Published at 19th of June 2024 06:52:52 AM

Chapter 14

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Determined and fully equipped, I stood before the mirror, adjusting the fit of the Enchanted Camouflage Cloak. It clung to me like a second skin, its colors shifting to match the dim light of my room. The Improved Detection Monocle fit snugly over my right eye, its lens flickering with a faint blue glow. I took one last deep breath, steeling myself for what lay ahead.

I activated the teleportation command to go to the warzone, feeling a familiar tingle spread across my skin as the room dissolved around me. Within moments, I found myself back in the warzone, at the edge of the dense forest where the last encounter had taken place.

The forest was eerily silent, the usual chirping of birds and rustling of leaves absent. I activated the monocle, scanning the surroundings for any sign of movement. Subtle shifts in the underbrush and faint heat signatures became visible, confirming the presence of lurking lorgs. The cloak adjusted to the mottled greens and browns of the forest, rendering me nearly invisible as I moved cautiously forward.

My goal was clear: reach the respawn point, a small clearing deep within the forest where I could recuperate and strategize. With the improved equipment, I felt more confident, but the memory of the stealthy lorgs kept me vigilant. Every step was deliberate, every sound analyzed for potential threats.

The journey was tense, each minute stretching into an eternity. My heightened senses picked up on movements and sounds I would have missed before. A rustle to my left made me freeze, my hand instinctively reaching for the hilt of my survival knife. A lorg emerged, its eyes scanning the area, unaware of my presence. I held my breath, watching as it moved past me, its heavy footsteps fading into the distance.

I pressed on after killing it with a swift strike of my axe to its neck, the clearing drawing nearer with each step. The trees thinned out, revealing a clearing bathed in dappled sunlight.

But my respite was short-lived. As I approached the center of the clearing, a low growl echoed through the trees. I spun around, monocle-enhanced vision revealing the outline of a lorg creeping through the underbrush. This one was different, its movements more deliberate, its eyes scanning with a keen intelligence. A detection lorg.

I had anticipated this. The Improved Detection Monocle revealed its position, giving me a critical advantage. I moved slowly, the cloak blending me into the surroundings. The lorg sniffed the air, sensing my presence but unable to pinpoint my location. I took a deep breath, calculating my next move.

In a swift motion, I drew my knife and launched myself at the detection lorg. The element of surprise was on my side, the blade sinking into its flesh before it could react. It let out a pained howl, thrashing as it tried to shake me off. I held on, driving the knife deeper until it collapsed, lifeless, onto the forest floor.

I stood over the fallen lorg, chest heaving with exertion. The encounter had been a close one, but my preparation had paid off. I retrieved my knife, wiping it clean before returning it to its sheath. The detection lorg was proof that these creatures were more intelligent than I had thought at first, becoming more strategic in their attacks.

I couldn't let my guard down. The warzone was becoming more dangerous, but I was determined to survive and continue my quest for immortality. I took a moment to collect myself, then resumed my journey.

As I ventured deeper into the warzone's treacherous terrain, the eerie silence was shattered by a series of guttural growls echoing through the trees. My grip tightened around the hilt of my bow as I scanned the area, the monocle's flickering lens revealing the heat signatures of multiple lorgs closing in from all sides.

Steeling myself, I pressed forward, the cloak's camouflage shifting to blend seamlessly with the dappled shadows of the forest floor.

The guttural growls intensified, reverberating through the trees as the lorgs closed in. With my monocle, I could make out their heat signatures converging on my position. I nocked an arrow, drawing the bowstring taut as I prepared for their attack.

Suddenly, a massive lorg burst through the underbrush directly ahead of me. Its jaws were agape, thick ropes of saliva hanging from its curved fangs. Without hesitating, I loosed the arrow. It found its mark, burying itself in the lorg's exposed neck. The creature let out a pained bellow, stumbling forward a few steps before collapsing.

But there was no time to revel in that small victory. More lorgs emerged from the treeline, their growls rising to an ear-splitting volume. I scrambled backwards, fumbling to retrieve another arrow as they closed the distance with alarming speed.

A smaller lorg lunged at me from the side. I pivoted sharply, swinging my bow like a staff and catching it across the face. It yelped and recoiled, but two more took its place, their claws extended as they charged.

Abandoning the bow, I unsheathed my survival knife, the blade glinting in the dappled light. The cloak's camouflage whirred as it struggled to keep up with my movements. I sidestepped one lorg's swipe, burying the knife in its flank as it sailed past. It howled in agony, crashing into the underbrush.

The second lorg barreled into me, its weight slamming me to the ground. My head smacked against a gnarled root, stars bursting across my vision. Desperately, I drove the knife upwards, feeling it punch through flesh and bone. The lorg went rigid above me before rolling away, unmoving.

Gasping for air, I staggered back to my feet, retrieving my knife from the lorg's remains. The forest seemed to spin around me as I fought to stay upright. My ears rang from the proximity of their deafening growls.

Then, through my disorientation, movement in my periphery—another lorg, eyes wild and fangs bared as it charged towards me. Time seemed to slow as it closed the distance, each bone-rattling step resonating in my bones.

I tightened my grip on the knife, planting my feet as I braced for impact. At the last possible second, I dropped into a crouch, allowing the lorg's momentum to carry it over my bent form. As it sailed overhead, I lashed out with the blade, feeling it slice deep into its underbelly.

The lorg crashed to the ground behind me with a sickening thud. I whirled to face it, prepared to finish the kill, but the creature was already still, a pool of viscous fluid rapidly spreading beneath it.

The forest fell silent once more, save for my own ragged breathing. I scanned the area warily, knife raised, but there were no further signs of movement, no additional growls or heat signatures detectable through my monocle.

For the moment, at least, my ambush had been thwarted. I reclaimed my bow and remaining arrows, burying the knife in its sheath once more. Flecks of lorg blood marred my cloak and stung my eyes, but I was alive.

Some of the creatures lay twitching in their final moments, while others were clearly slain. It seemed that they had enough intelligence to coordinate their efforts. It also seemed that the Enchanted Camouflage Cloak was only effective when I was still, as I had experienced the first time I fought against a detection lorg. However, my enhanced equipment and skills had prevailed...this time.

Wearily, I continued on towards the respawn point, boots squelching through the gore-soaked underbrush. At least my skills give me super regeneration, and I don't need to be afraid of fighting injured or getting infections after fighting.


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