Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:35:40 AM

Chapter 393: Who wants to be sick?

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Chapter 393: Who wants to be sick?

Chapter 393: Who wants to be sick?

Return to Yulingyuan. Du Wan calmed down and thought about Pei Hao.

I have to say that a big villain is a big villain. He doesnt do anything until he takes action. Once he does, he is astonishing. Mrs. Pei, who was so difficult to deal with, actually took care of it for him.

Du Wan thought of his injury.

Suddenly remembering something, she searched in the hidden compartment of the house and found a small jade bottle.

There are four Qi-nourishing pills inside.

Du Wan originally wanted to send these to the Zhenguo Duke's Mansion, but then she thought of the eldest princess and said, "Ningqin, go find a small jade bottle to hold the pills."

Okay, Princess, wait a moment.

Ningqin went to the warehouse, found one soon, and cleaned it.

Du Wan poured out one and put it inside, "You can take it to the main courtyard now and give it to my mother."

Yes. Ningqin took the small jade bottle and left in a hurry.

After the eldest princess gave birth to a child, she took a Qi-nourishing pill to regulate her health.

Du Wan originally wanted to send it to the Zhenguo government office now.

After thinking about it, it seemed unreasonable to see him in the morning and rush there in the evening. Anyway, Pei Hao's injury would not be healed for a while, and it would not take more than one night, so he decided to send him there in the morning.

Early the next morning.

Du Wan went to her parents' place to sign in, then went out with the small jade bottle in her arms.

The Duke's Mansion is not far from the Princess Mansion. With Du Wan's ability and not taking the main road, it didn't take long to get there.

Ouch, I strangled myself.

You dont know if you dont come, but you will be shocked when you come.

Unexpectedly, he bumped into Qin Yuyu courting Pei Hao, right in front of the stone table in the courtyard.

Pei Hao was just out to bask in the sun, but who knew that there was a sister with a bad brain who brought Qin Yuyu to Tingyuju early in the morning, and he was not afraid of ruining his reputation.

Du Wanma slipped up to the tree and bumped into the secret guard from before. She smiled and whispered: "Brother, I, the princess, will come and sit for a while."

You are

The secret guard wanted to give his master a warning.

Du Wan smiled proudly and stood still in front of the stone table.

Just as she reached out to grab the glutinous rice dumplings, Pei Hao blocked her, "Wanwan, this thing has been touched by others and cannot be eaten. You have to ask the servants to remove it and replace it with new snacks."

This is not easy to buy. Du Wan did not insist on eating it.

Pei Hao said, "Let the kitchen do it."

He immediately summoned his servants and gave them instructions before serving tea again.

Pei Hao personally made tea for the little girl, "Wanwan drinks tea."

"You're welcome." Du Wan said politely, but her actions were not polite at all. "Why don't you ask me why I came to you?"

"Even if nothing happens, my Wanwan can come here." Pei Hao hoped that she would come to him if something happened, but he also hoped that she would come to him if nothing happened.

Du Wan thought his words were very pleasing to the ear, and smiled with her eyebrows creasing, "I'm here to give you something, a good thing. Don't lose it this time."

After speaking, he took out a small jade bottle from his arms and placed it in front of Pei Hao.

Pei Hao's heart beat violently, "What do you want Wanwan to give me?"

Open it and see for yourself. Du Wan picked up the tea and drank it, pretending to be profound.

Pei Hao almost burst out laughing in his heart. This small jade bottle was probably good medicine, or the medicine of old monk Yuantong. He thought that the little girl had gone to Huguo Temple to ask for medicine for him, so he opened it expectantly, and the familiar aroma of medicine overflowed. When he looked inside, he saw three Qi-nourishing pills.

The next moment, he quickly plugged the mouth of the bottle tightly, "Wanwan, this is..."

Send it to you. Du Wan said it like giving a cabbage.

Pei Hao felt hot, "Do you know this medicine is very expensive?"

I know.

Then you give it back to me?

"Because you need it." Du Wan knew what he was thinking, and said calmly, "With these three Qi-nourishing pills, your body shouldn't need to be nourished for another two or three years. I don't know much about this medicine. Its effective, but my mother felt great after taking two pills, and now shes pregnant with a baby.

Yes, I need

Pei Hao's hand holding the Yangqi Pill tightened, and he was extremely moved.

Who wants to be sick if he can recover sooner?

Du Wan was not sure about the effects of the medicine, but Pei Hao was very aware of it. After discussing it with Dr. Bai last night, he took the one Du Wan had given him earlier. When he woke up today, he felt that his body was more relaxed. With these three pills, he believed that even if he could not fully recover, he would still be somewhat better.

The reason why Pei Hao took the Qi-nourishing Pill without coming back was because he wanted to put on a show for his mother, and also for some people in the capital. The Zhenguo Duke's Mansion is already blessed with honors and favors, and if he makes great achievements, he will inevitably attract the envy of others.

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