Published at 19th of June 2024 06:52:32 AM

Chapter 33

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Inside the rift, shielded from the relentless pursuit of the Lorgs for the moment, I allow myself to truly process the gravity of my injuries and how precariously close I came to death.

As the ragged stump of my severed arm continues to regenerate, I can't help but chastise myself for my carelessness and overconfidence in previous battles. I had begun to feel almost invincible with my regenerative abilities, attacking the Lorgs with reckless abandon, confident that any wound would heal quickly.

But this Alpha Lorg... this towering nightmare made flesh... has disabused me of such arrogant notions in a brutally humiliating manner. My conceited frontal assaults were as effective as mosquitoes biting a dragon's skin against such an overwhelmingly powerful beast. If not for my sheer desperation and frantic evasions, it would have torn me apart like a rag doll.

I look at the slowly regenerating stump and feel a pang of regret. My left arm was sacrificed due to my foolish pride. A sobering reminder that no matter how enhanced I may become, I am still merely mortal flesh and bone against the primordial horrors of this invasion.

Leaning my head against the rock wall, I let my eyes close as I focus my mind inward, gathering my concentration. When my regeneration is complete, I cannot face that Lorg with the same wild, untamed fury as before. I must be cold, calculating, and utterly ruthless in my approach.

For now, I see with brutal clarity: the path to immortality will not be won through sheer force of arms, but rather through measured tactics and an unyielding will to endure any hardship, any sacrifice in its pursuit. The Lorg has shown me the depths of savagery I must be willing to plumb.

My eyes open once more, this time with steely determination. Very well, then, I think grimly. If that is the price to be paid to achieve true immortality, to shed these mortal shackles forever... then so be it. I will do whatever it takes.

I will be reborn in this moment, shedding the naivety and impulsiveness that led me to this bloody edge. The next time I face the Alpha Lorg, it will be with a cold, ruthless calculation that makes even its own brutality seem tame by comparison.

This, I vow, as the regeneration of my severed limb nears completion. No mercy. No hesitation. Only the relentless, unstoppable march towards transcendence, no matter the cost. For I will be immortal...

...Or die a master in the attempt.


After my sobering reflections on carelessness and overconfidence, I wait in tense silence as the regenerative process continues. Minutes feel like hours, but finally, after what must be nearly three minutes, I feel the last fibers knitting seamlessly.

I flex my newly regenerated left arm experimentally, marveling at the perfect regrowth. Not a single scar or flaw mars the fresh skin and musculature—the limb is as good as new, as if it had never been savagely torn away.

A grim smile tugs at my lips. This incredible regenerative ability is perhaps my greatest advantage against the Alpha Lorg, as it was with the other Lorgs, allowing me to shrug off injuries that would paralyze or kill a normal fighter. The overwhelming size and strength of the beast mean I cannot hope to overpower it in direct combat. But I can certainly outlast that colossal monster.

As I clench and unclench my restored fist, I feel a resurgence of resolve, of relentless determination. No more reckless, showy attacks—those nearly cost me everything against such a towering predator. When I face the Lorg again, it will be with cold, ruthless pragmatism as my guide.

I crouch, the tendons and ligaments of my regenerated arm thankfully feeling as strong and agile as before its traumatic removal. Good... I will need every ounce of dexterity and striking power at my disposal.

Advancing toward the narrow entrance of the rift, I peer out cautiously, scanning for any sign of the Alpha Lorg. The clearing where our titanic battle unfolded seems empty for now, though the crushed vegetation and furrowed earth are grim testaments to the violence that transpired.

Undoubtedly, the creature still lurks somewhere nearby, tracking my presence using the monocle. I cannot hide in this crevice forever; eventually, I must emerge and renew our confrontation, this time on my terms.

Gripping my axe and dagger tightly, I steady my breathing and shift my mind fully into that ruthless, unyielding headspace I vowed to embody. All stray thoughts, all fear and doubt, are purged in an instant of brutal mental discipline.

Only the objective remains: achieving immortality by any means necessary, no matter how devastating or extreme. And there is one more obstacle blocking that path...

