If you have a little secret, just open two red envelopes, hehe. You have what I have, too."

Then what are you hiding?

This is not, hey, its just a conditioned reflex.

What does mean?

Du Qian was confused about this word.

Du Wan didn't care and smiled, "Brother, the elders in the village are so rich."


They are all rich people wearing old clothes.

Du Qian actually felt that this description was very appropriate.

So, after completing the circle and returning to the old house, the first thing Du Wan did was to open the red envelope excitedly, "Mom! This fairy got rich overnight."

There were about 20 elders who gave out red envelopes.

In total, I have more than 20,000 pieces of silver, so I went shopping with Prince Consort Du.

Du Qian looked at his excited sister angrily, "Are you stupid? There's nothing good about this money, it's just for fun."

What do you mean? Du Wan was stunned.

Du Qian didnt want to hit him, Youll know in a moment.

Sure enough, the housekeeper of the old house came after a while and asked for the red envelope.

Du Qian quickly handed over his own.

Du Wan handed it to the old housekeeper with a small face.

I quickly searched through the ten years of memories hidden in my mind, and finally figured out the reason.

Red envelopes are really addictive.

The Prince Consort will take it over, wrap it in a piece of red paper, and send it back to the younger generation in the village!

This is...something adults often do?

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!