Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:34:42 AM

Chapter 418: Don't you feel sorry for me?

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Chapter 418: Don't you feel sorry for me?

Chapter 418 Dont you feel sorry for me?

Most of a month has passed.

The drought in the north is getting worse.

Fortunately, the emperor had already given instructions and allocated a sum of money to arrange for officials to take precautions.

Afraid that the officials sent there might be disloyal, the emperor openly arranged for a **** to accompany him, and at the same time secretly sent spies to keep an eye on him. Because of this precaution, two groups of officials were killed, and the third group was at peace. The reason is that the officials sent in the first two groups were corrupt and perverted the law, and they died without mercy.

The emperor did not hide his actions.

A group of officials in the DPRK were so frightened that they were trembling with fear again. With a knife hanging on the head, the efficiency of the officials' work has improved a lot. This allowed the drought to be quickly controlled within a certain range without causing great chaos. It is much better than the chaotic situation in the original work, with countless casualties.

Du Wan was very surprised when he found out.

This is probably due to the fact that the national treasury has money?

The emperor had previously enriched his treasury by confiscating his properties. Unlike the original treasury which was empty, he had money to deal with in case of disaster. This is exactly what Du Wan's little butterfly fanned out.

She seemed to have done nothing, but the people of Qin State benefited from it.

All of the above happened on the surface, and an interesting thing happened behind the scenes.

This is an interesting thing for Du Wan.

Du Wan Bagua visited the Dingbeihou Mansion. It was said that the missing son of Dingbeihou's eldest brother had returned. Dingbeihou was overjoyed and immediately submitted a memorial to the emperor to invite him to be crowned prince.

The emperor temporarily suppressed the memorial and did not approve it.

Even if the emperor has not approved it, it will still give Beihou a good reputation.

Du Wan also specially disguised himself and went to the Dingbei Marquis Mansion to listen to the gossip, and sure enough he heard the reason.

The second master of the Yan Clan, whose real name is Xie Hong, came back after being seriously injured. He thought he had killed Qiao Qingzhu and gathered the power of the Yan Clan. However, something unexpected happened. An accident happened in the middle of the plan. Not only did Qiao Qingzhu not die, Pei Hao also stepped in.

Xie Hong's attempt to seize Yanmen failed.

This failure is secondary, and it has also suffered backlash, and the reputation of ungratefulness is destined to be carried.

Xie Zhang's men went to rescue Xie Hong and rescued him.

Du Wan glanced at him sideways, "Don't add anything to anything, feelings need a process of acceptance. Outsiders can just watch from the side and let nature take its course."

Im just worried about my eldest brother.

Hey, I dont think the princess knows about your little thoughts.

Its okay if you know, dont you feel sorry for me?

Dont feel bad! You deserve it.

"..." Pei Hao suddenly became happy when he saw the little girl swearing. He hugged her and refused to let go, and kept rubbing her face with his head, "Really? I deserve it? If you curse again, curse again..."

Giggle. The little girl was amused and giggled.

Next, the two of them didn't know what they were thinking, but they watched Du Qian and Qin Jiu in the dark with great interest, always paying attention to their progress.

With a cheating person like Du Wan, it really shouldn't be too simple to know whether two people have met. Of course, Du Wan still kept her promise to Du Qian and would not use her ability to eavesdrop on her family's privacy. However, Qin Jiu was not married yet and was not engaged yet, so he was not considered a family member for the time being.

Du Wan secretly inquired about her whereabouts and felt confident.

When she got the latest news, she hurried to the Duke's Mansion to share it with Pei Hao, "Extra number! Extra number! The latest gossip, Qin Jiu made an appointment with my eldest brother to go swimming in the lake and put out lanterns during the Ghost Festival."

Hungry Ghost Festival? Its only a few days away.

Its only a few days away, hehe.

"I will pick you up then and follow them secretly..."

Pei Hao pretended to be recovering from his illness and lived in seclusion. He did not go to the Yamen for duty.

So, I stay with the little girl all day long, feeling satisfied and smiling more and more day by day.

The Duke of Zhen, who was looking for his son, happened to overhear the private discussion between the two people, and his face was speechless.

My son used recuperation as an excuse to not do his job properly.

However, when he saw the cheerfulness and vitality between his son's eyebrows and thought about how Southwest almost lost his son, the Duke of Zhen suddenly thought about it.

At present, the power of the Duke's Palace is sufficient, and it is about to be married to the Princess Palace. If the son is obsessed with power again, it is not a good thing. The Palace of the Lord may be like a raging fire cooking oil, making the superiors afraid. Moreover, now that Mu Si'an is climbing up the ranks, even if they don't take a stand, outsiders will attribute him to the influence of the Zhenguo Government.

His son really doesnt have to work hard...

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!