Published at 19th of June 2024 06:52:34 AM

Chapter 31

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As I move deeper into the Lorg territory, I encounter a patrol of five Lorgs. These creatures are slightly larger than the usual ones, their fur thicker and their movements more coordinated. I take cover behind a crumbling wall, my eyes narrowing as I assess their positions.

I take a deep breath, nocking an arrow and drawing my bowstring back. I aim carefully, releasing the arrow with pinpoint accuracy. It strikes the first Lorg in the throat, dropping it instantly. Before the others can react, I fire two more arrows in quick succession, taking down another two.

The remaining Lorgs roar in anger and charge at my position. I sling my bow over my shoulder and draw my enchanted dagger and axe. With a burst of speed, I dart from my hiding spot, meeting the first Lorg head-on. My axe cleaves through its fur and flesh with ease, while my dagger finds its mark in the second Lorg's chest.

The two Lorgs I shot earlier were still twitching on the ground, their regenerative abilities kicking in, albeit too slowly to save them. The two remaining Lorgs, however, are faster and more agile than I expected. One lunges at me with claws extended, forcing me to roll to the side. I come up on my feet, barely dodging another swipe from the second Lorg.

I swing my axe in a wide arc, catching the first Lorg on its hind leg. It howls in pain, stumbling to the ground, but the second Lorg is already upon me. I raise my dagger just in time to block its gnashing teeth, the force of the attack sending me skidding back a few feet.

Using the momentum, I push forward, thrusting my dagger into the Lorg’s side. It snarls, lashing out with a claw that grazes my arm. The wound stings, but I don’t let it slow me down. I twist the dagger and pull it out, blood spraying from the wound. The Lorg staggers, but it’s not down yet.

The first Lorg, now limping, tries to flank me. I pivot on my heel, bringing my axe down in a crushing blow that splits its skull. The creature falls, finally lifeless. The second Lorg, seeing its companion fall, lets out a furious roar. It charges, but this time I’m ready.

I leap to the side, avoiding its charge and slashing at its back with my axe. The enchanted blade cuts through its thick fur and hide, leaving a deep gash. The Lorg whirls around, swinging a massive claw at me, but I duck under the blow and drive my dagger into its chest, aiming for the heart.

The Lorg convulses, its roars turning into gurgles as blood fills its lungs. I yank the dagger free, stepping back as the creature collapses. I stand there, breathing heavily, blood dripping from my weapons. The patrol is defeated, but I know this is just the beginning.

I take a moment to catch my breath and tend to my wounds. The Lorg's claws had left deep gashes, but my enhanced regeneration quickly kicks in, slowing the bleeding and beginning to close the wounds. I wipe the blood off my weapons and scan the area for any signs of more Lorgs.

The battle has drawn attention. I can hear distant growls and the sound of heavy footsteps approaching. I don’t have much time to prepare, but I use what little I have to reposition myself, taking cover behind a larger, more solid piece of debris.

I nock another arrow, ready to face whatever comes next. As the footsteps grow louder, I see more Lorgs emerging from the shadows. This time, there are eight of them, and they look even more formidable than the patrol I just defeated. Their eyes glow with a fierce intelligence, and their movements are coordinated as they spread out, searching for me.

I take a deep breath, steadying my aim. This is going to be a tougher fight, but I feel more prepared than ever. My skills have been honed, my weapons are ready, and I know I can handle whatever comes my way. As the first Lorg steps into view, I release my arrow, ready to face the next wave of enemies.

I quickly scan the area for a strategic advantage, spotting a narrow alley that will force the Lorgs to come at me in smaller numbers. I sprint towards it, arrows flying from my bow to thin their ranks as I run. Four Lorgs fall before I reach the alley, their bodies blocking the path for the ones behind them.

In the confined space, I switch to my melee weapons. The first Lorg charges at me, and I sidestep its attack, slashing its side with my dagger. My axe follows through, splitting its skull. Another Lorg leaps over the fallen body, claws outstretched. I raise my axe, blocking its strike and driving my dagger into its throat.

The Lorgs continue to come, their numbers seemingly endless. My movements become a blur of steel and precision as I parry, dodge, and strike. My enchanted weapons carve through their thick hides, the crystals embedded in my body keeping me from tiring as my regeneration skills work overtime to heal any injuries.

As the battle rages on, I notice the Lorgs' tactics shifting. They start coordinating their attacks, trying to overwhelm me with sheer numbers. I grit my teeth, pushing through the pain and exhaustion. My focus sharpens, every move calculated to maximize efficiency and minimize wasted effort.

Finally, after what feels like an eternity, the last Lorg falls. Its body hits the ground with a heavy thud, and I stand amidst the carnage, breathing heavily. My muscles ache, and my clothes are torn and bloodied, but I am victorious.

