Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:33:50 AM

Chapter 442: I believe everything you say

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Chapter 442: I believe everything you say

Chapter 442 I believe everything you say

Pei Hao looked at Du Wan again. Du Wan's eyes lit up and she looked at Pei Hao again.

Pei Hao did not agree immediately, "I'll think about it and let you know when I go."

"Okay! It's settled." Chen Liu patted Pei Hao on the shoulder and went in to find Qin Yuyu and others.

Pei Hao watched Chen Liu leave, then looked at Du Wan and asked, "Do you want to go?"

"There is no need to be grounded during the Mid-Autumn Festival. We will talk about it then." Du Wan didn't know what the government's arrangements were. She had to ask her family before deciding, "I want to ask my eldest brother."

"All right."

Pei Hao took her wrist and walked towards where the carriage was parked.

Passing by some snack stalls and seeing something she liked, he spent money to buy some. And all she has to do is follow behind and eat happily.

Hu San stood by the car and worked diligently as a driver.

Du Wan got on the carriage first, and Pei Hao got in next.

As soon as she entered, she took off her mask.

He then took off the mask, and also picked up the one she put down, stacked the two masks together, put them away carefully, and placed them in the secret compartment.

The carriage started to move, but it was not going very fast.

When you get to the official road, the speed becomes faster.

Du Wan rested her head on Pei Hao's legs, feeling drowsy along the way.

Suddenly, there was a commotion ahead.

It's because the officialdom is crazy. Pei Hao is still in a state of "recovering from illness". He can show up occasionally, but taking action is a bit too much.

The carriage stopped, and Du Wan suddenly woke up, "What happened?"

"There are so many people, there is a small accident." Pei Hao touched her hair gently, "Don't pay attention to it, just continue to sleep."

Du Wan was about to continue sleeping, "Huh? Interesting."

I'm not going to sleep anymore, I'm going to the theater.

He opened the car curtain a crack and watched quietly.

Hu San was outside. When he turned around, he saw half of Du Wan's little head exposed.

The two people's eyes met, and Du Wan smiled brightly, "Hi! How about Hu San."

No, I figured it out.

Du Wan really didn't hear it this time, but based on the description in the book, she still suspected Qin Yuyu, "Didn't you say that Qin Miao was learning poison from others? Get some medicine from him and put it on the horse Dont make it too simple. Besides, there are so many people in Wangyue Tower today that we cant even check.

"Miss Ma has been suppressed to the point where she can't hold her head up. There is no need for Qin Yuyu to kill her again."

Some people are narrow-minded, beyond your imagination. Du Wan knew that Qin Yuyu would always hold a grudge against those who had humiliated her.

If Qin Yuyu's ability exceeds that of Princess Mansion, Du Wan is sure that Qin Yuyu will not let him go.

Back to the outside of the princess mansion.

Du Wan quietly climbed back over the wall, then climbed through the window and returned to the bedroom.

She changed out of her men's clothes, washed her face, and stepped out of the bedroom openly. Then she went to the eldest princess to show her face, "Mother, is father back?"

Not yet. The eldest princess looked at her daughter with a smile.

Du Wan walked to the bed and saw another swaddle in the bed, it was the little guy.

The eldest princess had nothing to do, so she took care of her son with her own eyes.

There are many people in the house to take care of my younger brother, including two wet nurses and seven or eight eldest and younger maids. There is no need for the eldest princess to take care of him personally.

Du Wan teased the child, "Where's the eldest brother? I haven't seen him for a day."

Lets go ask the girl to watch the fun at Wangyue Tower.

Huh? I didnt touch it.

There were too many people at that time, so I didnt encounter him.

Du Wan was inexplicably relieved. Chen Liu could recognize Pei Hao wearing a mask at a glance, and Du Qian would most likely recognize her if he saw her. Thinking of this, she felt extremely lucky.

Luckily she wasnt running around!

Du Wan came close to the eldest princess and whispered, "Mother, I heard that the person who comes out on top today may not become the consort, is it true?"

The eldest princess nodded, "That's what happened."

"It's written on the imperial list, can it still be changed? Didn't you say that you have no joke?"

"Silly girl. I thought you were quite shrewd before. Why are you so stupid today?" If anyone in the world understands the emperor's thoughts best, it is the eldest princess. "He takes the lead. As long as there is no problem with his identity and character, the consort is the one who understands the emperor's thoughts best." Its decided. The emperor would say that, either to deal with the queen, or to avoid someone doing tricks. "

Du Wan:

It turned out to be all routine.

Its because she is too simple and doesnt understand the adult world.

Sure enough, the eldest princess understood the emperor better. Pei Hao's understanding was not wrong, but it was not as profound as the eldest princess.

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