Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:33:42 AM

Chapter 448: Prince Pei borrowed a knife to kill someone

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Chapter 448: Prince Pei borrowed a knife to kill someone

Chapter 448 Prince Pei borrows a knife to kill someone

Early the next morning.

Du Wan got up early, washed up, had a simple breakfast, ran to the eldest princess and Prince Consort Du to check in, and then left the house in a hurry.

Those around him are already familiar with the princess's operations.

Arrived at the Duke's Mansion, climbed over the wall and entered Tingyu Residence.

Originally, Du Wan thought that she had arrived very early and there would be no outsiders, but the fact surprised her.

Pei Hao had a guest, and it was Chen Liu.

Chen Liu had a shadow of Du Wan. When he saw her, he immediately stood up and said to please her: "Princess, you came to see Ah Hao so early. Did you invite him to go out for an outing?"

No, I bought a piece of glutinous rice dumplings that he likes to eat, and I just brought them to him.

When Du Wan came in, Pei Hao stepped out of the bedroom well-dressed. When he saw Du Wan, his eyes suddenly lit up, which was completely different from the disgust he felt when he saw Chen Liu.

Chen Liu asked: "Ah Hao, are you really not going to go hunting in two days?"

"Ask the princess if she is going." Pei Hao looked at Du Wan again.

Du Wan then remembered what Chen Liu had said about going hunting during the Mid-Autumn Festival, "Who is responsible? Are there many people?"

Chen Liu replied, "Ma Tao, it was he who suggested it."

Ma Tao? Du Wan heard a strange name.

Pei Hao reminded, "Mr. Ma whom I met at Huafang last time."

"He is really leisurely and relaxed. How about Ma Suqin?" Du Wan really asked about this and forgot about it at this time. "She had an accident last time, but she was unconscious."

Chen stayed nearby and listened, "Did you see something happen to her?"

Yes, I also saw with my own eyes that Xie Qi led people to rescue her.

Du Wan chatted with Chen Liu about this matter.

Finally, Chen Liu mentioned the hunting thing again, and Du Wan decided to go out and have some fun.

Chen Liu got the approval letter, so he didn't stay and stood up to leave.

Pei Hao asked Hu San to **** Chen Liu out of the house, and then looked at Du Wan with peach blossom eyes strangely, "Wan Wan, do you know that Ma Suqin has woken up. She is not in danger of her life, but she may have scars on her face."

I had expected it. It really corresponds to what is written in the book.

However, Ma Suqin's reputation is much better than in the book.

Pei Hao smiled and approached her, "At that time, you said that the murderer was Qin Yuyu? Is that really what you calculated?"

Du Wan nodded and asked with bright eyes, "Did you find out it was her?"

"Yes, but I haven't worn them yet. Now I can let them see the light." Du Wan said with a smile. The eldest princess had asked the embroiderer to make several sets of riding outfits, but she had never worn them yet.

Back to Yulingyuan, Du Wan told him about hunting during the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Ningqin and the other four began to prepare things.

Seeing Du Wan sitting aside, Ningqin asked, "Princess, how many days will you be leaving?"

"Does hunting take many days?" Du Wan was stunned.

Ningqin said, "It usually takes three to five days."

Is the so-called hunting similar to outing?

In fact, when the rich and powerful children go out, they go hunting in the name, but in reality they just go out for fun. It is common to play outside for a few days. Usually the girls who go go out with their older brothers or younger brothers, and don't go out alone with a group of men.

Du Wan went with Pei Hao this time, so he was not afraid of others gossiping.

Ningqin reminded, "Princess, you have to come back before the full moon banquet."

Du Wan knows this.

Have been playing for three to five days, and its time for the full moon banquet when we get back.

The younger brother's full moon banquet, according to the eldest princess's wishes, was to have a grand banquet. Of course, the eldest princess would be in charge of these matters, and the servants would arrange them properly, so she did not need to worry about it.

at dusk.

Du Huima has not come back yet.

Du Wan accompanied the eldest princess to have dinner. Du Qian returned to the family yesterday afternoon and asked, "Mother, is there food in the Yamen? Do you want someone to bring food to father?"

Are you still going to deliver food? The eldest princess looked at her daughter in wonder.

In the past, Prince Consort Du would return home very late when he was busy, and the eldest princess never thought of asking someone to bring him food. The atmosphere here is such that if an official is too busy to return home, it is because something urgent has happened in the court. Eating alone in the office will look unserious and unceremonious.

The influence among colleagues is also not good.

Du Wan had no such scruples and asked the kitchen to prepare a food box with double portions. Compared with worrying so much, being hungry is more uncomfortable.

Don't wait for the eldest princess to stop you.

Du Wan asked his bodyguard to carry the food box while Ma Liu rode to the Yamen.

When I arrived at the Yamen, I couldn't find Prince Consort Du.

After asking around, I found out that he has not left the palace yet.

Du Wan ordered someone to go to the Imperial City Department to ask, and learned that Pei Hao was still in the palace, so he immediately entered the palace carrying a food box.

I wish you all a Happy New Year. I'll fix the typos when I have time.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!