Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:29:57 AM

Chapter 581: Princess Jiaoyang scolded the courtiers

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Chapter 581: Princess Jiaoyang scolded the courtiers

Chapter 581 Princess Jiaoyang scolds the courtiers

The magnificent Fengtian Hall.

Significant and solemn, yet beautiful.

On the nine-dragon gold lacquer throne, the emperor sat upright.

There is a stool on each side of him, with brother and sister Du Qian and Du Wan sitting respectively.

Pei Hao had a sword hanging on his waist and stood at the position of the commander of the Imperial Guard, while Mu Si'an had already merged into the ranks of the military attachs below.

Since it was reported that the emperor was ill, Du Qian took over the affairs of the court. This was the first time that the emperor went to court.

The emperor's expression was not good, but his aura remained the same, "You must have heard about the rebellion of the Wei family in the northwest. You may have heard of it. If you have any suggestions, feel free to mention them. We must discuss a result in the morning meeting."

The courtiers below were as quiet as chickens.

After waiting for a long time, no one stood up and spoke.

The emperor had actually expected that these people would only stand up to obstruct him when he wanted to do something, and even quoted scriptures as if they were the correct attitude. If he agrees to send troops today, they will jump out and oppose it. If he said he couldn't send troops, they would object.

In short, these people are just nitpicking.

The emperor's face became gloomy again and he spoke, "Since no one has come forward, I ask you, should we send troops or not? Don't pretend to be dumb at this moment. Aren't you quite capable of speaking on weekdays?"

After a long while, someone finally stepped out, it was the Duke of Zhen Guo, "Your Majesty, for the sake of the national prestige and face of the Qin Dynasty, I support sending troops to attack the Wei Wei."

"Your Majesty, I am opposed to sending troops." The one who stood up this time was the Minister of War.

The Secretary of the Ministry of War said sternly: "Sending troops is extremely laborious for the people and money. There have been several natural disasters in a row, and it is now difficult for the people to even eat. If we fight again, it will undoubtedly make things worse. The most important point is that we can't get enough food and grass. Therefore, Wei Chen feels that we should send people Go to recruit people and persuade them to surrender."

No one dares to say that this is wrong.

Everyone knows that Da Qin is currently short of food.

If the emperor insists on sending troops, weapons and raising food and grass, it will fall on the head of the Minister of War. In fact, some people understand the reasons for Ma Shangshu's opposition.

At this time, some ministers stood up and agreed with the Minister of War.

Mu Si'an also stood up and supported the Duke of Zhen in sending troops.

What is the waste of people and money, and what is selfless?

Every man is responsible for the rise and fall of a country.

Fooling! It's all a big lie.

Du Wan looked at the Minister of War with cold eyes and snorted coldly, "Some people are really so responsible. They go to court every day to oppose this and that. They talk about a lot of great principles and encounter dangerous tasks. , but escaped faster than anyone else. Hey, look at it, everyone is covered in fat, and they are still shouting about worrying about the country and the people?"

"I would like to ask, how do you care about the country and the people?"

So what, Ill make you fat and fat, and the common people outside will be as big as two.

It can be seen that there must be a lot of food in the house.

Its over!

So much has been said before, you can ignore it.

This last one is the key point, focus on it.

Then, and more importantly, Du Wan made a grand guess, "There is such a shortage of food in the market, so it's not like you are hoarding food privately."

As soon as these words came out.

Some of the civil and military officials below, especially the fat officials, all turned pale with fright. The offensiveness of the princess's words can be said to be indistinguishable.

"No!" Someone knelt down in fear and clarified, "Weichen is definitely not! He just gained a little weight, and the doctor said it was a result of obesity. It has nothing to do with whether he eats well or not."

"Wei Chen swears to God that I will never hoard food in private... The doctor said that I have a body that makes me gain weight even if I drink water."

The humble minister dares to use his head as a guarantee...

One by one, they knelt down to express their loyalty, giving various explanations and even the most bizarre excuses.

Just now we were all chattering and discussing the issue of the northwest rebels.

This time its better, the style of painting has changed.

Just because Princess Jiaoyang said a few words, especially the excuses those people made, the emperor almost became angry.

Du Qian next to him raised his sleeves and coughed silently from time to time, just to hide the smile at the corner of his mouth.

Its quite interesting. My sister should go to court more often! Seeing how she treated the courtiers, no, no, she scolded them so hard that they didn't even dare to say a word. Although the scolding is a bit of a generalization, it makes sense if you think about it carefully.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!