Published at 19th of June 2024 06:52:55 AM

Chapter 11

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As I tread carefully through the silent forest, the weight of the newly acquired items in my pack reminds give me a safety feeling. The map fragment, particularly, intrigues me. It could lead to more treasures or perhaps vital information about the war zone I find myself in.

With each step, I keep an eye out for any signs of danger. The forest feels dense, with shadows lurking between the trees. I tighten my grip on my survival knife, ready for whatever may come.

After some minutes and two lorgs dead, I manage to return to my hiding place. Now, with the fading light of the setting sun filtering through the foliage, casting an orange hue over everything, I take a moment to inspect the map fragment. It's old, worn, but the markings on it are clear. Several locations are highlighted, some closer than others.

After some moments, I think I've found the position of the lorgs' lair, and with that, I also locate the position of my hiding place. I decide that, as I am much stronger than the first time, I can try to go to the nearest marked spot. In the map, there is a place named "Spawn Point"; it could be a point where the lorgs spawn, and at this moment, I need the lorgs for level up and get more coins.

As the last rays of sunlight pierced through the trees, I folded the map fragment carefully and tucked it back into my pack.

With a deep breath, I checked my gear once more, ensuring everything was in place. The survival knife was strapped securely to my belt, and my pack felt heavier with the newly acquired items. I couldn't afford any mistakes.

Leaving my hiding place behind, I moved stealthily through the forest, my senses on high alert. The dense foliage made every step a calculated risk, each snap of a twig or rustle of leaves setting my heart racing.

As I drew closer to the marked location on the map, the forest seemed to grow darker, the air heavier with an ominous stillness. I slowed my pace, crouching low to the ground, my eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of danger.

Finally, I reached the outskirts of the area marked as "Spawn Point." Peering through the underbrush, I saw a clearing ahead, bathed in the dim glow of the setting sun. The ground seemed disturbed, with faint tracks leading into the center.

Taking a moment to steady my nerves, I steeled myself for what lay ahead. If my assumptions were correct, this could be the beginning of a dangerous encounter. But the potential rewards outweighed the risks.

With cautious steps, I approached the edge of the clearing, keeping to the shadows. The sounds of the forest seemed to fade away, replaced by a strange silence that sent a shiver down my spine.

Then, in the distance, I heard it - a low, guttural growl, followed by the unmistakable sound of movement. Lorgs. They were coming.

I crouched lower, readying my weapons, anticipation coursing through my veins. This was it, the moment where my skills would be put to the test in this unforgiving wilderness.

With the sound of approaching lorgs growing louder, I swiftly reached for my bow, ensuring an arrow was notched and ready. The survival axe hung from my belt, its weight reassuring against my thigh, while the survival knife remained within easy reach.

Peering through the undergrowth, I spotted the first of the creatures emerging into the clearing. Their thick, fur-covered bodies moved with an unsettling grace as they prowled, sniffing the air, searching for prey.

Taking a deep breath, I steadied my aim, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. As the closest lorg came within range, I released the arrow, watching it fly true and strike the creature in the side.

The lorg let out a deafening roar, alerting its companions as it stumbled back, wounded. Without hesitation, I drew another arrow and fired, this time aiming for its head. The arrow found its mark, and the creature collapsed with a thud.

But the noise had attracted more attention. The other lorgs charged forward, their eyes fixed on me with hunger and aggression.

I swiftly switched to my survival axe, knowing that the bow wouldn't be as effective at close range. As the first lorg lunged towards me, I sidestepped its attack and swung the axe with all my strength, striking it squarely in the side.

The blade bit deep, but the lorg's thick hide absorbed most of the blow. With a snarl, it retaliated, swiping at me with its clawed paw. I dodged narrowly, feeling the rush of air as its claws missed my face by inches.

Backing away, I kept my eyes on the advancing creatures, calculating my next move. They were relentless, but I was determined. With quick, precise strikes of my axe and well-timed slashes of my survival knife, I fought back, each blow fueled by adrenaline and survival instinct.

The battle raged on, the sounds of snarls and clashes echoing through the forest. Despite the odds, I held my ground, pushing myself to the limit.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the last of the lorgs fell, defeated. I stood amidst the clearing, panting heavily, covered in sweat and dirt, but victorious.

As the adrenaline began to ebb away, I surveyed the scene. The bodies of the lorgs lay still, silent reminders of the dangers lurking in this unforgiving land.

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