Published at 19th of June 2024 06:52:28 AM

Chapter 37

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After purchasing the **Basic Cultivation Meditation Method** and reading it, I started to think about it. My first impression was that this could take more time than I initially thought, which might explain why it's the slowest path to progress. My second impression was that since it's better to have a large amount of condensed Qi, and the more Qi the better, I should spend some time practicing the first three steps of the manual to handle Qi more fluidly.

I found a quiet spot in a serene garden near my home. The garden, with its vibrant greenery and gentle sounds of nature, seemed the perfect place to start my journey.

**Part 1: Understanding Qi**

I sat comfortably on a smooth stone bench, my back straight, shoulders relaxed. Closing my eyes, I began to focus on my breath, letting the noise of the world fade away. As the guide suggested, I concentrated on understanding qi—this life energy that flows through everything. I visualized it as a shimmering, golden light that coursed through my body, nourishing every cell.

**Part 2: Preparing for Meditation**

The garden's natural ambiance helped me feel more connected to the earth and sky. I sat in the Half-Lotus position, my hands resting on my knees. I started with deep breathing, inhaling through my nose, feeling my abdomen rise, and exhaling slowly through my mouth, imagining all my stress and negativity leaving my body as a dark mist.

**Part 3: Basic Qi Cultivation Techniques**

I moved on to the breathing technique, drawing in qi from the environment with each breath. I visualized the qi as tiny sparks of light entering my body, gathering in my dantian. The image of the qi ball forming and growing brighter with each inhale became clearer in my mind. I felt a warm sensation in my lower abdomen, a sign that I was beginning to harness the qi effectively.

Next, I practiced the Microcosmic Orbit, visualizing a circuit of energy running up my spine, over my head, and down the front of my body. With each cycle, I felt the energy flow becoming smoother and more balanced. I then expanded the circuit to include my limbs, creating the Macrocosmic Orbit. The energy now flowed through my entire body, filling me with a sense of calm and strength.

After finishing my meditation session, I remembered that I still had enough coins to make some necessary purchases. I focused on improving my equipment, especially my bow and arrows, which were showing signs of wear.

I decided to acquire:

- **Enchanted Bow with Boost (620c)**: This enchanted bow will increase the strength and speed of my shots. With an additional boost, my arrows will fly faster and with greater power, which will be invaluable in combat.

- **Sharp Enchanted Arrows (515c)**: These enchanted arrows will be sharp and ready to penetrate any defense. The magical edge will increase their penetration and accuracy, making them even more lethal on the battlefield.

After acquiring the bow and improved arrows, I decided to invest in enhancing my escape options in case of emergency. I opted for:

- **Escape Boots (830c)**: These boots are enchanted to increase the user's speed and agility when escaping. With them, I can move faster and with greater dexterity to evade dangers or escape from compromising situations, like when I faced the alpha lorg.

- **Speed Enhancement Anklets (1345c)**: These anklets are enchanted to significantly increase my speed and agility. With them, I can move more quickly in combat, dodge attacks more easily, and react faster to any threat.

With my new anklets, escape boots, enchanted bow with boost, and sharp enchanted arrows, I felt much better prepared to face any challenge. I set out to test my equipment and continue my training.

Once the purchases were made, I felt more prepared to face the challenges that might arise, although this time I wouldn’t be as overconfident as I was before facing that alpha lorg.


After spending some time as a normal person, I decided to head to the hill in the opposite direction of the lorgs' respawn point. Before leaving, I made sure to review all my essential preparations.

**Checking my equipment:** I ensured that my new enchanted bow with boost and my sharp enchanted arrows were in perfect condition. I also checked the escape boots and speed enhancement anklets, adjusting them for a perfect fit.

**Securing my camouflage cloak:** I placed the cloak over my shoulders, making sure it was well-adjusted. This cloak would allow me to move undetected, which would be crucial to avoid being ambushed.

**Confirming the location on the map:** I consulted the map to ensure the exact location of the hill. I marked the safest and fastest path, avoiding possible areas of unknown danger.

After ensuring everything was ready, I entered the warzone and headed towards the hill by the path that seemed the safest.

As I advanced, I kept my senses alert. The landscape gradually changed from the safer areas near my home to wilder and less explored terrains. The vegetation became denser and the terrain more rugged, but my speed enhancement anklets allowed me to move with agility.

Of course, along the way, I encountered a few lorgs, but since they couldn't detect me, they were easy prey.

I took advantage of these encounters to test my new bow and arrows. After loading the arrow in the bow, I aimed at its head and shot. In an instant, the arrow reached its head and surprisingly pierced it completely, eliminating the lorg.

After marveling at the power of my new weapon and retrieving the arrow, I continued on my way.

Upon reaching the base of the hill, I paused for a moment to observe my surroundings. Everything seemed quiet, but I didn't lower my guard. I carefully climbed, looking for any sign of something peculiar that might indicate the location of the crystal.



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