Published at 19th of June 2024 06:52:36 AM

Chapter 28

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[Level: 10]

[Talent: Vitality Regeneration]


Strength: 20

Agility: 20

Toughness: 20

Endurance: 20

Vitality: 30

Intelligence: 20

Senses: 20

Stat Points: 0


Physical: 3]

[Career Skill:] {Adaptation: over time, you can adapt to anything.}

[Innate Skills:]

[Focused Recovery Improvement (Passive) Level 11: Improves all forms of regeneration in the body (includes natural regeneration and external healing methods). This increase is greater in vital areas is equal to (200 * (skill level ))%, The increase is equal to (100 * (skill level ))%.]

[Rapid Regeneration (Active) Level 10: Once activated, you regenerate wounds on your body. The regeneration is equal to (your vitality * (skill level ) * 2).]

[Vitality Storage Generator (Passive) Level 12: When the vitality of your body is not used to heal wounds, it will be stored for later use. The maximum storage capacity is (your vitality * (skill level )). At the same time, it generates its own amount of vitality equal to (your vitality * (skill level )) .]

[Extra Skills:]

[Regenerative Adaptability (Passive) Level 3: Each time you receive damage, you adapt to regenerate faster from that type of damage. This increase is up to (100 * skill level)%.]

[Regeneration in Crisis (Passive) Level 1: The more injured you are, the greater the improvement in your body's healing. The improvement is equal to: `(Skill Level * (100 - Remaining HP Percentage))%`]

[Vitality Absorption (Active) Level 3: You can absorb ambient mana and mana from your enemies within a radius of (Skill Level) meters. The amount of mana absorbed per second is: `((vitality / 10) * Skill Level)`]

"What? Why did my skill levels go up? It was just some little injuries," I mutter to myself, puzzled by the sudden improvement, but after a moment of thinking, I made a theory (as usual).

"What if the smoke that made my regeneration slower helps to level up my skills faster?" I muse aloud. The idea seems plausible. The smoke had forced my body to work harder to heal, pushing my regenerative skills to their limits. Perhaps this strain was exactly what my skills needed to evolve.

Determined to test my theory, I make my way back to the cave where I first encountered the strange smoke. This time, I proceed with caution, fully aware of the potential dangers. The memory of the crystal shards and the unusual smoke fuels my curiosity and determination to understand the mysterious phenomena affecting my skills.

As I approach the cave entrance, I take a moment to scan my surroundings, ensuring no immediate threats are present. The eerie quietness of the cave feels more pronounced now, heightening my senses. I carefully step inside, my eyes adjusting to the dim light.

The cave appears just as I left it, the remnants of the shattered crystal glistening faintly in the darkness. I move closer to the fragments, my mind racing with possibilities. Kneeling down, I carefully gather a few pieces, noting their peculiar texture and the faint glow that seems to emanate from within.

Determined to avoid the same mistake, I use a piece of cloth to wrap the shards, creating a makeshift pouch to carry them safely. I move methodically, ensuring I don't disturb the fragments too much, hoping to prevent another release of the mysterious smoke.

As I work, I can't help but reflect on my theory. The idea that the smoke somehow enhanced my skill levels by pushing my regenerative skills to their limits seems more plausible with each passing moment. Perhaps there is a deeper connection between the smoke, the crystal, and my body's skill to adapt and grow stronger under stress.

With the shards securely wrapped and safely in my possession, I stand and take a final look around the cave. Determined to uncover the truth, I make my way back to my hiding place.

after i m on mu hiding place,  I put the crystal fragments on the floor, taking one fragment in my hand, and open the store in the information part, trying something I haven't tried before.

"Give me information about this crystal."

[Dark Corrosive Crystal Basic Information 367c]

[Dark Corrosive Crystal Advanced Information 790c]

[Dark Corrosive Crystal Advanced Information and Applications 5932c]

After a moment of thought and consulting my wallet:

[Coins: 1782]

I decide to buy the first one. The second, even if I want it, costs more than double the first, and maybe the extra information could be more than I need.

I select the option for basic information on the dark corrosive crystal, deciding it's the most cost-effective choice given my current budget. With a mental command, I confirm my purchase.

[Basic Information on Dark Corrosive Crystal - 367 coins deducted]

My wallet balance now reads:

[Coins: 1415]

[The basic details of the dark corrosive crystal are as follows:

The dark corrosive crystal is a rare mineral known for its corrosive properties. When activated, it emits a dark energy that corrodes most materials it comes into contact with slowly. However, what's particularly notable about this crystal is its unique affinity for organic matter, especially blood. It seems that the corrosive energy it emits is somehow attracted to blood, making this energy much more corrosive, which could have various implications depending on its application.]

That explains why the smoke appeared to be emanating from the wounds of the lorgs. It wasn't escaping; it was being drawn in. Amidst the chaos of battle and darkness, it created the illusion that the smoke was dispersing outward.

This also clarifies why I was having trouble regenerating. The dark corrosive crystal's energy was corroding my tissue upon contact with my blood. Moreover, being surrounded by this corrosive smoke continually affected me on a smaller scale, slightly impeding my regeneration process.

Realizing that my regeneration isn't significantly delayed for a long time, I can use it to improve my skills. Carefully, I cut my hand, ensuring it's nothing too severe, then I place one of the dark corrosive crystals into the wound.

As the crystal makes contact with my blood, its corrosive energy begins to work. I can feel a slight burning sensation as it starts its work, but it's nothing I can't handle. The dark energy seeps into my bloodstream, spreading a tingling sensation throughout my body.

With focus, I observe how my body reacts to this process, how the crystal's energy interacts with my own regenerative skills.


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