Published at 19th of June 2024 06:52:41 AM

Chapter 23

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The atmosphere becomes tense as the soldiers advance, weapons at the ready. The cop, sensing the gravity of the situation, steps forward, trying to mediate. "Look, these people are heroes. They’ve been fighting to protect this city, same as you. Is there no way we can work something out?"

The soldier, now identified as the lieutenant, shakes his head. "Orders are orders. Powers like theirs are considered a potential threat. We can't take any chances."

my "partner" steps back, her eyes darting around for an escape route. "We can't let them capture us. If they lock us up, who knows what will happened to us?"

Mia nod, agreeing with him. "We need to get out of here, but we can't just abandon the cop."

i look at the cop and then answered mia" he would be ok, he have more chances of be safe with the army than us"

My companion, always quick on his feet, whispers, "I've got a plan. When I give the signal, run towards the alley behind us. I'll create a distraction."

The soldiers move closer, the lieutenant's voice stern. "Lieutenant, please. Stand aside."

The cop looks at us, a mix of resignation and determination on his face. "Do what you have to do. I'll try to buy you some time."

My companion nods and, with a swift movement, tosses a flash grenade from his pocked. "Now!" he shouts as the device explodes in a blinding light, disorienting the soldiers.

We sprint towards the alley, dodging debris and leaping over obstacles. I glance back to see the cop standing his ground, engaging in a standoff with the soldiers. He’s giving us the precious moments we need.

As we weave through the narrow streets, Mia takes the lead, her knowledge of the city’s layout guiding us. "This way! There’s an old sewer entrance that leads out of the main district. We can use it to escape."

We reach the entrance, a heavy grate partially covered by rubble. My companion heave it open, and we slip inside, the darkness swallowing us.

As we move through the damp, echoing tunnels, Mia’s voice cuts through the silence. "We can't keep running forever. We need to find a safe place to regroup and come up with a plan."

I agree, wiping sweat from my brow. "We’ll figure it out. First, we need to get as far away from here as possible. Once we’re safe, we can decide our next move."

Hours pass as we navigate the maze-like tunnels, finally emerging in a less devastated part of the city. The sun is high in the sky, its warmth a stark contrast to the cold, damp underground.

"We should find somewhere to rest," my companion suggests. "A place where we can lay low and recover our strength."

Mia nods, scanning the area. "There’s an abandoned warehouse a few blocks from here. It should be empty."

We make our way to the warehouse, slipping inside and barricading the doors behind us. Exhausted, we collapse onto the dusty floor, our breaths heavy.

As we catch our breath and plan our next move, the weight of our situation sinks in. The military will continue to hunt us, and the Lorgs remain a constant threat.

"For now, let's wait some time, then I suggest we separate and act like normal survivors. We should head to one of the shelters," I say, looking around at my companions.

my "partner " nods thoughtfully. "It’s risky, but blending in might be our best option. We’ll need to stay low and avoid drawing attention."

I turn to my companion, curiosity piqued. "By the way, where did you get that flash grenade?"

He grins. "I picked it up in the middle of the chaos when we were fighting alongside the army. Thought it might come in handy."

I chuckle. "Good move."

After some time, we each prepare to go our separate ways. Mia hugs me tightly. "Stay safe. We’ll meet again when it’s safer."

"You too," I reply

My companion clasps my hand firmly. "Good luck out there. Don’t get caught."

"I won’t," I promise.

As they leave, I head toward my old neighborhood, deciding to return home. The journey is fraught with danger, but the familiarity of home pulls me forward. I move cautiously, avoiding patrols and sticking to the shadows.

The city feels eerily quiet, the once bustling streets now desolate. I finally reach my street, my heart pounding with a mix of fear and nostalgia. My house stands at the end of the block, remarkably untouched by the recent chaos.

I slip inside, closing the door softly behind me. The silence is almost overwhelming, but there’s a strange comfort in being back. I check the house quickly, ensuring it’s secure before collapsing onto the couch, exhaustion washing over me.

As I rest, I think about the cop. I hope he managed to avoid serious trouble. Despite everything, I trust that he’ll find a way to be okay.

Hours pass, and I finally allow myself to drift into a fitful sleep. The next day, I wake up with renewed determination. I rummage through my old belongings, finding some supplies and a hidden stash of weapons I had forgotten about.

I sit down at the kitchen table, planning my next move.

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