I take a moment to survey the battlefield, ensuring no Lorgs remain. The path to the respawn point is now clear, and I steel myself for the final confrontation. With renewed determination, I continue forward, ready to face whatever challenges await me at the Lorgs' respawn point.



As I continue my journey, the number of Lorgs increases significantly. I encounter groups of ten, then twenty, and eventually, hordes of fifty or more. Each battle is more intense than the last, pushing my skills and stamina to their limits.

minutes turn into hours as I carve a path through the seemingly endless waves of Lorgs. My regeneration keeps me going, healing my wounds as fast as they occur, and each wound makes that my body adapts or that my skills level up, making faster and faster my regeneration. The crystals embedded in my body ensure that the corrosive mist from the Lorgs' blood doesn't affect me for more than a second, allowing me to fight without hindrance.


Finally, after what feels like an eternity of battle, I find myself facing a horde of a thousand Lorgs. Their roars echo through the desolate forest, a cacophony of rage and hunger. I take a deep breath, steeling myself for the fight.

My body is in a perfect state, and my skills, {Vitality Absorption} and {Vitality Storage Generator}, provide me with enough vital energy to heal any wound without relying on {Rapid Regeneration}. The trick to refill my stamina using vitality means I can fight almost indefinitely—or even forever—if I continue absorbing the vitality of this number of Lorgs. Even if the vitality I absorb from each Lorg is not substantial, when hundreds of Lorgs come at me simultaneously, the total amount becomes significant.

I steel myself, ready for the next wave. With my enhanced abilities and near-limitless stamina, I know I can handle whatever comes my way. Each Lorg that falls will only make me stronger, their vitality feeding my relentless assault. As long as I keep fighting, I can sustain myself indefinitely, a one-person army against the relentless horde.

The ground trembles as dozens of Lorgs approach, their growls echoing through the ruined city. I nock another arrow, a determined grin spreading across my face. Let them come. I’m ready.

The first Lorgs steps into view, and I release my arrow. It strikes true, piercing its eye and dropping it instantly.  other seven roar in unison, their eyes locking onto my position. They charge as one, a coordinated assault meant to overwhelm me.

I leap from my cover, rolling to the side and nocking another arrow in a fluid motion. Another Lorg falls as my arrow finds its mark. But there's no time to admire my shot; the remaining six are almost upon me. I sling my bow over my shoulder and draw my enchanted dagger and axe, ready to meet them head-on.

As the first Lorg reaches me, I sidestep its clumsy swipe and bring my axe down on its back, severing its spine. It collapses with a howl, and I immediately turn to face the next. My dagger flashes out, slicing through fur and flesh, finding the Lorg's heart. 

Two down, four to go.

The next pair of Lorgs attacks in unison, their movements more synchronized than the others. I parry a swipe from one with my axe, the force of the blow reverberating up my arm. The other Lorg lunges at me, but I dodge to the side and slash at its legs with my dagger, cutting through tendons and muscle. It stumbles, and I finish it off with a swift strike to the throat.

I spin around just in time to block a powerful swipe from the remaining Lorg. Its claws clash against my axe, sparks flying. The Lorg snarls, pressing its advantage. I grit my teeth and push back, using my superior strength to throw it off balance. My dagger plunges into its side, twisting deep before I pull it free.

The last two Lorgs hang back, watching warily. They circle me, looking for an opening. I don't give them a chance. With a burst of speed, I charge the nearest one, my axe cleaving through its thick fur and bone. The final Lorg tries to flee, but I won't let it escape. An arrow finds its mark between its shoulders, and it collapses, twitching in the dirt.

As I stand amidst the fallen Lorgs, I can feel the vital energy flowing into me, replenishing my strength and stamina. My wounds close rapidly, the energy from {Vitality Absorption}  fueling my recovery. I can sense more Lorgs in the distance, drawn by the sounds of battle. 

I continue with my bow, picking off as many Lorgs as I can before they close the distance. Each arrow finds its mark, but their numbers are overwhelming. I switch to my enchanted axe and dagger as the first wave reaches me, cutting through their thick hides with precision and power.

The battle is a blur of motion and blood. My weapons slice through fur and flesh, my body moving with a fluid grace honed through countless hours of practice. Lorgs fall by the dozens, but more keep coming, their relentless assault unending.

My regeneration skills work overtime, healing cuts and bruises almost as soon as they form.

After what feels like hours of relentless combat, the last Lorg falls. Its body hits the ground with a heavy thud, and I stand amidst the carnage, breathing heavily. My clothes are torn and bloodied. The ground is littered with the bodies of a thousand Lorgs, a testament to my resolve and skill.

In the distance, I see the glowing portal of the Lorgs' respawn point. My heart races with anticipation and determination. This is it—the moment I've been preparing for.

I take a deep breath, steadying myself for the final assault. With my weapons ready and my skills honed to perfection, I advance towards the portal, ready to confront whatever awaits me. As I approach, the air around the portal shimmers with a strange energy, and I can feel the power emanating from it.

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