Published at 19th of June 2024 06:52:45 AM

Chapter 20

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As we leave the relative safety of the abandoned building, the city's silence feels unnerving. Every shadow seems to conceal a potential threat, every sound could be the prelude to an attack. We move cautiously, my eyes constantly scanning our surroundings while I keep my grip tight on my axe and knife, ready for anything.

We navigate the backstreets, avoiding the main roads to minimize the risk of running into more authorities. Suddenly, I hear a rustling noise coming from a nearby alley. Before I can react, a group of Lorgs bursts out of the darkness, their eyes glowing with a malevolent light.

"Ambush!" I shout, barely dodging the first Lorg's swipe. My companion reacts instantly, charging at the nearest creature with his fists.

The Lorgs are powerful, their armored forms intimidating, but my companion is a force of nature. He moves with a speed and strength that seems almost inhuman, his fists colliding with the Lorgs' fur and sending shockwaves through their bodies. One Lorg goes down with a single punch, its skeleton cracking under the force.

Meanwhile, I face off against two Lorgs, my axe and knife flashing in the dim light. One lunges at me, but I sidestep and bring my axe down on its arm, severing it cleanly. The Lorg screeches in pain, but I don't give it time to recover. I follow up with a stab from my knife, hitting a vulnerable spot and taking it down.

The second Lorg tries to flank me, but my superhuman regeneration keeps me in the fight. It slashes at me, leaving a deep cut on my arm, but I barely feel it. The wound heals almost instantly, and I counter with a swift strike, driving my axe into its chest.

My companion is dealing with the remaining Lorgs, his fists blurring as he delivers a series of devastating blows. One by one, the Lorgs fall, unable to withstand his relentless assault. He finishes the last one with an uppercut that sends it crashing into a wall, its body crumpling on impact.

As the dust settles, we take a moment to catch our breath. The ambush was quick but intense, and we both know it won't be the last.

"Are you okay?" my companion asks, eyeing the blood on my arm, now reduced to a faint scar.

"I'm fine," I reply, rolling my shoulder to loosen the muscle. "Thanks to this." I hold up my axe, its blade glinting with Lorg blood. "And your fists."

He grins, wiping his knuckles on his pants. "Good thing we're both tough."

Before we can continue, a voice calls out from behind us. "Hold it right there!"

We turn to see the same cop from before, his weapon drawn but not aimed at us. He steps forward cautiously, his eyes flicking to the fallen Lorgs and then back to us. "Looks like you were telling the truth."

My companion and I exchange a glance. This could be our chance.

"We're not the enemy," I say, lowering my weapons slightly. "We need to stop these gates from opening, and we need your help."

The cop hesitates, his expression conflicted. Finally, he lowers his weapon. "Alright. I'll help you. But we do this by the book. No more running, no more hiding. We coordinate and take these things down together."

Relief washes over me. "Deal. Let's start by finding the next gate."

With the cop now on our side, we set off again, moving through the city with renewed purpose. The Lorgs may be formidable, but with our combined strengths—and a little help from an unexpected ally—we might just have a fighting chance.

As we head towards the next gate, the night feels a little less daunting.

As we move through the city, keeping to the shadows and staying alert for any signs of Lorg activity, we hear a faint cry for help. My companion and I exchange a glance and immediately alter our course, heading toward the sound. The cries grow louder, more desperate, and soon we come upon a small group of civilians cornered by a squad of Lorgs.

The civilians are huddled behind an overturned vehicle, their faces pale with fear. The Lorgs, towering and menacing, close in on them, weapons drawn. Without a second thought, my companion and I spring into action.

He charges forward with that incredible speed of his, barreling into the nearest Lorg and sending it crashing to the ground. His fists fly, each punch delivering a powerful blow that cracks armor and bone. I take up a position behind cover and start picking off the Lorgs one by one, my shots precise and lethal.

“Get down!” the police man shout to the civilians, who immediately flatten themselves against the ground, shielding themselves as best they can.

The Lorgs, caught off guard by our sudden attack, scramble to regroup. My companion is a whirlwind of destruction, moving from one enemy to the next with relentless fury. I focus on any Lorgs trying to flank us or get to the civilians, ensuring they don’t stand a chance.

Within minutes, the Lorg squad is decimated. The last Lorg falls to the ground, its body twitching before going still. I lower my weapon and approach the civilians, who are now cautiously peeking out from behind their cover.

“It’s safe now,” I say, extending a hand to help them up. “Are any of you hurt?”

A middle-aged woman with a deep cut on her arm speaks up. “Just a few scrapes and bruises. Thank you. We didn’t know what we were going to do.”

“Stay close to us,” my companion says, his voice calm but firm. “We’ll get you to safety.”

We form a protective circle around the civilians as we make our way through the city, staying vigilant for any signs of further danger. The streets are eerily quiet, the usual bustling sounds replaced by the distant echoes of conflict. As we navigate the ruins and debris.

After a tense journey, we finally reach a safer part of the city where emergency responders are setting up a temporary shelter. The civilians thank us profusely as they’re led away by medics and volunteers.

“Thank you for saving us,” the woman says again, tears in her eyes. “I don’t know what we would have done without you.”

“Just doing our part,” I says the policeman, offering a reassuring smile. “Stay safe.”

As we watch the civilians being cared for, my companion turns to me. “ We have to keep fighting.”

I nod. “Agreed. Let’s move to the next gate.”

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