Published at 19th of June 2024 06:52:51 AM

Chapter 15

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[Race: Human]


[Level: 8]

[Talent: Vitality Regeneration]


Strength: 18

Agility: 18

Toughness: 18

Endurance: 18

Vitality: 26

Intelligence: 18

Senses: 18

Stat Points: 0


Physical exams: 3]

[Career Ability:] {Adaptation: over time, you can adapt to anything.}

[Innate Abilities:]

{Regeneration Enhancement (passive) lvl10: enhances all forms of regeneration in the body (includes natural regeneration and external forms of healing). The increase is equal to (100*skill level)%}

{Regeneration (active) lvl9: Once activated, you regenerate damage in your body. Regeneration is equal to (your vitality*skill level)}

{Vitality Store (passive) lvl10: when your body's vitality is not used to heal injuries, it will be stored for later use. The maximum storage capacity is (your vitality*skill level)}

After assigning the free point to have a slight advantage, I continue my path.

As I walked towards the respawn point, the mysterious stillness of the forest returned. But I remained alert, knowing that the loorgs could be anywhere, lurking out of sight. The flickering lens of the monocle scanned every shadow, every subtle disturbance in the undergrowth.

That's when I spotted it: a faint heat signal, barely perceptible among the dappled patterns of the forest floor. I froze, forcing my eyes to identify its source. There, slithering almost imperceptibly between the leaves and the underbrush, was a loorg unlike any I had encountered before. Its body was elongated, muscular, built for stealth rather than brute strength. I realized with a shiver that it must be one of the stealthy loorgs.

I reached for an arrow but thought better of it: any movement could trigger its attack. Instead, I waited, barely breathing, as the serpentine horror began to slide in my direction. Its scaly body propelled it forward with surprising speed, closing the distance between us.

Timing was everything. I forced my racing heart to steady, calling upon reserves of patience instilled in me through hard training. The loorg's triangular head swayed from side to side, its flickering black tongue constantly sampling the air around me.

When it was just a few meters away, I struck. With a fluid motion, I drew my knife and lunged forward, the blade sinking into the neck of the stealthy loorg. It convulsed violently, its jaws snapping wildly as I wrestled it to the ground. I pinned its thrashing body beneath my boot, driving the knife deeper until its movements ceased.

With my chest heaving, I retrieved the blade and checked myself for wounds. Some minor lacerations, already reconstructing. The regeneration ability was invaluable and always dependable, but I knew facing these stealthy loorgs would require incredible precision.

Sheathing my knife, I continued onward to the respawn point, now more cautious than ever of potential ambushes. The war zone grew more treacherous with each new threat. But I was determined to achieve immortality, no matter how many loorgs stood in my way.

Barely had I traveled half a mile more when the lens of my monocle blinked with multiple heat signatures rapidly approaching. Turning, I saw them: a group of four loorgs, three regular loorgs accompanied by another stealthy serpent slithering through the foliage.

They emerged into the clearing, grunting and menacingly grinding their jagged teeth. The loorgs spread out, attempting to encircle me, while the stealthy one hung back, waiting for the opportune moment.

I nocked an arrow and let it fly, bringing down one of the loorgs with a well-placed shot to the eye socket. The others charged, ignoring my arrows as mere nuisances.

With a roar, the first loorg leaped at me, jaws open. I sidestepped and swung my axe, cleaving through its thick neck, spraying foul green ichor. It collapsed with a guttural grunt.

The remaining two rushed me together. I dropped, narrowly avoiding their jaws, and rose attacking in a furious flurry. My sword struck one in the face, blinding it. The claws of the other loorg scratched my side, but the wounds healed rapidly.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the stealthy loorg crouching to attack. Acting swiftly, I grabbed the blinded loorg and hurled its mass toward the serpentine horror. They collided with a nauseating crunch of scales and bones.

Seizing the brief opening, I turned to the last, furious loorg. We clashed in a frenzied whirlwind of fangs, claws, and steel. But my strength surged with my reserves of vitality, and my grievous wounds closed almost as soon as they were inflicted.

With one final surge of power, I drove my sword into the loorg's mouth, deep into its brain. It fell to the forest floor in a heap.

Battered but victorious, I cleaned my weapons as the last of my wounds sealed perfectly.

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