Published at 19th of June 2024 06:52:50 AM

Chapter 16

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The closer I get to the respawn point of the Lorgs, the more Lorgs I encounter. And the more Lorgs I kill, the more coins and levels I gain.

Something I've noticed is that even though my levels increase and I have more points in each stat, the Lorgs seem to be just as strong as I am. It's just a hypothesis, but it seems like the Lorgs that appear have similar stats to mine. If I'm right, it means that the higher I level up, the more powerful the Lorgs become. The only difference is that my equipment and skills are superior.

With that thought, I recall the system tutorial, which emphasized having high-level skills and good equipment over high stats.

But I can't theorize any further because I found another Lorg, and it's different from the others. It's more like a mix of a turtle and a gorm, a fat worm. As always, I take my bow and shoot it in the neck, or what I think is the neck. After some guttural sounds, another Lorg dies, but it starts to swell. I step back, just to be safe, assuming it will explode.

And I was right: the Lorg exploded, emitting a loud sound and spreading its viscous yellow blood everywhere. It took me a second to realize that the explosion didn't cause much damage to the surroundings, meaning it wasn't a danger to me.

But I was wrong when my monocle and senses detected multiple signals indicating that Lorgs were approaching. I finally realized that this Lorg's job was to attract other Lorgs when it died.

With a sigh of resignation, I prepare to fight, looking for a spot to hide and shoot some arrows before engaging in melee combat.

I found a large tree with low branches and quickly climbed up, positioning myself among the dense foliage. From this vantage point, I had a clear view of the clearing below. I could see the Lorgs converging at the explosion site, their guttural grunts filling the air. There were at least six, and their eyes gleamed menacingly in the twilight.

Drawing an arrow from my quiver, I nocked it and aimed at the nearest Lorg. It was a huge brute with thick skin that looked like armor. I aimed at a weak spot near its eye and released the arrow. It flew true, hitting the Lorg with a sickening thud. The creature roared in pain and staggered, but did not fall.

Unfazed, I drew another arrow and aimed at a smaller, more agile Lorg, a stealthy Lorg. This one had a sleek, almost serpentine body, and moved quickly, zigzagging between the trees. I waited for the right moment and then let the arrow fly. It struck the Lorg in the side, and it collapsed to the ground with a sharp cry.

The other Lorgs were now aware of my presence. They began to disperse, searching for me. I knew I couldn't stay in one place for long. I moved silently along the tree branches, finding a new position and aiming at another Lorg. This one was trying to climb the tree, its claws digging into the bark. I aimed at its head and released the arrow. It hit its mark, and the Lorg fell, crashing to the ground.

Three down, three to go.

I continued to move, keeping the Lorgs guessing my location. My next target was a normal Lorg with a long, whip-like tail. It moved its tail menacingly as it prowled the clearing, looking for me. I aimed at the base of its tail, hoping to disable its main weapon. The arrow hit home, severing the tail and causing the Lorg to writhe in pain.

The two remaining Lorgs were closing in on my position. I needed to take them out quickly. I drew two arrows, nocked them, and aimed carefully. One Lorg was larger and slower, the other smaller and faster. I aimed first at the larger one, released the arrow, and watched it sink into the creature's chest. The Lorg stumbled but did not fall.

The smaller Lorg leaped at my tree, claws extended. I released the second arrow, hitting it in mid-air. The Lorg fell to the ground, writhing and thrashing, a final arrow to the neck ending its life.

With the six Lorgs defeated, I finally allowed myself a moment to breathe. I climbed down from the tree, retrieved my arrows, and scanned my surroundings for any more threats. The clearing fell silent once more, but I knew it wouldn't last.

It only took a minute for a new group of Lorgs to reach my position, and I knew they would come constantly, perhaps in group waves, but in the end, that was something I wanted: to kill many Lorgs to get more coins and more levels. My {Vitality Store} is large enough for a prolonged fight as my vitality is at 26 and its level is at 10, giving it a storage capacity of 260.

Not to mention {regeneration} which can heal an amount of 239, which is almost the capacity of the {Vitality Store}.


Hours had passed in a blur of unceasing combat. Wave after wave of Lorgs, both the colossal brutes and the stealthy serpentine terrors, seemed drawn to my path like sharks smelling blood in the water.

My muscles burned with fatigue, each movement more laborious than the last. Superficial cuts crossed my flesh, opening and closing constantly thanks to my regenerative powers.

I lost count of how many of the miserable creatures I had slain. For every Lorg killed, two more seemed to take its place, maddened by the scent of ichor spilled by their kin.

At one moment, I was carving my way through a group of beasts, my knife and axe spinning in a lethal dance. The next, I detected the telltale flicker of a stealthy Lorg's heat signature at my back and turned, managing to deflect its spiraling attack with my shield.

On and on it went, a nightmarish cycle of teeth, claws, and scales assaulting me from all angles. The forest seemed to close in from all sides, twisted branches leering like the gnarled faces of vengeful deities.

I moved in a battle trance, every nerve ending on fire, senses honed to a razor's edge. Each resounding clash of steel, each splash of Lorg's viscous blood on the loam, burned into my consciousness with horrifying clarity.

When at last the real wave seemed to ebb, I could barely credit it. I stood amid the dying bodies, heaving great gulps of air that burned my lungs. Brutal cuts marred my flesh, but they were already starting to knit and seal.

The path to immortality was arduous and relentless, I reflected gravely. But I would not be deterred. Not after coming this far. Not by anything... or anyone.

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