Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:37:29 AM

Chapter 340: Send each other off at a pavilion ten miles outside the city

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Chapter 340: Send each other off at a pavilion ten miles outside the city

Chapter 340 Seeing each other off at a pavilion ten miles outside the city

The three days given by the emperor were very short.

In order for the army to set off smoothly, many yamen had to work overtime, including Prince Consort Du, who was the minister, and military pay matters still had to go through his hands.

There are many people watching, and no one dares to touch the matter of food and grass.

Its early this morning.

Du Wan was woken up by her elder brother early and hurried to the city gate on horseback, but saw no one.

Soon, the group rushed to Shili Pavilion outside the city.

As long as the army sets out, it will definitely pass through here. Many people came here to see him off, most of them were family members of the soldiers in the capital, and some of them had already begun to wipe away tears.

Du Wan and Du Qian rode out of the city and guarded the roadside.

Du Wan, who originally thought it was nothing, was infected by the atmosphere and stopped being scornful.

Du Wan asked: "Brother, are you sure the army will pass by Shiliting?"

Are you impatient? Du Qian laughed jokingly.

Du Wan's face felt slightly hot, "No! I was pulled up by you early, and I had to rush back to take a nap."

Haha, no one is laughing at you. Du Qian smiled brightly.

Du Wan turned aside and ignored the cheap brother.

Du Qian pointed to the front of the official road and said, "Here we come!"

Hearing this, Du Wan immediately looked over and saw the army appear.

Pei Hao was wearing the attire of a general and riding a tall horse. He was particularly eye-catching among the troops.

Pei Hao, who was riding by on horseback, could just see the little girl in the crowd.

As if in the vast sea of people, no matter where her person stood, he could see her at a glance. It's just that the people who are seeing off today cannot go to the official road, and the soldiers cannot leave the team without permission.

Pei Hao made no exception. He just rode on horseback and walked as slowly as possible.

Just to be able to see the little girl one more time...

The deep reluctance in those peach blossom eyes can still be seen through no matter how suppressed it is. Until finally, Pei Hao waved his arms vigorously in the direction of the little girl, and then rode away.

Farewell today, dont say goodbye for a year and a half.

Du Wan looked at Pei Hao in the army, from far to near, and then from near to far.

Her little face became unusually serious and she was very silent.

Du Wan also handed the plan he re-copied to Zhuang Cong.

Zhuang Cong promised that he would do it properly.

To do these things, money was allocated from Du Wan's private treasury. In order to show that he was trustworthy, Du Wan gave Zhuang Cong 10,000 taels of silver notes on the spot.

When Zhuang Cong got the banknote, he walked a little unsteadily.

When he got back, he had to study the plan. The rules and regulations in it were written in very detail, and the priorities were all marked. All he had to do was arrange according to the above. In fact, it didn't take much thinking. The most important thing was to hire reliable people and supervisors. The problem.

Zhuang Cong was able to stand out as a member of the Imperial Guard, so he naturally had some connections.

Du Wan has only one requirement for this, and it must be fast, the faster the better.

After explaining the matters in hand, Du Wan began to practice in seclusion, almost never leaving home.

The day before the Lantern Festival, Du Qian took her back to the city and made an appointment to have dinner with his family.

The posts sent to the Princess Mansion these days are like snowflakes.

As soon as Du Wan came back, Ning Qin came over with a bunch of posts, "Princess, these are invitations sent by various prefectures in Beijing. Do you want to read them?"

Whats special? Ive rejected everything thats not special.

Du Wan doesnt want to go to the banquet and quarrel with a group of noble ladies now.

Ningqin took out an invitation card and said, "You can reject the others. This one is from the palace. Does the princess want to see it?"

From the palace? Du Wan took it and turned over it.

It was Qin Yuyu who invited her to go swimming in the lake during the Lantern Festival, which was really strange.

Does it mean that since she became a princess, she has forgotten what she said before?

Du Wan still remembered that Qin Yuyu was quite sensible. Before she regained her identity, she would actually take a detour when she saw her. I guess now that I have regained my identity, I feel that my status is different and I no longer need to avoid her.

Du Wan said boredly, "Rejected."

"Yes, I'll send someone to give you a message." Ning Qin responded immediately.

Du Wan waved her hand and motioned for her to do it.

Is it because cultivation is not enjoyable? Too lazy to play sisterly harmony with Qin Yuyu.

There is no need now, neither Du Wan nor Du Qian want to enter the palace.

Du Wan lay down on the imperial concubine chair, dangling her feet, and her eyes accidentally fell on a jade sculpture on the ancient shelf, and her eyes paused.

She remembered this jade carving.

It came from Pei Hao, and he also asked for 10,000 taels from her...

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