Published at 19th of June 2024 06:52:35 AM

Chapter 30

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I decide to finally reach the Lorgs' respawn point, but this time, I will be ready. I spend two weeks making my preparations, starting with buying a new axe and a new survival knife.

I make the purchases:

[Edge Enchanted Dagger - 581 coins]  
[Edge Enchanted Short Axe - 612 coins]

After buying the new weapons that will make the fight against the Lorgs easier and relocating the crystal fragments, I spend the week practicing with my new weapons and getting ready to face a ton of Lorgs.

Every day, I train rigorously, honing my combat skills and ensuring I am familiar with the weight and balance of my new gear. I also test my body's reactions to the relocated crystals, observing how the mist affects my organs and how quickly my skills activate to mitigate any damage. The process is painful, but each session proves that my decision was right—my regeneration capabilities are now sharper and more efficient.

During the first week, I also decide to move the position of the crystal fragments to my stomach. This was another risky idea, but given that my skills make the mist disappear in less than a second, I feel confident. Additionally, my skill {Focused Recovery Improvement} enhances my healing more in organs, and my skill {Regeneration in Crisis} is always there if anything goes wrong. So, there isn't a significant risk.

With this, I also start a new way of training: hurting myself with different types of damage. As I become more accustomed to the pain, my skill {Regenerative Adaptability}, which requires injury to adapt to one type of damage, becomes more effective. This is a great way to prepare for at least some common forms of damage, and it also levels up my skills.

I find two methods in particular that help my skills level up. The first method involves going into a freezer and staying inside. As the cold damages my organism, my body starts to adapt. Additionally, as it causes hypothermia, my skill {Regeneration in Crisis} activates more frequently than with other methods, even if I'm not in a real crisis because of my other skills.

The second method involves shocking myself with electricity. Initially, I use low-voltage shocks, but as time passes and my body adapts, I increase the voltage. At one point, the voltage is enough to make me see stars. At that point, I know it's my limit, at least for now, because seeing stars means the electricity is affecting my nerves or brain. I don't know to what extent I can regenerate those organs, even with {Regeneration in Crisis} and {Focused Recovery Improvement}, so it's better to be cautious.

As the weeks progress, my confidence grows. The new weapons feel like extensions of my body, the crystal fragments in my stomach no longer cause any significant discomfort, and my skills have leveled up enough that I feel I can face almost anything. I'm ready for the next battle. On the last day of preparation, I review my plan, ensuring every detail is accounted for, and rest to gather my strength.

Finally, the day comes. Armed with my new axe and survival knife, I set out towards the Lorgs' respawn point, determination fueling every step. The city feels tense, the air thick with anticipation and dread, but I'm ready to face whatever comes my way.



[Level: 11]

[Talent: Vitality Regeneration]


Strength: 21

Agility: 21

Toughness: 21

Endurance: 21

Vitality: 32

Intelligence: 21

Senses: 21

Stat Points: 0


Physical: 3]

[Career Skill:] {Adaptation: over time, you can adapt to anything.}

[Innate Skills:]

[Focused Recovery Improvement (Passive) Level 16: Improves all forms of regeneration in the body (includes natural regeneration and external healing methods). This increase is greater in vital areas is equal to (200 * (skill level ))%, The increase is equal to (100 * (skill level ))%.]

[Rapid Regeneration (Active) Level 12 Once activated, you regenerate wounds on your body. The regeneration is equal to (your vitality * (skill level ) * 2).]

[Vitality Storage Generator (Passive) Level 17: When the vitality of your body is not used to heal wounds, it will be stored for later use. The maximum storage capacity is (your vitality * (skill level )). At the same time, it generates its own amount of vitality equal to (your vitality * (skill level )) .]

[Extra Skills:]

[Regenerative Adaptability (Passive) Level 10: Each time you receive damage, you adapt to regenerate faster from that type of damage. This increase is up to (100 * skill level)%.

(cuts +600%)

(breached bones +400%)

(blunt +300%)

(muscular sprain+400%)

(dark mist corrosive +1000%)

(poison by co2 +100%)

(electric +1000%)

(burning +1000%)

(freezing +1000%)


[Regeneration in Crisis (Passive) Level 4: The more injured you are, the greater the improvement in your body's healing. The improvement is equal to: `(Skill Level * (100 - Remaining HP Percentage))%`]

[Vitality Absorption (Active) Level 6: You can absorb ambient mana and mana from your enemies within a radius of (Skill Level) meters. The amount of mana absorbed per second is: `((vitality / 10) * Skill Level)`]


[Do you want to enter the warzone?]



With that, I start my third attempt to reach the Lorgs' respawn point. As I move in the now familiar direction, I begin hunting some solitary Lorgs. Detecting them with my monocle and being stealthy with my cloak, I shoot each arrow with a precision that not many people can achieve.

As I get closer to the respawn point, I encounter more Lorgs, and their variety increases too. However, my plan works—ambushing them makes it easy to kill them.

Even when they are in big groups, I manage to kill four or five before they notice my position. With my new weapons, it is easy to cut through their fur, making melee combat much easier than before.

I move swiftly and silently, using the terrain to my advantage. Every arrow I release hits its mark, taking down Lorgs one by one. When I engage in close combat, my new enchanted axe and dagger slice through them effortlessly. My practice and preparation over the past week pay off as I navigate through the increasingly dense groups of Lorgs.

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