Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:32:12 AM

Chapter 497: Entertainment newspaper on sale in advance

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Chapter 497: Entertainment newspaper on sale in advance

Chapter 497 Entertainment Newspaper is on sale in advance

Du Wan took the manuscript and wanted to go directly to apply for a room.

Midway, he turned around and returned to Yulingyuan, where he personally wrote an earthquake prevention measure.

Earthquakes are very terrible natural disasters. It is impossible to prevent them. We can only try to take some preventive measures to avoid casualties as much as possible.

For example, indoor bookshelves and archaeological shelves should be fixed to the wall, and items placed at high places should be put away to prevent them from falling and injuring people during an earthquake; and do not pile them outside the main entrance, corridors and other passages. debris to prevent escape routes from being blocked during an earthquake.

Finally, I would like to remind everyone that it is best to prepare a bag in advance, put some dry food, hemostatic powder, etc., and be careful not to drink raw water after the disaster. The water in the mouth must be boiled to kill insect eggs in the water to prevent illness.

Du Wan tried his best to write in a language that the people here can understand.

Then, she went to the bookstore in person.

Notified people to find Du Dakang. When he learned that Du Dakang was at home, he went to the newspaper office first and asked people to start printing. He replaced the original headlines with the report of the impending earthquake.

When she had made arrangements, she happened to see Du Dakang coming over in a hurry, "Princess Princess."

"You keep an eye on the newspaper report, and then call the people who are on vacation back to work overtime. This month's salary will be doubled. One more thing, urge the newspaper reporter to go all out for printing. This time is a special situation, let the children who sell the newspaper first go to the bookstore Wait for the notice from the princess." Du Wan wanted to sell the newspaper immediately, but suddenly she thought of her father entering the palace, and she didn't know what the emperor thought.

How the government did it is not yet known.

When Du Wan returned home, she wrote another letter and had people rush to deliver it to Zhuang Cong. Then she hurriedly went to find the eldest princess, "Mother, how many days will it take to notify my elder brother about the earthquake?"Follow current novels on novelb((in).(com)

"I'm afraid it will take three to five days to ride a fast horse." The eldest princess thought that the road would be difficult in winter.

Du Wan said, "Then I want to inform my eldest brother, is that okay?"

Your father made arrangements before entering the palace.

"That's good."

Next, Du Wan stayed with the eldest princess and swayed around with her younger brother in her arms, making the little kid giggle. Prince Consort Du came back earlier than expected.

At that time, Du Wan and her younger brother were playing on the kang.

Dad, are you back? Du Wan was surprised.

Du Huima said, "I came back to tell you."

As dusk approached, a kid selling newspapers appeared in the streets.

Sell newspapers, sell newspapers! The sales volume of "Da Qin Entertainment News" is ahead of schedule, and it contains shocking news!"

Excuse me, a group of snakes suddenly appeared outside the city, and an earthquake is coming! For more information, please purchase Daqin Entertainment News!

"Newspapers are being sold! Urgent news, urgent news! Some little knowledge about earthquake prevention, written by Princess Jiaoyang herself!"

Shocking news

A group of children walked through the streets, divided their labors and worked together, each responsible for a place, and quickly spread the news. Some people originally heard the sound of hawking outside and thought they heard it wrong. After all, the date of the entertainment report had not yet arrived. Later I found out it was true, so I either went out to inquire about it myself or sent someone out to check it out.

How come? Did you hear the news?

Some people were shocked at home.

earthquake? What's the meaning?

Some powerful families received the news the fastest.

The reason is that the people below will report it to their master immediately as long as they confirm that they are really selling newspapers. The hawking of these children was like an exploding oil pan. In a calm winter day, a huge wave suddenly set off and swept the entire capital quickly.

The entertainment newspapers in the hands of the newspaper seller were quickly sold out.

Some people also sent servants to bookstores to buy.

Du Wan is sitting in the bookstore.

How much is printed in the newspaper room, how much can be moved out and sold.

In addition, he also copied a copy of the earthquake headlines and preventive measures and posted them on the wall in front of the bookstore so that some people who did not have money to buy entertainment newspapers could take a look.

Du Wan didn't care much about how much this would affect business. He just hoped that the news of the earthquake could be spread quickly.

In order to prevent anyone from taking chances, Du Wan also wrote a short story about an earthquake. For example, in a certain time, the government said that an earthquake was coming, and asked the people to take precautions in advance and move to an open place to spend the night.

One family began to obey the arrangement and slept outside the house on the first day, but the earthquake did not come. The next day, the family slept outside the house again, but the earthquake still did not come. Until the third day, some children were ignorant and had a temper. The parents were lucky enough to think that the earthquake would not come, and decided to move home to sleep despite the obstruction of officials.

As a result, an earthquake struck that night, and the whole family died...

The person who wrote the book was still Du Wan.

Written simply and clearly, it serves as a warning.

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