Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:32:10 AM

Chapter 498: Calling my father-in-law, come on!

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Chapter 498: Calling my father-in-law, come on!

Chapter 498: Calling my father-in-law to help me

After the newspaper room has been expanded repeatedly, the printing speed has improved a lot, and 10,000 copies can be printed in one hour.

Even if the printing speed is not slow, it still cannot keep up with the sales speed.

In order to reduce the number of people coming to the bookstore to buy, Du Wan arranged for his bodyguard to use a carriage to deliver newspapers to the newspaper sellers.

This saves the childrens time in going back and forth to get the returns and increases sales. Du Wan has deployed almost all available manpower today.

Nowadays, Daqin Entertainment News still has a high status in the hearts of the people.

Even if the above articles are gossip, no one has checked it, so it wont interest anyone. The government newspapers were squeezed out of sales. If it weren't for the fact that the imperial court still needed the Di Bao to convey some government orders, it might have been impossible to proceed long ago.

Now even the person in charge of the official residence newspaper buys entertainment newspapers regularly.

The same goes for some literati, and even some old-fashioned ones. While criticizing and attacking entertainment newspapers, saying that such vulgar and devoid of literary talent should be banned for fear of damaging public morals, etc., they secretly sent their servants to buy them. , read behind closed doors.

This is so fragrant!

Some officials took entertainment newspapers and entered the palace one after another.

You must know that it is approaching the New Year, and most of the officials in the DPRK and China are already on vacation.

It is said that the emperor will not hold the New Year's Eve banquet this year. The reason is that there have been too many disasters this year and it is not appropriate to be extravagant and wasteful. Even the palace expenses must be reduced.

Some people immediately believed the entertainment newspaper when they saw it, and asked their families to follow the preventive measures in the report; others were dubious and ordered people to investigate whether the snakes and poultry were true; a few people thought it was nonsense and believed that Jiaoyang County The Lord started spreading rumors to make money.

When it got dark, Du Wan returned to the house.

The small kitchen has prepared meals for her.

When he returned to his home, Du Wan felt the changes in his home.

Lanterns were hung everywhere in the mansion, illuminating the princess's mansion brightly.

In the courtyard or garden, tents were set up in open spaces, and the servants were busy. Du Wan also set up tents in Jade Spirit Garden. Some of the tents looked very good, but some were much rougher. When I saw the eldest princess's side, there was a tent made of unknown fur. It looked very high-end.

Du Wan sneaked over to the eldest princess and said, "Mother, this is..."

"To prevent earthquakes, everyone will live outside the house tonight." The eldest princess looked very busy, and servants would come to ask questions from time to time.

In the eyes of Du Wan, a country bumpkin, he has the aura of pointing the country.

Du Wanfang walked lightly to Pei Hao's side, "What are you doing?"

"I want something and money." Pei Hao glanced at the direction where Prince Consort Du was busy. He was counting something. After a while, he picked up his notes and started writing something. Occasionally, he would argue with others.

Du Wan looked very hard.

The current household department is just like a vegetable market.

Du Wan asked: "What is my father doing?"

"Give me the approval note. The warehouse needs to withdraw some materials, such as tents, etc., and it also needs the seal of my father-in-law." Pei Hao's meaning is very clear. The Ministry of Revenue manages the country's money bag. If other departments want anything, they usually ask the Ministry of Household. Reach out, Prince Consort Du is the Minister of the Ministry of Revenue, and many things have to pass through his hands.

Du Wan asked in a low voice: "Has your tent been set up?"

Pei Hao replied in a low voice, "The butler has been put in charge."

"and you"

"It's my duty, and I have to handle official duties even when I'm sick. Ahem." Pei Hao clenched one hand into a fist, put it to his mouth and coughed lightly, pretending to be a little weak.

Dont be too fake in the eyes of the little girl next to you.

Pei Hao couldn't pretend anymore when he saw her disdainful eyes. But he said to the outside world that he was recuperating from illness, and he still had to pretend in front of others. Unfortunately, the emperor would still call him out to work when there was a disaster, and it was not easy to even see the little girl.

He stood next to her, covered by his long sleeves and cloak, and gently hooked her little hand with his fingers.

The little girl looked sideways at him, and privately brushed her hand to brush his fingers away. Her big eyes were full of warning, "There are many people here, don't act recklessly."

There is no one here who is more serious than this prince.

She almost wanted to roll her eyes at him.

But she is a girl, so she needs to be reserved outside.

Just when he wanted to forcefully grab the naughty little hand, Prince Consort Du, who was sitting at the desk in front of him, put down his pen and suddenly raised his head, just in time to see the two of them not far away -

Du Consort's eyelids twitched, "Wanwan? Chengming?"

"Yes, father-in-law." Pei Hao led the little girl forward and called out in a dignified manner.

Du Wan:

Officials around:

Its quite cool for the prince to call his father-in-law, but no, they havent gotten married yet.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!