Slipping from the rift with silent lethality, I begin tracking the Lorg, every fiber of my being channeled into the singular purpose of its destruction. I am no longer the prey...

...I am the hunter.

Using my monocle to follow the Lorg's movements, the flickering lens pierces the dense foliage to detect its faint heat trail. It has moved a fair distance away, perhaps drawn off by the lack of prey scents in my rift hideaway.

Good, that will give me the element of surprise when I close in for the kill. No more direct confrontations—those play directly into the beast's physical superiority. This time, I will strike with surgical precision from an untraceable approach.

Moving in utter silence, I close the distance through the underbrush, the monocle guiding me inexorably toward the lurking alpha predator. Finally, I see it through a break in the tree line—its immense, muscular bulk almost blending with the shadows as it crouches, nostrils flaring for any hint of my scent.

A cold sense of detachment washes over me as I evaluate my target. Any vestige of fear or doubt has been purged from my mind, leaving it a sharpened instrument of calculated violence. I am the embodiment of relentless hunting prowess made flesh.

I can feel the power thrumming in my regenerated limbs, augmented to near-supernatural levels by my reserve of vitality. I do not need grand displays of strength against this abomination, only to leverage every advantage of speed and endurance my enhancements provide.

Out of its reach, I draw my bow and fire a volley of arrows directly into its burning eyes.

The arrows find their mark with deadly "thumps," blinding the Lorg as it roars and writhes in agony.

I uncoil and move with blinding speed, seemingly shifting from the tree line to the Lorg's blind spot in the blink of an eye. Its head swings just as my axe arcs down in a blinding strike, driven by the full weight of my body behind it.

The enchanted blade bites deeply into the Lorg's shoulder, cleaving through muscle and bone with a fleshy crunch. A deafening roar of rage and pain erupts from the beast's maw as it swings around, thrashing in response to the unexpected attack.

But I am already gone, dancing out of its reach in a blur of motion. I dart in again, this time slashing my dagger in a cruel cross-pattern along its flank, opening parallel gashes in its scaly hide.

Roaring with enraged fury, the Lorg twists and flails, massive claws raking and snapping jaws tearing through the air as I flit out of its reach again and again. I am the maddening mosquito, stinging it with incessant, infuriating bites before vanishing once more into the shadows.

A mosquito that doesn't stop even when its claws graze my skin.

I retreat each time the Lorg starts to notice my position, blending into the dense forest foliage with my cloak, and firing arrows at its senses, like its ears and nose, before closing in to continue my attacks with my dagger and axe, which cut and penetrate its thick fur better than simple arrows.

On and on it goes, and the once-invincible horror is worn down little by little through sheer, dogged persistence. Where its size and power once made it unstoppable, those same attributes become hindrances as it tires from fending off my relentless assault.

I can see the first flickers of uncertainty, even fear, as I appear and disappear like a specter, leaving a fresh trail of ichor with each lethal pass. The impossible-to-kill has become the hunted, the roles cruelly reversed in the blink of an eye.

Finally, I prepare to deliver the killing blow as the Lorg finally falters and its movements grow sluggish and clumsy. I bury my axe in the back of its skull up to the shaft, putting all the weight of my regenerated musculature into the strike.

Barely catching my breath, I release my axe with a spurt of viscera, the Lorg making one last desperate swipe that tears open my abdomen, exposing the fragments I once embedded to enhance my adaptability and level up my skills.

In that moment, the idea occurs to me to use the crystal to attack this Lorg. I take the crystal fragments in my hand and rub them against the blood-covered blades of my weapons, both the Lorg's and mine, causing them to be surrounded by an energy as if imbued by it.

Because the abdomen is an area with many organs, my abilities {Regeneration in Crisis} and {Focused Recovery Improvement} work better than ever, further enhancing my already significant improvements and allowing the vitality released by {Vitality Storage Generator} and the use of {Rapid Regeneration} to heal the damage in a surprising 2 seconds.

During these seconds, I take the opportunity to retreat and hide once more. Due to my constant attacks, the Lorg can hardly detect me.


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