Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:33:01 AM

Chapter 475: The little girl is floating

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Chapter 475: The little girl is floating

Chapter 475: The little girl is floating

A teahouse not far from the bookstore.

A guard hurriedly came in and whispered a few words to Hu San.

Then Hu San stepped into the box and reported to Pei Hao. I dont know what he said. Pei Haos hand holding the tea became unsteady and the tea bowl fell down.

Pei Haos mouth twitched, Seriously?

Its not bad. Hu San laughed in his heart, but he was still quite naive on the outside.

Pei Hao patted the hem of his clothes and said, "Let our people buy those scripts back quickly and seal them."


Hu San hurriedly went out to give orders.

Pei Hao rubbed his forehead with a headache, "What are these things?"

The little girl is floating.

He stood up and decided to watch it himself.

So, when Du Wan was busy collecting money, she saw Pei Hao walking in with a bag of snacks, and he sat down beside her openly and collected the money on her behalf without saying a word.

Du Wan silently gave up her position to him.

When someone helps her with work, she won't be pretentious and say no.

She sat aside, opened the snack, took a bite by herself, and then stuffed the rest into Pei Hao's mouth, "Don't say I ate alone, I shared it with you."

"Yeah." Pei Hao nodded coldly and continued to settle accounts and collect money.

Those present are turned to stone.

What is this operation? Wow wow wow!

Not only the princess is selling books, Prince Pei is also there, right?

Du Wan roughly stuffed the half-eaten pastry into Prince Pei's mouth. Prince Pei was not angry yet and finished eating silently. What kind of fairy love is this?

Its so touching!

Most of the people who were moved were the girls who came to the bookstore.

The man felt unbelievable when he saw it, and he still felt it was unreal when he left the bookstore.

Someone whispered, "I have heard that the relationship between Prince Pei and the princess is very good, but I didn't expect that it would be so good that they would eat a piece of cake together."

Hmm, if I hadnt seen it with my own eyes, I wouldnt have believed it.

Yeah, if someone told me before today, I wouldnt believe it.

Her face gradually heated up, like a peach blossom in full bloom, and she was astonishingly beautiful.

Pei Hao looked at her for a moment.

Until she came to her senses, she threw the storybook back under the counter as if she had encountered something hot. "I, I didn't know before. I didn't ask you to sell it."

Then how come these are moved to the bookshelf?

I, I will...

Du Wan died unjustly. This was truly an unreasonable disaster.

She just asked the boy to move the books from the warehouse. At that time, the boy also consulted her opinion and asked her if she wanted to move them all. At that time, the boy's reaction was strange. It turned out that this was the case.

The boy is a boy, and he is too shy to mention the storybook in front of her.

If Du Wan had paid a little attention, he would have thought that there were several bookstores that did not sell that kind of story books. They all sold them secretly and would not put them on the bookshelf. "I, I was wrong..."

"What do you think we should do?" Pei Hao deliberately teased her with a handsome face.

Du Wan was extremely frustrated, "Some of them were sold."


This is definitely a dark history!

Pei Hao couldn't help but laugh when he saw her wilting look. He originally wanted to tell her that he had already sent someone to buy it back, but when he saw her like this, he suddenly felt a little evil... He didn't want to say it anymore.

Who made her so bold that she didn't even notice this omission.

Pei Hao comforted him and said, "Every time you go through a hardship, you gain wisdom. You must remember it in the future."

Du Wan nodded perfunctorily.

I was thinking about what I would do if her story spread tomorrow?

Its so embarrassing. Do you want to go back to the tribe and stay for a while?

Just at this time.

The shopkeeper Du Dakang came out, holding a stack of newly published Di newspapers.

Putting down the newspaper, the shopkeeper bowed respectfully to Pei Hao and then said to Du Wan: "Princess, you have already printed a thousand copies, do you want to print more?"

Regarding the printing method, Du Wan only changed some details. For example, one worker was responsible for one link, and then divided into several groups. One group was only responsible for printing part of the process. Just like the assembly line production in the workshop, the printing speed was greatly improved. As long as there are enough materials, it is not a problem to print thousands of copies in one morning.

Du Wan smiled and said: "Printing with all your strength, you can arrange for people to work all night to print more at night, and wait until the end of the month to discuss the merits and reward them."

"Yes, thank you, Princess." The shopkeeper was overjoyed and hurriedly went to the back to bring out the newly printed newspaper.

Pei Hao asked half-jokingly: "Aren't you afraid that you won't be able to sell it?"

It will be a big seller on the first day, and it will only sell more tomorrow.

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