Published at 19th of June 2024 06:52:38 AM

Chapter 26

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After several days in the shelter, helping out and trying to fit in, the routine becomes somewhat familiar. But the constant fear and uncertainty about what's happening outside never truly leave my mind.

The tense murmur spread throughout the shelter: the return of the military forces was announced. But with their arrival, a new opportunity arose. We were informed that the possibility of relocating to another city where the situation might be more stable would be opened. Additionally, a small financial aid would be offered to those who chose this option, although we were warned it wouldn't be much.

Jorge and I discuss our options. Despite the lack of guaranteed housing, I decide to take the chance and move to another city where the situation might be safer. Jorge, however, chooses to stay in the shelter.

As we prepare to depart, I bid farewell to Jorge, knowing we're taking different paths. "Take care," he says with a somber expression.

"You too," I reply, feeling a pang of sadness at the separation.

Boarding the transport, I embark on the journey to the new city, unsure of what awaits me. The ride is quiet, and when we arrive, I'm struck by the bustling streets and the feeling of unfamiliarity.

Finding temporary accommodation proves challenging, but I manage to secure a small apartment with the government's financial aid. It's not much, but it's a start.

After settling into my new apartment in the unfamiliar city, the first person I call is my mother. We talk about my arrival and the new situation I find myself in.

"Mom, I've arrived in the new city," I say with a mixed tone of excitement and nervousness.

"Oh, what a relief to hear your voice, dear," my mother responds with a noticeable sigh of relief. "How are you feeling? What's the place like?"

"It's different, Mom. The streets are bustling, and there are so many people. But I'm sure I'll adapt," I say, trying to sound optimistic.

"That's good, son. And did you find a place to stay?"

"Yes, I got a small apartment. It's not much, but it's a good start," I reply, feeling some relief knowing I have a place to call home, at least for now.

"I'm glad to hear that. Don't worry about the money, son. I'll send what I can as always. Just make sure to take care of yourself and stay safe," my mother says with a worried tone.

"Thank you, Mom. That means a lot to me. Don't worry, I'll take care of myself," I assure her, grateful for her constant support.

"And don't hesitate to call me if you need anything, okay? I'm here for you," she says with a comforting voice.

"I will, Mom. I love you," I say sincerely, feeling a lump in my throat from her unconditional love.

"I love you too, son. Take care of yourself and stay in touch," she says before saying goodbye.

I hang up the phone with a sense of gratitude for having such a understanding and supportive mother. Although I'm far from her, her support gives me strength to face the challenges that lie ahead in this new city.

After settling in, I decide to resume my routine to go to the war zone and level up.

After evolving my abilities at level 10, I haven't leveled up despite killing a large number of lorgs.



[Level: 10]

[Talent: Vitality Regeneration]


Strength: 20

Agility: 20

Toughness: 20

Endurance: 20

Vitality: 30

Intelligence: 20

Senses: 20

Stat Points: 0


Physical: 3]

[Career Ability:] {Adaptation: over time, you can adapt to anything.}

[Innate Abilities:]

[Focused Recovery Improvement (Passive) Level 10: Improves all forms of regeneration in the body (includes natural regeneration and external healing methods). This increase is greater in vital areas is equal to (200 * (skill level ))%, The increase is equal to (100 * (skill level ))%.]

[Rapid Regeneration (Active) Level 10: Once activated, you regenerate wounds on your body. The regeneration is equal to (your vitality * (skill level ) * 2).]

[Vitality Storage Generator (Passive) Level 10: When the vitality of your body is not used to heal wounds, it will be stored for later use. The maximum storage capacity is (your vitality * (skill level )). At the same time, it generates its own amount of vitality equal to (your vitality * (skill level )) .]

[extra skills:]

[Regenerative Adaptability (Passive) Level 1: Each time you receive damage, you adapt to regenerate faster from that type of damage. This increase is up to (100 * skill level)%.]

[ Regeneration in Crisis (Passive) Level 1:The more injured you are, the greater the improvement in your body's healing. The improvement is equal to:`(Skill Level * (100 - Remaining HP Percentage))%`]

[ vitality Absorption (Active) Level 3:You can absorb ambient mana and mana from your enemies within a radius of (Skill Level) meters. The amount of mana absorbed per second is:`((vitality / 10) * Skill Level)`]

Due to the limited use of my skills, they haven't increased much, with {Vitality Absorption} being the most used since I can use it during various battles against the lorgs from a distance. The rest haven't changed much due to the little damage I've received.

After gathering all my equipment, I utter the command I haven't used in a week, "warzone."

[Do you want to enter the warzone?]

After seeing the familiar message, but also noticing a notification indicating it had been a while since I last saw it, I reply, "yes."

Suddenly, the forest materializes in front of me. I begin to search for the respawn point of the loorgs, but as I start moving, I decide to change my objective. Consulting the map, I set my sights on a river that leads to a cave.

Navigating through the dense foliage, I make my way towards the riverbank. The sound of rushing water grows louder as I approach. The river appears serene, its surface glistening under the sunlight that filters through the trees.

I follow the riverbank until I reach the entrance of the cave. Peering inside, the darkness seems to swallow the light, but I'm undeterred. With a deep breath, I step into the cool, damp interior.

The cave twists and turns, its passages leading deeper into the earth. I activate my senses, scanning for any signs of danger. As I delve further, the sound of dripping water echoes off the walls, creating an eerie atmosphere.

Suddenly, I hear a low growl echoing from the depths of the cave. My heart races as I prepare for whatever may lurk ahead. Gripping my weapon tightly, I press on, determined to uncover the secrets hidden within.

After what feels like an eternity of navigating the dark passages, I emerge into a vast chamber. The ceiling stretches high above, adorned with stalactites that glimmer in the faint light.

In the center of the chamber, I spot a group of lorgs gathered around a glowing crystal. They seem to be guarding it fiercely, growling and snarling at any intruder who dares approach.

Without hesitation, I ready myself for battle. With a swift motion, I engage the lorgs, using my enhanced abilities to absorb vitality from the surroundings and strike them down one by one.

The cave twists and turns, its passages leading deeper into the earth. I activate my senses, scanning for any signs of danger. As I delve further, the sound of dripping water echoes off the walls, creating an eerie atmosphere.

Suddenly, I detect a lorg using my monocle in the depths of the cave. My heart races as I prepare for whatever may lurk ahead. Gripping my bow tightly, I notch an arrow, ready to face the impending threat.

Without hesitation, I draw my bow and take aim. With practiced precision, I release the arrow, striking one of the lorgs square in the chest. The creature howls in pain as its companions turn to face me, their eyes glowing with malice.

As a second lorg charges towards me, I draw another arrow and let it fly, striking true and felling the beast before it reaches me. With each shot, I target the weakest points in their armor, exploiting every opportunity to thin their ranks.

The lorgs, enraged by my assault, close in with renewed aggression. But I remain calm, my focus unwavering as I continue to rain arrows down upon them. With each shot, I feel a surge of vitality, drawing strength from the chaos of battle.

because the lorgs are to neared i start to use my knife and my axe aging Using my Vitality Absorption skill, I drain their vitality and refilling my vitality, while mi other skills heal me instantly, ensuring that I can keep fighting at full strength. Despite their ferocity, the lorgs struggle to withstand my relentless barrage.

As the battle rages on, I notice the glowing crystal in the center of the chamber pulsating with an ominous energy. Sensing its importance, I make a daring move, darting past the remaining lorgs to reach the crystal.

With a quick shot, I shatter the crystal, causing a wave of darkness to wash over the chamber.

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