Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:31:05 AM

Chapter 532: This is just a message

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Chapter 532: This is just a message

Chapter 532 This is just a message

In the palace.

Du Wan and Pei Hao spent some time to figure out most of the ins and outs of the emperor's poisoning.

Three days ago, it was Concubine Xies birthday.

Due to the continuous disasters in the Qin Kingdom, Concubine Xies birthday banquet was not held in a big way, and she only invited the emperor to join her.

The first half of the trip was very warm and affectionate.

The emperor's vigilance inevitably dropped a bit, and the longevity noodles that were served were shared by two people. Unexpectedly, the longevity noodles were poisoned, and not long after taking them, Concubine Xie died of the poison. He was ferocious, his eyes widened and he was very unwilling.

Anyone else would be dissatisfied.

This death came very suddenly. Concubine Xie had lived a prosperous life and never thought that she would die in such a way. She didn't even have a chance to say her last words.

The emperor, on the other hand, did not eat much and did not die on the spot.

Before the emperor fell into a coma, he ordered the palace to be sealed and he asked people to investigate the matter thoroughly. Then, as everyone knows, they searched and searched, and finally found the eldest maid next to the queen.

Many people now believe that the queen poisoned Concubine Xie, and they never thought that the emperor would be implicated. After all, things like longevity noodles are usually eaten by the birthday boy. Who would have expected that Concubine Xie would express her love by saying she was willing to share her longevity noodles with the emperor?

This is the price of love!The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

Du Wan always felt that there was something else involved, but he couldn't find it out for a while.

Pei Hao touched her head and said, "Why are you struggling so much? It was indeed Qin Yuyu who poisoned her. No matter how many people were behind it, no one forced her to do this."

Du Wan understood what he meant.

So what if someone adds fuel to the flames? That also requires Qin Yuyu to have the intention of killing his father.

For a normal person, if someone suggests that he or she wants to kill his father or mother, the most important thing to do is not to listen, but to backhand the person who made the suggestion in a timely manner, because only people have either bad intentions or are completely heartless.

Pei Hao thought for a moment and said, "Wanwan, we can't delay it any longer."

"Yes, I know." Du Wan felt sorry for the emperor.

Just now she heard from the words of the commander of the imperial guards that the emperor's situation was not good.

Before Du Wan came in this time, Du Qian sent someone to give her an antidote pill. What she had seen was that she had bought this kind of detoxification pill from the old monk Yuantong once before, but she gave the detoxification pill to the emperor.

The emperor was poisoned but did not die, probably because of this reason.

Du Wan stared ahead, thinking about how to get closer.

How about showing up directly?

It's just that this will alert the guards outside.

If Du Wan didn't know that Qin Yuyu was having an affair with the commander and deputy commander of the Imperial Guard, maybe she would have gone in with such arrogance. The problem was that she didn't want to alarm Qin Yuyu at this time.

No matter what you say, Qin Yuyu is still the daughter of the emperor.

Without definite evidence, would he believe that Qin Yuyu wanted to kill him? Du Wan should do her job well and don't do anything for others.

How to solve the problem afterwards is a problem between father and daughter.

It is not easy for outsiders to decide for the emperor...

Du Wan waited for a long time, and finally she got an opportunity.

He is the dean of Taiyuan Hospital. He walked out of the side hall. He looked like he was going to the toilet? Du Wan was waiting inside. When Zaiyuan was about to go back, he pulled him to the corner when no one was paying attention.

Yuan Zheng was taken aback, and when he wanted to speak, someone covered his mouth.

Du Wan warned: "Don't shout, it's my princess."

"Princess, Princess?" The court heard her face clearly, "Princess, what do you want?"

I want to see my uncle, but I dont want to alarm the guards outside. Du Wan said her intention directly.

Yuan Zheng was stunned, "You are the princess, can you visit me openly?"

Nonsense, I can go in openly and openly, why do I need to look for you?


Im not asking you to do anything.

But this is the case.

"Do you believe that this princess will beat you?" Du Wan took out the whip and waved it in his hand.

Yuan Zheng's eyes were not yet dim, so he naturally knew what it was. Forced by Du Wan's threat, he could only pretend to compromise, "But I can't get close to the emperor's bedroom alone, let alone go in."

Then, go and call the chief steward for me.

Okay. This was just a message, and the court official did not refuse.

PS: Thank you for the tips, I love you, okay~

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!