Published at 19th of June 2024 06:52:43 AM

Chapter 21

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As we continue with our goal to clear Lorgs and close their gates, we maintain a constant pace, alert for any sign of trouble. The once vibrant city now feels like a battlefield, with pockets of resistance fighting the invaders. Despite the chaos, there are moments of hope, like when we help civilians, and it is those moments that keep us going.

In the distance, we see a lone figure near the glowing portal. Unlike typical civilians or soldiers, this person exudes a calm confidence. As we get closer, it becomes clear that they are another user of the system, like us.

The newcomer is a tall woman, with short dark hair and a sensible demeanor. She is equipped with advanced equipment, clearly ready for the fight. She notices us and greets us.

“It seems we are not alone in this fight,” she says as we approach.

I nod. "I take it you're a system user too?"

"My name is Mia," she responds, extending a hand. "Yes, I am. I've been tracking and locking these doors since the invasion began."

I shake her hand. "I'm sorry, I prefer not to say my name. I'm a little paranoid and I don't want to have problems with the government or anyone after this."

Then my "partner" says, "Me too. The system turns us into superhumans, and I don't want anyone to treat me like a human weapon."

"I'm just a police officer doing my job," says the police officer.

"Mmm, I get it. I should be more careful," Mia says.

“We were about to break down this door,” I say, nodding towards the portal. "Would you mind joining us?"

Mia smiles, a fierce determination in her eyes. "Absolutely. Let's make these Lorgs regret coming here."

Mia has the talent to harden her body, so we quickly formulate a plan. Mia, with her formidable defense, will take the lead in close combat, supported by the brute strength of my partner. I will provide covering fire and monitor for reinforcements, while the police search for survivors.

After a quick battle, the Lorgs are defeated. Unfortunately, there are no survivors. Mia, my partner, the policeman, and I continue through the desolate streets, the echoes of our recent battle fading into the distance. The police officer, still processing the encounter, seems thoughtful before breaking the silence.

"I have a question," he begins, his voice firm but curious. "What exactly is the situation between these monsters and you? I mean, the system users."

I look at Mia, who nods, encouraging me to explain. "The system," I begin, "is a mysterious force that grants certain individuals unique talents. These abilities are designed to help us achieve our deepest aspirations. But there is a problem."

Mia picks up where I left off. "In exchange for these powers, we are obligated to fight the Lorg. It's like a contract: our dreams have a price, and that price is our commitment to protect humanity from these invaders."

The policeman frowns, absorbing this information. "So you're not fighting just because you want to, but because you have to?"

"Exactly," adds my partner. "The users of the system are scattered throughout the world, each with their own talents and dreams. Some dream of wealth, others of power. But no matter our dreams, we all share the same duty to combat the Lorgs."

We walk in silence for a moment, the weight of our words settling on us. The police officer finally speaks again. "It must be hard to live with that kind of responsibility."

"Not really, the system just gives us some incentives to fight, there is not a punishment for not fighting," Mia admits. "The system gives us the means to make a real difference and achieve our dreams. That's what keeps us going."

We approach another door, glowing ominously at the end of the street. I turn to the group, ready to discuss our plan of attack, but the police officer has one more question.

"Why are the Lorg here? What do they want?"

I answer. "The system says they are invaders, but I don't know why they are invading. All we know is that they bring destruction wherever they go, and it is our job to stop them."

"So the system can talk?"

"It's more like receiving some predetermined messages," I explain.

Mia steps forward, eyes trained on the door. "Ready to make these Lorgs regret coming here again?"

We all nod, preparing for the battle to come. As we move forward, the police officer speaks for the last time. "Thank you for explaining. And for fighting. Let's do this."

With Mia leading the charge, her body hardening against the Lorg's attacks, my partner following her with brute force, and I providing covering fire, we face the portal, ready to protect our world once more.

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