Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:33:28 AM

Chapter 456: Be a happy little salted fish

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Chapter 456: Be a happy little salted fish

Chapter 456: Be a happy little salted fish

Du Wan nodded his head with a smile and motioned for him to continue.

The emperor whispered: "There are still some, but they all have places to go."

Du Wan was doubtful.

The money collected from corrupt officials filled the national treasury.

The emperor was very helpless. "This year there have been disasters everywhere. There was a snowstorm at the end of last year, a flood in the spring this year, a drought in the summer, and now there is a locust plague. I don't know how many counties have been affected by the locust plague."

Du Wan glanced at the emperor sympathetically, "Uncle, it's so difficult."

The emperor nodded, "Think of an idea and collect some money to solve the urgent need."

The government didnt make any money from the last salt production?

They are all idiots and they havent made any achievements yet.

Then raise funds.

Who is willing to take out money for no reason?

"This needs to be modified." Du Wan gave a suggestion, "When the official comes forward to raise funds, many people will definitely wait and see at first. This requires a trustee, let this trustee come forward, speak more passionately, and find a few people. I personally agree and publicize this persons deeds, so Im not afraid that no one will follow suit.

Find someone to make a fake donation?

If you really want to donate, will you come forward to ask for help?

The emperors face turned red.

Practice? Let him come? !

Du Wan blinked, as if he saw that his uncle was embarrassed?

How strange!

Du Wanqing coughed, and then whispered: "This is not the point. The point is that once the official comes forward, the people will not be afraid that no one will follow suit for the sake of reputation."

Thats true. The emperor agreed.

Du Wan said with excitement, "At that time, the Imperial College, major academies, young masters in the capital, even dandies, noble girls from various families, and various small circles can start it. This is the time to test your character. "

The emperor listened carefully, it was true.

Du Wan rolled her eyes and said, "Uncle, doesn't the official newspaper have a residence report? It couldn't be sold in the past, so it was all at a loss. You can ask people to report the good deeds to the good people who donated money, and remember to write down how much money and food were donated. . Add some gossip that everyone likes to hear... Hehe. Dont worry about not making money."

This way you can eat melon openly.

"It depends on what you said." The eldest princess pointed her finger at her forehead, "But the tree is big and attracts the wind, do you really want to donate so much in public?"

Who said I wanted to donate in public?

Du Wan was so stupid that he donated a large amount of money in public.

Even if she donates all her wealth, others will still think that if she can donate so much, she will definitely have more. "I donate all the things given by the emperor in the name of my uncle."

Thats really smart. Mom, Ill get some more for you.

The eldest princess quickly understood the key.

When Prince Consort Du returned home, the eldest princess told him about the matter again, and he agreed very much.

As long as the Princess Mansion donates it in the name of the emperor, no matter how much it is donated, no one dares to say anything, and it can still be sold well to the emperor.

The locust plague is being controlled outside the city.

The official began to collect donations in the city and called on the people in the city to contribute. Those who have money can donate money. If you dont have money, you can donate your extra old clothes, bedding, etc. to help more people in need.

Do good deeds and accumulate virtue, and good people will be rewarded.

Just as Du Wan thought, the emperor arranged for someone to do this.

Someone took the lead in donating money and it was publicized.

A few more people were arranged, and the effect was very good.

Students from the Imperial College and major academies in the capital have organized donations.

In addition, Qin Yuyu stepped forward and united with some powerful children to set up a righteousness hall and hold an auction every day. It is said that it will only be held for half a month. The items in the auction are all valuables donated by everyone, and the proceeds will be Will be used for disaster relief.

The Qin Yuyu auction was a success, which made her reputation much better.

The queen was very satisfied with this. What she was most satisfied with was that Du Wan, a stinky girl, did not come out to steal the limelight. "In order to support my daughter, I counted some things in the palace's warehouse that are not needed, made a list, and sent them to Yishan Hall."

Thank you very much, Queen Mother. I have been worried about having nothing to auction recently. Qin Yuyu has been feeling very happy recently, which has swept away the previous gloom.

The queen said happily, "There's more to this."

So, the queen deliberately spread the news of the donation to the ears of the concubines.

She has done this, how can others stay out of it?

The concubines learned that even if they secretly scolded the queen, they would still send something to Yishantang.

As soon as the ladies in charge of each government received the news, they followed suit. Depending on their status, they can donate less under the current circumstances, but they cannot stop donating. Otherwise, when you go to a banquet next time and people find out that you didnt donate, you will inevitably get the reputation of being stingy.

The eldest princess also sent someone to deliver some things to Yishan Hall.

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