Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:35:30 AM

Chapter 400: I accidentally cheated on my father

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Chapter 400: I accidentally cheated on my father

Chapter 400: I accidentally cheated on my father

Du Prince-in-law immediately went forward and was mentally prepared to be targeted by his colleagues. He knew that it was still unknown whether his daughter's search for the emperor would solve the problem. As a result, he did not expect that his daughter would be so outstanding, so outstanding that she would sit in the Golden Palace and make faces at him.

Du Prince Consort couldn't help but straighten his back, but he still gave his daughter a warning look, asking her to calm down.

The emperor did not miss the lawsuit between father and daughter.

Just when a group of ministers wanted to talk about state-owned and national laws, they asked Du Wan to make a thorough investigation into the matter of making salt privately.

Du Wan stood up with her little hands behind her back, and glanced condescendingly at the ministers below, "Those who scold me in front of this princess, talk eloquently, and quote scriptures and arguments are so righteous that they don't think anyone knows you." Yeah, I havent even wiped my **** clean yet.

As soon as these words came out, many old guys jumped in anger.

An old man was about to stand up.

Du Wan pointed at him and said, "It's just you!"

"Wei Chen always behaves upright and sits upright..." The old man was about to show off himself.

"Come on, I thought someone didn't know you." Du Wan said this, her head started to search for which family this belonged to. In this capital, she knew a lot of gossip about various houses, and she could reveal someone's background at any time. "Oh, it turns out he is the old man of the Qi family. Your family has a lot of things going on..."


Cough cough cough!

The emperor and Prince Consort Du coughed together to remind them.

That means that she should save some face for the Qi family, which has a number of imperial masters.

Du Wan rolled her eyes.

However, the emperor and his father's face still had to be given, so Du Wan did not target the old man of the Qi family again.

Du Wan took out the imperial edict from his waist, and then waved it downwards, "Did you see it? Imperial edict! Imperial edict! The matter of my princess making salt is a great good thing for the country and the people, but you are so disrespectful to me. What has happened to all this fussing?"

Then Du Wan put the imperial edict back into her waist, with her left hand on her hips and her right hand pointing at the large group below, "I, the princess, have worked hard this time, tossing in the wind and sun for more than half a month, but the fruits of my labor have not yet appeared. To the Emperor, are you going to be so crooked that you rush to convict me of my sins based on one-sided words without any verification?"

"Do you want some face? Do you want some face? I, a little girl, would blush for you."

Ive been an official for a long time, but I havent done much real work. I only have fun scheming and forming cliques. I stare at this little girl of the princess every day. Im not as active as you as a grandson...

The little girls clear and sunny voice rang in the main hall.

When you curse someone, you don't even have a serious tone. The more you curse, the worse it gets.

The reason is that he also said this just now...

On the contrary, Prince Consort Du burst into laughter after hearing this.

Out of the palace gate.

Du Prince Consort went to the Yamen, and Du Wan returned home in a carriage.

Du Qian learned that his sister was going to the palace today, so he did not go out and stayed at home to wait for his sister. Therefore, as soon as Du Wan returned home, Du Qian received the news and went to see her immediately.

When he saw the imperial edict that Du Wan brought back, Du Qian felt incredible, "How did my sister do it?"

You hand over the method of making salt and ask for rewards. Du Wan knew that in addition to the unconditional pampering of her family, she also put her interests first when getting along with others outside.

Du Qian understood and sent the imperial edict to the ancestral hall.

Du Wan began to tell the story of her fighting (cursing) courtiers in the palace, which was vivid and vivid. Du Qian listened with interest, did not interrupt her, and would ask a few questions from time to time.

And the news that Du Wan was in Chaoshang spread as fast as the wind that day.

Some people who were waiting to see the show were dumbfounded.

Some people are even more angry.

In the Queen's palace.

Several girls from the uncle's residence were chatting, and they were talking about what was going on in the court today.

Qin Yuyu was unhappy, it was Du Wan again!

However, no matter how displeased she was, Qin Yuyu didn't show it on her face. She just said in a somewhat sinister tone: "My cousin is a pushy person and doesn't care about the occasion."

"Haha." Du Yunrong covered her smile with a silk handkerchief, "Yes, she just likes to be in the limelight. Unlike you, Your Highness, you used to have to make a name for yourself in the capital from time to time."

Are you just going to have trouble with her?

The suddenly strange atmosphere was broken by a girl in her teens, who happily agreed: "The princess is not only pushy but also stingy. Last time at Wanji Tower, she even refused to give up a glutinous rice dumpling to me. "

Du Yunrong:

This little idiot must not be from her family.

Like a little rabbit provoking a big tiger? It's not enough to fill the gap between people's teeth.

Havent you seen that she always retreats away from Du Wan when she meets him?

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!