Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:33:46 AM

Chapter 446: Being pampered to the point of being lawless

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Chapter 446: Being pampered to the point of being lawless

Chapter 446 Being pampered to the point of lawlessness

With the emperor and empress blocking their way behind them, the first meeting between Qin Yuyu and Tang Zhixing was perfect and no one disturbed them. Even the emperor and empress didn't know that someone would sneak into the back garden and watch the whole process.

Another person would not do such a thing, but who is Du Wan?

Having been pampered to the point of being lawless for a long time!

It was almost time to sit down at the banquet, and Pei Hao pulled Du Wan away.

Today's palace banquet is mainly held for the newly appointed prince-in-law. It will not be as grand as a New Year's banquet, and there are even separate seats for men and women.Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

The men's seats are in the main hall, and the women's seats are in the side halls.

The eldest princess has not yet given birth, so she did not come to the palace banquet.

Du Wan was brought to a seat by the palace servants, very close to the main seat. It was almost time, and all the ladies and ladies who came to the banquet took their seats.

When someone saw Du Wan, they came up to greet him respectfully.

Du Wan didnt remember all the people, but he returned the greeting with a smile.

Here Du Wan saw the slightly thinner Mrs. Pei and Pei Huiyu beside her.

Since the two families were re-engaged, they have been going out for a ceremony, and then Du Wan realized that he had not seen Mrs. Pei for a long time. But Pei Huiyu had met him not long ago.

Mrs. Pei looked a little embarrassed when she saw Du Wan, "I have met the princess."

Du Wan stood up politely and said with a smile, "Mrs. Pei, how are you these days?"

Very good, very good. Mrs. Pei didnt know what to say for a moment.

Pei Huiyu came up to greet Du Wan.

Just like acquaintances meeting and exchanging a few words, Du Wan had no intention of embarrassing them.

When mother and daughter were seated, Du Wan returned to her original seat.

The people around them have always been paying attention to them. If they dont want to laugh at others for free, they wont cause any trouble in public. Mrs. Pei is not enthusiastic, but she is not rude either.

Du Wan is also neither rude nor warm.

Pei Huiyu probably experienced hardships in the past few days and gained a lot of knowledge. She was restrained by Mrs. Pei, so she did not go to greet her little sisters, and she behaved quite well.

"Princess, you are here very early." Qin Jiu strode over holding up his skirt.

Du Wan suddenly showed a big smile, "My eldest brother came to the palace early because of something, so I followed him."

Only a fool would say that he came here in advance just to read the gossip.

Before the banquet officially started, Qin Jiu did not return to her seat, but came to Du Wan and whispered to her.

The two people were close to each other and spoke in a low voice. Even those in adjacent positions could not hear what they said. In the seat below Du Wan, Du Yunrong was sitting.

This palace banquet can be attended by anyone who is a concubine in the palace.

Du Wan took a close look at the concubines in the palace. They were not as colorful as expected. The most outstanding ones were still the Queen and Concubine Xie. The other concubines would have been overwhelmingly noble if they were not dressed up in makeup. His appearance is just average, just like a passerby.

Suddenly I understood how the emperor could only favor new and old loves.

The new love is Concubine Xie, and the queen is the old love.

Only the queen felt that the emperor did not love her, but anyone with a discerning eye could see that the queen was still very special in the emperor's heart, otherwise he would have been deposed long ago, and he would often be allowed to act mischievously.

The queen came in, followed by Qin Yuyu.

When the queen stands on the throne, the people below her kneel down and worship.

Du Wan stands out, standing firmly, with a straight waist and a smile on her face. She was not afraid of the Queen and Qin Yuyu's jealousy at all.

Want her to kneel down and salute? They are so beautiful!

The queen said with a smile, "No need to be polite, everyone please sit back. Wanwan also sits down."

Thank you, Queen.

Waiting for everyone to get back to you.

Du Wan then smiled and said, "Thank you, Queen."

Girl, you call me the emperors uncle, why dont you call me my aunt? the queen said half-jokingly.

Du Wan immediately answered with a smile, "That makes you happy too."

Haha. The queen seemed very happy after hearing this.

However, she did not answer the call and asked Du Wanzhen to call her aunt.

The queen was not willing to praise Du Wan, so Du Wan did not seriously call her aunt, and continued to call her the queen.

Du Wan didnt know why, but she just couldnt get close to the queen.

Concubine Xie is interesting. She always sits calmly and occasionally exchanges pleasantries with others. She does not steal the queen's limelight.

Different from Du Wans impression of the favored concubine who steals the limelight and is aggressive.

On the surface, Concubine Xie abides by her duties very strictly and will not go beyond the Queen. It is precisely because of her attitude that the Queen can always find no reason to cause trouble for her.

They are all smart people, who can beat the other.

Only stupid people will do stupid things like being proud of one's favor.

Du Wan was very happy to see it.

The banquet was very harmonious on the surface. The women were smiling and going back and forth, quarreling with each other.

Du Wan's status is high enough that even the queen must treat her with courtesy, and others can only stay away from her when they encounter her.

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