Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:30:26 AM

Chapter 562: Du Wan is operating behind the scenes

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Chapter 562: Du Wan is operating behind the scenes

Chapter 562 Du Wan is operating behind the scenes

Du Wan's eyes widened when she received the code given by Du Qian, and she rubbed her hands excitedly, "So, clan leader, will the clan help solve the food problem?"

The old patriarch nodded, "I will help, but you have to step forward."

"Okay, I will step in and follow the big brother's plan." Du Wan decided to be an emotionless tool. From the Du family's inheritance of jade tablets and immortal space, she guessed that this family was not simple and had unknown secrets.

Now that she is fine, she finally knows the reason.

It's just that opening the seal is a bit tricky. The merit required is too great and cannot be achieved by one person. The current troubled times are an opportunity for the Du family.

This family has been waiting for thousands of years, maybe waiting for today.

Du Wan was very emotional in her heart, and was not as stupid as she showed in front of others.

The old patriarch immediately discussed with Du Qian without avoiding Du Wan himself.

Before taking action, the clan leader said: "We need to hold a high-level meeting as soon as possible. This requires the concerted efforts of the entire clan."

"What you said is absolutely true. It's best to inform the tribesmen everywhere." Du Qian's meaning was very clear, and he meant to use the efforts of the whole tribe. "On the surface, I hope that my sister will come forward. In this way, most of the merits will be lost." On to her head."

This is the same as Du Qian's previous insistence that she go collect donations of grain.

Du Wan thought, dont you need my permission to do this?

Thinking of the large amount of money that would be spent in the future, Du Qian came up with the idea of the emperor's private treasury.

Last time, the emperor only spent part of the large sum of money he received from Du Wan, and most of it was in his private treasury. According to Du Qian's plan, this is a rhythm that will cost him nothing.

The emperor's uncle didn't get any favors either, and Du Wan's psychology was inexplicably unbalanced.

However, when it came to informing the whole clan, the old clan leader and Du Qian wanted to be on the safe side and decided to postpone it for the time being.Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

For example, the problem of grain seeds is solved first, and the clan leader directly supports it. This is to try the operation and see if the color of the other shore flower in the jade medal will deepen.

As long as the color deepens, it proves that this is feasible.


So Du Wan was pushed to the shelves, and she had no time to think about anything else.

At this time, Du Wan's little cleverness comes in handy again.

She wrote a headline herself with impure motives, which was very provocative.

This is to change the headline of the next issue of the "Entertainment News" to a solicitation for grain donations, and pointed out in a bad way that the people have no grain, and the government has repeatedly opened granaries for disaster relief. In some areas, even grain grains are used as relief food. .

Its not that the imperial court didnt want to buy grain seeds, its that there was no place to buy them in Da Qin!

The eldest princess was stunned.

When Du Prince Consort and Du Qian heard the little girl's move, they both gave her a thumbs up.

Du Wan couldn't hide the pride on her face, "This is almost like bargaining. You set a high price first, and then pay a higher price. With the comparison, it will be easier for everyone to accept it."

The work of collecting grain donations will be much smoother after such a fuss.

Just as Du Wan expected.

Early the next morning.

Members of the Du family drove cart after cart of grain to the Hubu Yamen. It is said that Princess Jiaoyang was worried about the grain for spring plowing, so she went to persuade the clan leader to donate it.

The people watching counted a total of two hundred carts.

It is the kind that is stacked high, and every cart is full.

When the officials from the Ministry of Household Affairs went up to check, they found that the grains were all of the best quality and not adulterated at all.

This matter spread quickly in the capital and caused an uproar. Now that's not all. The Zhenguo Duke's Mansion and the Pei family sent people to send 80 carts of grain. The Zhenguo Duke's Mansion sent fifty carts from various villages, and the other thirty carts were put together by the Pei family. from.

Not every family is a Du family.

The town government can collect fifty cars, which is already the maximum limit.

It is extremely rare for the Pei clan to collect thirty carts from each household.

Du Qian immediately issued an edict in the name of the emperor, asking the Minister of Household Affairs, Du's son-in-law, to distribute these grains on the spot and distribute them free of charge to the people waiting for spring plowing.

In order to avoid being deceived by others, Du Qian also specifically asked those who received the grain to record the accounts clearly at each level, and also dispatched some officers and soldiers from the Imperial City Department to supervise.

As long as someone is found to dare to commit fraud, he will be directly dismissed from his post and investigated. In serious cases, he will be beheaded in public.

Different from the emperor being in power.

Du Qians methods are more agile and his acting style is distinctive.

There were some old guys who wanted to cause trouble for him by relying on their old age, so he directly bypassed them and gave orders.

Those who do not perform well will be dismissed from their posts and investigated.

Those who have done well will be rewarded or promoted.

In other words, Du Qian wanted some people to unite and stop working. The Guards were not vegetarians. The person in charge of the Guards now was Pei Hao. It can be said that Du Qian attacked wherever he pointed and successfully cleared out some moths.

The vigorous and resolute actions came two or three times, and the officials in the DPRK suddenly became as silent as a cicada.

The efficiency of this work is not generally high.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!