Published at 19th of June 2024 06:52:37 AM

Chapter 27

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The shockwave hits each lorg with tremendous force, knocking them off their feet and sending them tumbling across the chamber. As they crash into the rocky walls, an unusual smoke rises from their injuries, filling the air with an acrid scent.

The darkness that follows the shockwave envelops the chamber, obscuring visibility.

With my senses heightened, I navigate through the darkness, evading the disoriented lorgs as they struggle to regain their footing. Gripping my knife and axe tightly, I move with agility and precision, striking at vulnerable points whenever an opportunity presents itself.

The lorgs, recovering from the shockwave, start to regain their senses. With growls of anger, they lunge towards me, their claws slashing through the darkness. I duck and weave, narrowly avoiding their attacks while retaliating with swift, calculated strikes.

Despite the darkness hindering my vision, I trust my instincts and rely on my combat training to anticipate their moves. With each swing of my weapons, I aim to incapacitate the lorgs, but their relentless onslaught proves challenging to evade entirely.

As the battle intensifies, I find myself surrounded by a flurry of claws and teeth. Despite my best efforts, I'm unable to evade every attack. One of the lorgs manages to land a deep gash across my arm, causing me to grimace in pain.

At first, I thought the injury would heal instantly as usual, but it doesn't. It is regenerating, but much slower than usual.

Using my Vitality Absorption skill, I drain their vitality, replenishing my own. However, the darkness seems to impede the effectiveness of my regeneration, slowing down the healing process and making each wound more pronounced.

Despite the challenges posed by the darkness, I press on, determined to emerge victorious. With each swing of my axe and thrust of my knife, I push back against the encroaching shadows, driving the lorgs back with relentless determination.

As the battle reaches its climax, I deliver a final blow, striking down the last remaining lorg with a decisive strike. With the chamber now silent and the darkness beginning to recede, I take a moment to catch my breath, feeling the weight of exhaustion settling upon me.

Gradually, my injuries begin to heal completely. The gash on my arm slowly closes, and the cuts and bruises across my body mend themselves, albeit more sluggishly than usual. I watch as my skin knits together, the pain subsiding with each passing moment.

Reflecting on the battle, I can't help but think about the unusual smoke that emanated from the lorgs' injuries. It seemed to have an adverse effect on my regeneration abilities, slowing down a process that usually occurs almost instantaneously.

Could this smoke be a natural defense mechanism of the lorgs? Or perhaps an unintended consequence of the shattered crystal? Whatever its origin, it poses a new challenge in battles to come. I'll need to find a way to counteract its effects or enhance my regeneration to overcome this newfound obstacle.

As my injuries finally heal completely, I take a deep breath and survey the now quiet chamber. The glowing crystal lies shattered in pieces, and the unusual smoke has started to dissipate, leaving a lingering, faint odor in the air. I need to get out of this cave and back into the open air.

Carefully, I retrace my steps through the twisting passages, my senses still heightened from the recent battle. The sound of dripping water and the echoes of my footsteps create an eerie symphony in the dark. The oppressive weight of the cave's atmosphere begins to lift as I move closer to the entrance.

Finally, I see a glimmer of light ahead, a beacon guiding me out of the darkness. As I approach the cave's mouth, the light grows stronger, and the cool, fresh air fills my lungs. Stepping out into the daylight, I feel a sense of relief wash over me. The dense forest outside the cave seems welcoming compared to the suffocating darkness within.

I take a moment to rest against a tree, catching my breath and calming my racing heart. The forest is alive with the sounds of chirping birds and rustling leaves, a stark contrast to the eerie silence of the cave. I close my eyes for a moment, letting the peacefulness of the surroundings soothe my weary mind.

Reflecting on the battle, I realize that the unusual smoke may have more significant implications than I initially thought. I’ll need to investigate this further to understand its origin and how it affects my regeneration abilities. Perhaps it’s connected to the glowing crystal or the environment within the cave. 

Pushing myself off the tree, I set a course for  my hiding place . With each step, I feel more resolved, knowing that this experience has made me stronger and more aware of the dangers I face. The path is uncertain, but I am ready to confront whatever comes next. 

The forest canopy thickens as I make my way back, but the sun's rays still manage to filter through, casting dappled patterns on the forest floor. The familiar sounds and sights of nature are comforting, reminding me that despite the chaos, there's still beauty and tranquility in the world.

As I navigate through the forest, my mind races with thoughts of the battle, the crystal, and the unusual smoke. I need to discuss this with the others and see if anyone has encountered something similar. Perhaps together, we can find a solution or a way to counteract its effects.

after i get in the hiding place i decide that is better to level up my skills before anything, in the last times i fight with lorgs i wasn't to much worry because the regeneration i have, but now is different, so after thinking how is the best way to level up my skills, i decide to use a painful and not really good or convencional method, that is damage my self, but before that i want open my status



[Level: 10]

[Talent: Vitality Regeneration]


Strength: 20

Agility: 20

Toughness: 20

Endurance: 20

Vitality: 30

Intelligence: 20

Senses: 20

Stat Points: 0


Physical: 3]

[Career Ability:] {Adaptation: over time, you can adapt to anything.}

[Innate Abilities:]

[Focused Recovery Improvement (Passive) Level 11: Improves all forms of regeneration in the body (includes natural regeneration and external healing methods). This increase is greater in vital areas is equal to (200 * (skill level ))%, The increase is equal to (100 * (skill level ))%.]

[Rapid Regeneration (Active) Level 10: Once activated, you regenerate wounds on your body. The regeneration is equal to (your vitality * (skill level ) * 2).]

[Vitality Storage Generator (Passive) Level 12: When the vitality of your body is not used to heal wounds, it will be stored for later use. The maximum storage capacity is (your vitality * (skill level )). At the same time, it generates its own amount of vitality equal to (your vitality * (skill level )) .]

[extra skills:]

[Regenerative Adaptability (Passive) Level 3: Each time you receive damage, you adapt to regenerate faster from that type of damage. This increase is up to (100 * skill level)%.]

[ Regeneration in Crisis (Passive) Level 1:The more injured you are, the greater the improvement in your body's healing. The improvement is equal to:`(Skill Level * (100 - Remaining HP Percentage))%`]

[ vitality Absorption (Active) Level 3:You can absorb ambient mana and mana from your enemies within a radius of (Skill Level) meters. The amount of mana absorbed per second is:`((vitality / 10) * Skill Level)`]



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