Published at 19th of June 2024 06:52:42 AM

Chapter 22

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After hours of relentless combat, the exhaustion begins to wear they, but our spirits remain high. One by one, the gates fall, their shimmering light extinguishing as we close each one, pushing the Lorgs back and reclaiming parts of the city. We move swiftly, our coordinated efforts proving highly effective against the invaders.

Finally, as the last gate in the immediate vicinity flickers out of existence, we take a moment to regroup. The sun is beginning to set, casting a warm, orange glow over the battered city. The streets, once filled with the sounds of battle, now echo with a silence that feels almost peaceful.

"We did it," Mia says, her voice filled with a mix of exhaustion and triumph. "At least for now, this area is safe."

The cop, who has been diligently searching for survivors between battles, nods. "It's quieter, for sure. But we can't let our guard down. There might be more gates opening elsewhere."

My companion, catching his breath, adds, "We've made significant progress. The Lorgs won't be regrouping here anytime soon."

I look around at the group, feeling a sense of pride in what we've accomplished together. "Let's take a moment to rest and then figure out our next move. We need to ensure the rest of the city is secure."

As we find a relatively intact building to rest in, the cop starts a small fire to keep us warm, using some debris and fallen wood. We sit around it, sharing what little provisions we have and reflecting on the day's events.

"Your system," the cop begins again, his curiosity not yet sated. "It sounds like a heavy burden, but also a great gift. Do you think there are others like you out there, still fighting?"

Mia nods. "Definitely. The system users are scattered all over, each doing what they can "

"Do you ever get any communication from them?" he asks.

"Not directly," I reply. "But sometimes, we find signs. Closed gates, defeated Lorgs, and some cases some one appear on social media."

The cop pokes at the fire thoughtfully. "It's reassuring to know there are others out there. We need all the help we can get."

After a while, we each take turns keeping watch while the others rest. The night passes uneventfully, and by morning, we're ready to move again. The city, though scarred by the battles, shows signs of resilience. People begin to emerge from hiding, cautiously rebuilding and reclaiming their lives.

"now that i think, i dont know what made your talent" says mia to me

after a quick think, i notice that with Mia and my "partner", i dont get near to any lorg, not even get injuried

"ha have a super regeneration" i say

"rally , i thought that you have a talent that make that you dont get tiret or something" says my "partner"

"no is only that i found a trick to refill my stamina"

"so why you dont fight with body to body?, i mean it could be more easy and fast as you dont need to pay attention to get permanently injured " says the cop

I shake my head, considering the cops question carefully. "It's true, I have a talent for super regeneration. But it's not just that. I prefer to keep my distance from the Lorgs, not because I can't handle close combat, but because every injury, no matter how quickly I heal, can make that a lorg kills me, also my stats are focus on vitality so i am not enougth strong or fats to kill the lorgs easily."

Mia nods understandingly. "Makes sense. It's better to avoid unnecessary risks whenever possible."

My companion, leaning against the wall, adds, "And having you providing cover fire has been invaluable. We've managed to take down those gates with minimal casualties thanks to your support."

The cop looks thoughtful. "So, you've found a way to fight effectively without putting yourself in harm's way. Smart."

I nod. "Exactly. We all have our strengths and ways of contributing to the fight. I'd rather conserve my energy and stay out of the line of fire whenever possible."

"Besides," Mia adds with a grin, "we've got enough muscle between us to handle the close combat."

As the night passes and dawn breaks, we prepare to move once again. The city may be scarred, but it's not broken. With each gate we close, we bring hope to those who have been hiding in fear.

"Let's keep going," I say, looking at my companions. "There are more gates to close, more people to protect."

As we prepare to move on to the next target, a distant rumble catches our attention. We exchange wary glances as the ground shakes beneath our feet. Moments later, a squadron of military vehicles comes into view, rolling down the street toward us, their weapons primed and ready.

Mia's expression tightens. "Looks like we've got company, and I don't think they're here to help."

The cop's eyes widen in alarm. "Are they... targeting us?"

I quickly assess the situation. "It's hard to tell, but they're definitely heading toward the open gates."

But before we can react, the vehicles screech to a halt, soldiers pouring out, their weapons trained on us. A commanding voice echoes through the chaos.

"Hold your fire! Identify yourselves!"

We exchange uncertain looks. These soldiers don't seem to be searching us, but their arrival is still concerning.

Mia steps forward, her hands raised in a gesture of peace. "We're civilians, just trying to be safe."

The soldiers eye us suspiciously, but one steps forward, his expression grim. "You civilians shouldn't be here."

"Regardless," the soldier says, "we've received orders to secure the area. Stand down and let us handle this."

My companion bristles, clearly not keen on backing down. "And what about the civilians still hiding in fear? Are you going to protect them too?"

The soldier hesitates, his gaze flickering between us and the gates. "Our orders are to contain the threat. Civilians will be evacuated once the area is secure."

Mia steps forward, her voice firm. "We can work together. We know these gates better than anyone. Let us help you."

The soldier looks uncertain, but before he can respond, a distant roar fills the air. Another gate has opened nearby, and the Lorgs are pouring out.

"We've got incoming!" one of the soldiers shouts, and chaos erupts as they scramble to respond.

with a sigh of resignation i said "whath ever, lets figth"

With hesitation, we spring into action. Mia, my companion, and I move to intercept the Lorgs, while the cop talk to the soldiers to protect nearby civilians.

The battlefield becomes a whirlwind of action as we fight side by side with the military against the common enemy. Despite our differences, we find a rhythm, a unity born out of necessity.

Hours pass, and finally, the last of the Lorgs are defeated, the gate sealed shut once more. The soldiers maintain their weapons and aim at us, their expressions weary but tense.

The soldier who had confronted us earlier approaches, a hint of respect in his eyes. "Thanks for that, but we have orders, and we need to capture any human that has powers. Please be cooperative and don't resist. Lieutenant, please step aside."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!