Published at 19th of June 2024 06:52:47 AM

Chapter 18

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I continue my life as usual, preparing my weapon. Normally, I use the same needle and thread to sew up my camouflage clothes when the tears aren’t too severe. But this time, the damage is too extensive. The fabric is shredded, a testament to the harsh conditions of the warzone. So, I decide to buy new camouflage clothes to replace the old ones. The new fabric feels stiff, unyielding—just like me when I first arrived in this conflict.


After sorting out my gear, I spend the rest of the day calming myself down and relaxing. It's a routine I’ve developed on days when I can't go to the warzone. The quiet moments are crucial. They’re my sanctuary amidst the chaos. I sit by the window, letting the light filter through the blinds, creating patterns on the floor. I focus on my breathing, in and out, steady and controlled. The tension in my muscles gradually eases as I remind myself that being ready means staying calm, staying rational.


Relaxation isn't just a luxury; it's a necessity. It helps me maintain my sanity. In these moments of stillness, I find clarity. I can plan, I can think ahead, and I can remember why I fight. The warzone demands more than physical strength—it requires a sharp mind, quick decisions, and above all, a steady hand. If I let the stress consume me, I’ll lose my edge, and that’s something I can’t afford.


So, I embrace these peaceful interludes. They’re my armor against the mental strain of battle. They help me process the horrors I’ve seen and the ones I’ll inevitably face again. In these calm moments, I find a fragile balance. I become more than a normal person or a warrior that fight agains the lorgs ; I become a strategist, a thinker. And when the time comes to return to the warzone, I’ll be ready—calm, collected, and resolute.

The next day, I follow my usual routine, preparing everything for another day in the warzone. My new camouflage clothes feel a bit more comfortable  with outh the patches that i did to the old one , and my weapon is ready, gleaming faintly in the early morning light. Just as I'm about to head out, my system blares with an urgent message:




I freeze, the weight of the message sinking in. The warzone is no longer a distant place; it has come to my home. A surge of adrenaline courses through me as I process the information. The Lorgs, a formidable and relentless enemy, are now in my city. There's no time to lose.


Quickly, I access the command center in my device and type, "FIND LORGS GATE." Within seconds, a map of the city appears, with a red dot indicating the location of the spatial gate. It's not far from my current position, near the old industrial district. I need to act fast.


I gather my gear, double-checking everything. My heart pounds, but I force myself to stay calm. The peaceful moments from yesterday have steeled my mind, readying me for the task ahead.


As I move through the city streets, I see signs of the invasion—smoke rising in the distance, the distant sound of gunfire, and people running for cover. The usual hum of the city is replaced by an eerie silence punctuated by chaos.


Reaching the industrial district, I take cover behind a crumbling wall and survey the area. The Lorgs are here, emerging from a shimmering, otherworldly gate. 

I take a deep breath and assess the situation. My mind races through the possibilities. I need to stop Lorgs' advance. Scouting the area, I spot a vantage point on a rooftop nearby that will give me a better view and a strategic advantage.


Moving swiftly and silently, I climb to the rooftop and set up my position. From here, I can see the entire battlefield.With my bow steady in my hands, I take aim at the first Lorg emerging from the gate. A single, precise shot takes him down. The others hesitate, and I use the moment to continue picking off targets. Each arrow is deliberate, each move calculated. I am calm, I am rational, and I am ready to defend my city.

As I continue my assault from the rooftop, taking down Lorgs one by one, I notice movement out of the corner of my eye. Someone is approaching the area with an unusual confidence. He doesn’t look like a cop or a soldier, but there's something unmistakably different about him. He moves with purpose, a determined stride that sets him apart from the panicked civilians fleeing the scene.


My instincts tell me he's another user of the system, like the murderer who appeared a few months ago. To confirm my suspicion, he suddenly bursts into a sprint, moving at a speed that I could never hope to match. Within seconds, he's in the midst of the Lorgs, attacking them with his bare fists. Each punch lands with a force that sends the armored invaders flying, their formidable bodies crumpling under the impact.


I take a moment to recalibrate my strategy. This newcomer is clearly an ally, at least for now, and his presence changes the dynamics of the battlefield. With him engaging the Lorgs in close combat, I can focus on providing cover fire and taking out any that he might miss.


I watch in awe as he moves through the ranks of the Lorgs, a whirlwind of destruction. His fists move with blinding speed, each strike precise and devastating. The Lorgs are clearly unprepared for this kind of resistance. I adjust my aim, taking out those attempting to flank him or those gathering to mount a coordinated counterattack.


The newcomer catches sight of me and nods, a silent acknowledgment of our unspoken alliance. I nod back, continuing to pick off targets from my vantage point. The Lorgs’ numbers begin to dwindle, and for the first time since the invasion began, it feels like we might have a chance to turn the tide.


Despite the chaos, I remain focused. My shots are measured, each one finding its mark. The newcomer’s incredible strength and speed create openings I can exploit, and together, we start to push the Lorgs back towards the gate.


As the battle rages on, I notice a slight shimmer in the air around the gate—it’s destabilizing. This could be our chance to close it and stop more Lorgs from coming through. I signal to the newcomer, pointing towards the gate. He understands immediately and starts making his way towards it, clearing a path with his brutal efficiency.


I cover him, taking down any Lorgs that get too close. He reaches the gate and, with a mighty roar, slams his fists into the ground. The force of the impact sends shockwaves through the earth, causing the gate to flicker and spark. It begins to collapse in on itself, the shimmering portal losing its coherence.


The remaining Lorgs are thrown into disarray. Without reinforcements, their advance falters. I take the opportunity to rally any nearby defenders, organizing a final push to drive the invaders back.


With the gate closing and the Lorgs in retreat, victory is within reach. The newcomer continues to fight with relentless energy, ensuring no Lorgs escape. As the last of the invaders are vanquished, a tense silence settles over the battlefield.


I make my way down from the rooftop, cautiously approaching the newcomer. Up close, he looks just as formidable as he did from a distance. His eyes meet mine, and I see a glint of determination and perhaps a hint of curiosity.


"Thanks for the assist," I say, lowering my weapon slightly but keeping it ready just in case. "Who are you?"


He cracks a small smile, wiping Lorg blood from his knuckles. "Just a fellow user of the system," he replies. "We might have more in common than you think. Let's just say, today's not the day the Lorgs take our city."

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