Published at 19th of June 2024 06:52:54 AM

Chapter 12

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As the dust settled and the adrenaline rush began to subside, I scanned the clearing cautiously, alert for any signs of movement. Despite the victory, a sense of unease lingered in the air. I knew better than to let my guard down just yet.

Suddenly, a rustle from the underbrush caught my attention. Instinctively, I spun around, tightening my grip on the survival axe. But there was nothing there, just the swaying of foliage in the aftermath of the battle.

Just as I began to relax, a faint whisper of movement sounded behind me. Before I could react, a dark shape lunged out from the shadows, its movements fluid and silent.

I barely had time to register the gleam of razor-sharp claws before pain erupted along my back. The stealthy lorg had caught me off guard, its surprise attack slicing through my skin, muscle, some organs like the kidney  and some bones with alarming ease even with my 17 points in hardness, at least it was in the righty part of my back and don't made any damage in to my spinal column.

Gritting my teeth against the pain, I stumbled forward, wheeling around to face the creature. It blended seamlessly with the darkness, its form barely discernible as it circled me with deadly precision.

With each step, my skills {regeneration} ,{Vitality Store} and {Improvement of Regeneration}  kicked into overdrive, knitting together the torn flesh and closing the wounds almost as quickly as they were made. But even with my enhanced healing, I knew I couldn't afford to let this lorg get the upper hand again.

I spun to meet its next attack, survival knife flashing in my hand. The lorg moved with uncanny speed, darting in and out of the shadows like a phantom. It was unlike any lorg I had faced before, its stealth abilities making it a formidable opponent.

Focusing all my senses, I listened for the telltale signs of its approach. There, a faint rustle to my left. Without hesitation, I lunged in that direction, slashing out with the knife.

My blade connected with fur and flesh, eliciting a guttural hiss of pain from the lorg. It staggered back momentarily, allowing me a brief respite to reassess the situation.

But the lorg wasn't done yet. With renewed ferocity, it launched itself at me again, claws extended. I ducked and rolled, narrowly avoiding its slashing attacks. Each encounter was a dance of death, where a single misstep could mean the end.

Drawing upon every ounce of my strength and skill, I fought back, trading blows with the elusive creature. Its stealth gave it an advantage, but my determination burned brighter.

As the battle wore on, I began to anticipate its movements, countering its stealth with my own heightened senses. With a well-timed strike, I managed to land a solid blow, driving the lorg back with a roar of pain.

But it wasn't over yet. The lorg, wounded but not defeated, launched one final desperate attack. With a ferocious snarl, it leaped at me, claws outstretched.

Summoning every ounce of my resolve, I met its charge head-on. Survival knife met claw in a clash of steel and fury. With a final, decisive strike, I drove the knife deep into the creature's chest.

The lorg let out a haunting shriek, its form dissipating into the shadows as it fell, defeated at last. I stood there, chest heaving, wounds slowly closing as my super regeneration worked its magic.

As silence descended upon the clearing once more, Despite the odds, I had emerged victorious against a foe unlike any other.

But the battle had taken its toll, and I knew I had to move quickly. 

With the threat neutralized, I wasted no time in leaving the eerie silence of the  surroundings of the spawn point behind. The fading light of the setting sun urged me to move, casting long shadows through the dense forest as I retraced my steps back to safety.

As I walked, my mind churned with thoughts of the encounter. The stealthy lorg had caught me off guard, its abilities posing a danger I hadn't anticipated. I couldn't shake the feeling that there might be more lurking in the shadows, creatures with abilities beyond my knowledge.

Reaching a safe distance from the spawn point, I paused to catch my breath, leaning against a sturdy tree trunk. My senses remained on high alert, wary of any new threats that might emerge from the depths of the forest.

The map fragment burned in my pocket, its worn surface a testament to the mysteries it held. The markings, now illuminated by the dimming light, seemed to taunt me with promises of treasure and peril.

I knew I had to tread carefully. Each step deeper into the forest could lead me to greater dangers or untold riches. But I was undeterred. The lure of adventure and the need to survive in this land invaded by the lorgs.

[do you wan to get out of the war zone?]

after a moment of thinking i decide is enough for today and i  return home 

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