Published at 19th of June 2024 06:52:46 AM

Chapter 19

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By the way he answers me, I can tell he doesn’t want to be known. I can’t blame him—I don’t want to be known either. The less anyone knows about me, the fewer problems I’ll have with the government. I don't want to be pursued like in the movies.

“Let’s go to another gate,” he tells me.

I nod in agreement. Pulling up the system command, I say “FIND LORGS GATE” once again. The system displays a map of the city with several red dots indicating the locations of active gates. We quickly assess our options and decide to head for two gates near each other, even if they aren't the closest to our current position. This way, we can clear a larger area and reduce the Lorgs' entries to our world more efficiently.

“Let’s move,” I say, and we set off, keeping to the shadows and moving quickly through the deserted streets.

The sounds of distant fighting and the occasional explosion echo through the city, reminding us of the urgency of our situation. As we approach the area with the two gates, I take point, scanning for any signs of ambush or enemy activity. My companion follows closely, his movements silent and purposeful.

When we reach the first gate, it's already swarming with Lorgs. These creatures are fierce, their armored forms reflecting the harsh light of the midday sun. I signal to my companion, and we both take up positions behind cover, readying ourselves for the assault.

“On my mark,” I whisper. He nods, understanding the plan without needing further explanation.

I take the first shot. A Lorg drops, and chaos erupts. My companion charges forward with incredible speed, his fists a blur of motion as he tears through their ranks. I provide cover fire, picking off any Lorgs that attempt to flank him.

The fight is intense but short. With the combined force of our attacks, the Lorgs don't stand a chance. As the last of them falls, I quickly move to the gate, examining it. It’s similar to the one we encountered earlier, a shimmering portal that distorts the air around it.

“We need to close this before more come through,” I say, looking to my companion. He nods and once again uses his incredible strength, delivering powerful blows to the ground around the gate. The portal flickers and sputters before collapsing in on itself with a loud crack.

“Nice work,” I say, and he gives a brief nod before we turn our attention to the second gate.

Moving swiftly, we approach the next location. This time, we encounter a mix of Lorgs , a variety of lorgs type that can make things more difficult .The sight makes me nervous , knowing what they can do when they coordinate , but I remain focused. My companion charges in, and I provide supporting fire, taking down the stealth lorgs  first to prevent them from coordinating an effective defense.

The battle is fierce, but we fight with a synchronized efficiency that belies our short time working together. With the area cleared, we move to destroy the second gate. As before, my companion’s immense strength causes the portal to destabilize and collapse.

With both gates destroyed, we take a moment to catch our breath. The city is still under threat, but we’ve made a significant impact. The Lorgs will think twice before pushing further into this area.

“We make a good team,” I say, breaking the silence.

“Yeah,” he replies, a hint of a smile on his face. “But there’s still more work to do.”

I nod in agreement. “What’s your plan?”

He looks thoughtful for a moment before answering. “Keep moving, keep fighting. We’ll take them down, one gate at a time.”

As we prepare to move out, I realize that despite the chaos and danger, I’ve found an unexpected ally. We both understand the need for secrecy, for staying in the shadows. Together, we’ll continue to fight, using our unique abilities to protect our city from the Lorgs.

“Let’s go,” I say, leading the way to the next gate. The battle is far from over, but with determination and a bit of luck, we might just turn the tide in our favor.


As i wat my partner catch his breath after some gates more , a sudden noise draws our attention. We both spin around, weapons at the ready, but it's not a Lorg emerging from the shadows. Instead, it's a man in a police uniform, his face stern and eyes narrow as he steps forward, a hand resting on the holster at his hip.

"Freeze!" he commands, his voice steady and authoritative. "Drop your weapons and put your hands where I can see them."

I glance at my companion, and we both know this situation could escalate quickly. The last thing we need is to be detained or worse, exposed.

"We're not here to cause trouble," I say, trying to keep my voice calm and non-threatening. "We're just trying to stop the Lorgs."

The cop's gaze flicks between us, skepticism etched on his features. "And how exactly are you doing that? With weapons and abilities that no ordinary citizen should have?"

My companion tenses, his fists clenching at his sides. I can see the wheels turning in his head, planning our next move.

"Look, officer," I begin, "we're on the same side here. The Lorgs are the enemy. We need to—"

"Save it," the cop interrupts, his hand tightening around his weapon. "I don't know who you are or what your intentions are, but you’re coming with me. Both of you. Now."

I exchange a quick glance with my companion. We can't afford to be caught, not now, not ever. With a barely perceptible nod, we make our move.

In a blur of motion, my companion lunges forward, disarming the officer with a swift, practiced movement. Before the cop can react, I grab his radio and smash it against the pavement, ensuring he can't call for backup.

"Run!" I shout, and we take off, sprinting down the nearest alleyway, the sound of the officer's shouts fading behind us.

We weave through the narrow streets, ducking into shadows and slipping through back alleys, putting as much distance between us and the cop as possible. My heart pounds in my chest, adrenaline fueling our flight. We need to find a safe place to regroup and plan our next move.

After several minutes of running, we finally slow down, taking refuge in an abandoned building on the outskirts of the city. The air inside is stale, the windows boarded up, but it's a safe haven for the moment.

"That was close," I say, trying to catch my breath.

My companion nods, his expression grim. "We need to be more careful. If the authorities get wind of what we're are, they'll hunt us down just as relentlessly as the Lorgs."

I sigh, knowing he's right. "So, what's the plan now?"

He looks out a cracked window, scanning the streets for any sign of pursuit. "We keep moving. We stay under the radar and continue to take out the gates. But we need to be smarter about it. No more confrontations with the law."


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