Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:32:58 AM

Chapter 477: The little girl needs to be punished

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Chapter 477: The little girl needs to be punished

Chapter 477: The little girl will be punished

Du Qian took his sister and prepared to go back to the yard for training again.

I met Du Liu on the way and said, "You two young masters, I have invited you."

Okay, I got it. Thank you for your hard work, Uncle Liu.

Du Qian then led his haggard sister to his father's study.

The brothers and sisters went in.

Seeing Prince Consort Du turning over the pages of "Da Qin Entertainment News".

Du Wan looked slightly embarrassed, then lowered her head and stood aside obediently, trying to reduce her presence. However, the study is so big, and there are only three people in it, how could it be ignored?

When Du Qian returned to the city, he saw a child selling newspapers on the street, so he stopped and bought a copy. "Father, did you buy a copy too?"

"Well, I asked my servant to buy it. I didn't look at it carefully in the palace before, but now I's a bit vulgar, but it's easy to read." Du Ma said while scrolling down.

Du Qian added: "I just scolded my sister, and she has a good attitude towards admitting her mistakes."

Du Prince Consort then raised his head calmly and glanced at the brother and sister, "Will she admit her mistake?"


You are so courageous, it would be strange to admit your mistake!

Du Qian wanted to put in a good word for his sister.

As a result, my father saw through it in just one sentence.

Prince Consort Du looked at his cute daughter intently, "Daughter, how can you, a little person, be so noisy? You have offended several forces in the capital without saying a word, such as the Dingbei Marquis Mansion, the Ministry of War Shangshu's Mansion, Nanyang Bo's Mansion, well, there's also the one who was exposed as having a wife. None of them are easy to get along with."

Du Wan asked with a straight face: "Will they cause trouble for you?"

Thats not the case. Official positions are different.

Hearing Du Wanma say no, Du Wan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, "Dad, if anyone dares to look down on you, just tell me and I will vent your anger."

Oh, thats not a bad tone. Prince Consort Du said half-jokingly.

Du Wan hesitantly touched the tip of his nose without any sign of repentance.

Du Prince Consort has a headache!

He was afraid that neither he nor the emperor could protect him...

Du Wan would steal glances at Du Consort from time to time. Seeing her father's serious face and frown, she felt more and more guilty.

In fact, running an entertainment newspaper is not a big deal in modern times, but it is different here. In the ancient environment, reputation was valued, and major families had many private scandals, which usually did not come to light.

The gossip reported by Du Wan has undoubtedly lifted their fig leaf and is throwing their reputation to the ground.

Du Prince Consort had a headache and asked Du Qian to take his sister away.

Du Qian grabbed Du Wan's wrist and said, "Let's go!"

Oh oh. Du Wan followed quickly.

He and others escaped from the study and slipped away.

Du Wan screamed in pain, "Brother, why didn't you help me? I got hit a few times. It hurts so much."

I cant beat you to death, but I can still let my father vent his anger. Du Qian said with a smile.

Du Wan said resentfully, "You will lose me if you do this."

"Ha, what's the use of this troublesome spirit like you? I don't want it anymore. I don't want it anymore."

The brother and sister walked out while bickering.

Du Qian knew very well that his sister had not cultivated at all and was being chased and beaten by her father like an ordinary person. In fact, based on my sister's strength, my father couldn't even catch up with her, let alone be hit a few feet away from her.

Du Wan just wanted to get a few blows to let Du's consort take out his anger.

Returned to Yulingyuan.

Du Wan asked Ningqin to ask the kitchen to prepare some dishes.

Du Qian was confused, "You really haven't eaten?"

Im so busy that I dont have time to eat. Du Wan pursed her lips.

Du Qian sat aside and served tea.

After drinking a bowl of tea, Du Wan sighed, "I'm finally alive. My father's energy is so good."

I see that you have been running away for so long and you are not tired at all.

Im not tired, but Im hungry. She was really hungry.

Du Qian didn't believe it until the food was served, because he saw her devouring it.

Du Qian asked: "Is business good today?"

"Yes, we sold 12,000 copies." Du Wan replied happily, taking another mouthful of rice, "I will print it tonight, and I will sell more tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow. According to my budget, this issue I can sell at least 50,000 copies. Unfortunately, I didnt have much capital before, so I pawned a jade pendant to get 5,000 seals."

Du Qian was surprised, "How much money do you make?"


Du Wan nodded repeatedly, "This is legitimate income."

Du Qian did the math and made a lot of money. It would not be an exaggeration to say it was a huge profit. Then, for this huge profit, the emperor's uncle will definitely try his best to cover up any subsequent troubles.

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