Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:33:09 AM

Chapter 471: Is it a horse or a donkey?

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Chapter 471: Is it a horse or a donkey?

Chapter 471: Horse or donkey?

About the time it takes to touch a cup of tea.

Du Wan came out of the main room contentedly.

The hand also held the deed of a bookstore in the name of Prince Consort Du.

The next morning, before Du Wan went out, she saw Ning Qin and four others working with dark circles under their eyes, "What are you..."

Princess Princess.

The four people immediately woke up.

Just thinking about gossip last night, I was too excited and suffered from insomnia.

Du Wan smiled and said: "Okay, okay, it doesn't matter if you don't clean up for a day. Let's go down and rest. The gossip is not urgent. Just write it down in the next few days. It's best to write some gossip that outsiders don't know."

Yes, Princess.

The four of them were happy and left with beaming faces.

Du Wan is leaving the house.

Chai Wei led others to follow.

Halfway through the journey, Du Wan suddenly paused and said, "Chai Wei, do you know who writes the best storybooks in the capital?"

Chai Weidao: "Back to the princess, my subordinates haven't noticed this matter. Do you need to inquire about it?"

Go to the bookstore first and ask the shopkeeper then.

Du Wan did not make things difficult for Chai Wei.

There is a specialization in the art, and it is normal for the bodyguard to not know it. However, Du Wan did not ask hundreds of personal guards to follow him. He only asked Chai Wei to lead a few people.

So Chai Wei brought eight personal guards, making him nine together.

This bookstore is at the end of Rongchang Street, in a less conspicuous location, and its business is average.

When Du Wan stepped in, he saw a few people sitting in the shop and reading books. Sitting in front of the counter was a middle-aged man who was writing something unknown with a pen, and there was also a young boy.

As soon as the young man saw a customer coming to the door, he came up to greet him with a smile, "Hello, sir. I don't know what I want to buy."

Let me take a look first.

Du Wan thinks the young mans attitude is quite good.

At least its comfortable and doesnt look down on people.

If Chai Wei behind her knew what she was thinking, he would probably roll his eyes. With her clothes, no one with a bit of discernment would dare to neglect her.

At this moment, the shopkeeper finally looked up.

Entertainment headlines are a guarantee of sales and are indispensable. And a Di newspaper is not just about the entertainment section. In order to stabilize readers, it is best to include one or two short stories, short stories, poems, etc. If there is a wonderful long series, there is no need to worry about no one buying it.

In order to avoid being in a hurry in the future, Du Wan decided to write a plan first like setting up a farm.

As long as she has a detailed plan and leaves things to the people below, she only needs to control the overall direction and decide on the final draft.

The person in charge of reporting rooms should first be left to the shopkeeper Du Dakang.

It means that he is the son-in-law of Du, and his surname is Du.

This gave Du Wan a good first impression of the shopkeeper.

Besides, whether it is a horse or a donkey, you can tell by taking it out for a walk.

For several days, Du Wan could not leave the house.

I wrote and wrote in retreat every day, and I tried my best for this plan.

Until Pei Hao arrived, carrying snacks from Wanjilou, Du Wan finally looked up from the plan, glanced at him like a reward, and continued to write and draw silently.

Du Wan wrote several copies but was not satisfied with it.

"Wanwan, do you want me to help you write it?" Pei Hao stood behind her, bent down and looked at her.

Du Wan blinked, "Seriously?"


Then, here you go.

Du Wan readily gave up her position.

Damn it, someone finally took over!

Pei Hao sat down where she was before, then picked up the thick stack of manuscripts on the table and looked at them. The content is not much, but her handwriting is relatively large, and there are not many words written on a piece of paper. "Wanwan's handwriting has not made much progress."

"Well, that's not the point, hehe." Du Wan wanted to say that she hadn't practiced calligraphy for a long time, so it would be strange if she made progress.

Pei Hao asked while reading, "Why do you suddenly want to start a newspaper?"

If you want to do it, just do it. Du Wan replied nonchalantly.

Pei Hao knew that she would not mess around. After reading what she wrote, he was deeply shocked.

At first he thought she would only run the newspaper in the capital, but seeing that her plan was to sell the newspaper to all parts of the country in the future, collect gossip news from all over the country, and then send it back to the capital, etc. If she really succeeded, it would be equivalent to a An intelligence organization on the surface.

Wanwan, your plan is not feasible. Pei Hao put down the plan.

Du Wan was stunned, "Why?"

"It's just okay in the capital. If you want to sell it to other places, the cost of transportation is too high." Putting up this skeleton requires a lot of money. Pei Hao looked at her with a smile, "You donated all your private property last time, do you still have any money?"

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