Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:33:22 AM

Chapter 462: Just gossip and don’t participate

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Chapter 462: Just gossip and don’t participate

Chapter 462: Just gossiping and not participating

Sister, what have you done again? When Du Qian came back, he saw the commander of the imperial guard sending his sister back.

Du Wan smiled and said, "I didn't do much, just had a meal with my uncle. When I came back, my uncle was worried that something would happen to me on the way, so he sent me back."

Du Qian touched her forehead.

Is it that simple? Why doesn't he believe it?

However, he couldn't ask anything at the gate, so he took his sister to see the eldest princess and Prince Consort Du.

Du Wan had not returned from the palace before, so Prince Consort Du and the eldest princess were thinking about it. After meeting the two people, Du Wan told the story of entering the palace again.

Since nothing happened, Prince Consort Du sent the brother and sister back to rest. Before letting them go back, the eldest princess also said one thing, that is, Du Qian and Qin Jiu's wedding date has been set, and the wedding will be held on the same day as hers. One marriage and one marriage, a double happiness.

In Du Wan's opinion, booking was a piece of cake, and she couldn't help but sympathize with the cheap brother.

Du Wan glanced at him secretly, "Brother, aren't you angry?"

What are you so angry about? Du Qian looked sideways.

Du Wan hesitated and said: "The wedding date is the same, so the government just saved it once?"

This is good, it saves trouble. Du Qian really had no objection and actually had the same idea as his parents.

Du Wan saw that Du Qian had no objection, so he didn't mention the matter again.

Whether it was Tang Zhixing who was attacked or Qin Yuyu lost the charity money, it has nothing to do with the Princess Mansion. As the Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, Du Consort managed the treasury. However, the donation was lost before it reached the Yamen. He was not responsible for the investigation, so he had little to do with him.

Tang Zhixings attack was resolved in three days due to the emperors attention. It was found that it was done by a man who was unsuccessful in the election. This man also had some quarrels with Tang Zhixing. In order not to implicate his family, the man wrote a suicide note, confessed his crime, and committed suicide by taking poison before the officials came to arrest him.

The person is dead and the case is closed.

These are what Pei Hao said.

The last time Pei Hao went back, he asked Gu Li to handle all the yamen affairs on the grounds of physical discomfort. After a period of hard work, Gu Li is now more calm and able to stand alone. That's why he was free to meet Du Wan at Juyuan Building today.

Du Wan felt that there was a trick when he heard the survey results.

So, she asked Pei Hao, "Is there nothing fishy about the results of this investigation?"

"The results of the investigation are indeed like this. It was that person who did it. Those people pretending to be gangsters are a group of gangsters who often do this kind of business. We also caught him alive last time. According to the clues they gave, it also pointed to that person. People." Pei Hao secretly paid attention to him, but no abnormality was found.

This is Wei Yuan, the second son of Mr. Wei from the Ministry of Punishment. He is a good friend of Chen Hua, the eldest son of Chen Guogong. The young man knew a lot of things.

Du Wan was very surprised.

Is there still a plate of dog blood in this?

Pei Hao waved his hand and signaled the young man to step back.

Du Wan listened to the commotion downstairs. It was noisy. You scolded me and I scolded you. But she didn't do anything again. The shopkeeper stopped her.

Du Wan gossiped: "Don't you want to deal with Chen Liu and Chen Hua?"

"Chen Hua is the eldest son of the concubine, and Chen Liu is the direct descendant, but he is the second in line. Usually in aristocratic families, the first wife has never had any children, and concubines are not allowed to have children." Pei Hao did not say it clearly but rounded off the details of Chen Guogong's concubine. Luan, "The aunt who gave birth to the eldest son seems to be the sweetheart of Chen Liu's father."

Du Wan sighed: "It turns out... there is really something **** waiting for me. How about writing this gossip in the Di newspaper? Keep it and the sales volume will rise to the sky."

What a pity, if only Di Bao had put her in charge!

Pei Haos mouth twitched.

The sales volume is good, but Chen Guogongs government will be severely offended.

Half a month has passed in the blink of an eye.

It is said that Xie Zhang helped find out the donation. This incident made Xie Zhang's reputation even higher. It is said that the coachman who wanted to change the charity money was the moment when the person in charge sent the charity money to the government and got on the carriage, the coachman helped the person to change.

Of course, the coachman's accomplices have all confessed.

Du Wan was in Yulingyuan when he heard the news.

Is it true or false?

This is different from what she imagined a vicious female supporting role would do.

Du Wan always felt that there was something fishy after the fact passed through the hands of the male protagonist, but it had nothing to do with her, so she still didn't bother to investigate. Just like everyone who loves gossip, just listen and let it go. No one will spend money and effort to confirm the truth or falsehood. It is none of their business.

In the Mansion of the Minister of War.

Ma Shangshu was so angry that his face turned red and his neck thickened, and he almost beat Ma Suqin to death on the spot. This daughter whom she once loved so much became so stupid just because of a man.

Ma Suqin knelt on the ground, her body was thin and she did not dare to say anything.

After recuperating for a period of time, she became thinner and thinner, as if she would fall down if the wind blew...

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