Published at 19th of June 2024 06:52:31 AM

Chapter 34

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As I wait in the shadows, I contemplate my weapons newly imbued with the flickering translucent energy of the crystal fragments. I can feel their power reverberating through me, a new and lethal force added to my arsenal.

I examine closely the blades of my axe and dagger, now surrounded by a corrosive mist of sickly green. I recall the painful lessons learned after carrying those fragments with me for weeks, when I accidentally discovered their highly caustic properties.

A simple prolonged exposure to that toxic mist was enough to melt skin and muscles down to the bone. Fortunately, my regenerative powers were able to counteract the damage each time.

Now, I've managed to imbue that deadly corrosive substance into my weapons. Any wound inflicted will not only cut and tear but also continue to cauterize and dissolve exposed flesh with endless agony. Even the powerful defense and strength of the alpha Lorg will be ineffective against such a virulent toxin.

A grim smile spreads across my face at this new advantage.

Meanwhile, I continue with my strategy, now also imbuing the arrows with the corrosive mist, causing the Lorg to roar as it feels its organs, like ears, and nose, corroding.

At the same time, I move and aim at the wounds on its limbs, which, although not deep enough, are easier to cut and allow the mist to penetrate both the wound and its bloodstream.

About twenty minutes later, the Lorg, completely tired and covered in wounds all over its body, especially in its joints, stops in its endless assault. Each attack has become more desperate and frantic in an attempt to avoid giving me the opportunity to finish it off. Now it is visibly exhausted.

I seize the opportunity, leaping onto the Lorg's back and driving my dagger into the base of its skull. The creature roars in pain, thrashing wildly, but I hold on, twisting the dagger deeper. With a final, desperate roar, the Lorg collapses to the ground, its body twitching as the life drains from it.

I roll off the creature, landing heavily on the ground. My body aches, and my clothes are soaked with blood—both mine and the Lorg's. But I am victorious. The Lorg is defeated, and the portal now distant, begins to flicker and fade.

[You have earned 50 coins]

As if to congratulate me on my triumph, a system message appears, and with it, I once again realize the strength of this Lorg. Normal Lorgs give me 3 coins, detection Lorgs and slightly larger-than-normal Lorgs, which are only found near the respawn point, give me 5 coins. Lastly, stealthy Lorgs grant 10 coins.

On the other hand, my attention shifts to the now distant portal emitting a light I had never seen before. As I watch, the portal's glow diminishes, and the energy around it dissipates. The Lorg's respawn point is no more. I take a deep breath, the weight of my journey finally lifting from my shoulders.

I stand amidst the carnage, a sense of calm washing over me. I've accomplished what I set out to do, but I know there will be more battles ahead. The Lorgs may be defeated for now, but they definitely continue to be in the war zone, not to mention they can invade my world again. And when they do, I will be ready.

With that, I cautiously approach the portal, intending to observe the area and see if I can take advantage of anything. It's then that I spot a faint gleam amidst the surrounding ruins. I approach with apprehension, sword in hand, and discover an old, chipped, and rusty chest.

Brushing off the dust and debris, I pull open the heavy lid. A metallic squeal echoes as the rusted hinges finally give way. Inside, a pile of gleaming gold coins awaits, stacked against the walls of the chest.

A glimmer flashes before my eyes, and a system message appears:

[You have obtained 500  coins ]

"You're finally giving me coins, you stingy system," I say aloud, complaining about how little I earn with each Lorg compared to the system's high prices, but at the same time, I'm glad, given that 500 coins is not little, at least not for me.

A small loot to commemorate my triumph, but certainly welcome. I pick up the coins and store them carefully. They will be a tangible reminder of this trial, as well as a useful resource for future adventures.

With the treasure secured, I stand up and give one last look at the charred remains of the portal, making sure nothing useful is left before heading back to my hideout.

Once I arrive at that small cave surrounded by lush bushes, which gives me a sense of security, I decide to check my status, seeing the fruit of my effort. After all, the reason I decided to go to the respawn point was to quickly level up, both my general level and my skill levels, taking advantage of the large number of Lorgs present in its vicinity.

I sit on the cave floor, leaning my back against the cold rock. With a sigh of relief, I open the system menu to review my progress.

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