Published at 19th of June 2024 06:52:24 AM

Chapter 41

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The next day, I set out for the war zone once again, the infrared crystal embedded in my arm. I made my way methodically through the various lorg respawning points, engaging the hordes of enemies that emerged. Thousands upon thousands of lorgs descended upon me, but I was ready.

My regenerative abilities allowed me to shrug off injuries that would have been devastating before. Severed limbs reattached, gaping wounds closed seamlessly, as I pushed forward through the never-ending waves of lorg assailants.

However, I was careful never to fully exterminate them at any one spawn point. I had learned from harsh experience that defeating every last lorg would trigger the arrival of their mighty alpha lorg. As formidable as I had become, I did not yet feel prepared to confront such an overwhelming foe.

So I battled on, culling the lorg populations down to a remnant but allowing that remnant to live and replenish their numbers. It was a grueling cycle - fight, withdraw before the alpha manifested, go to other lorg respawn points, and repeat.

Day after day, I repeated this process, slowly becoming more powerful with each skirmish. The infrared adaptation increased steadily until I could shrug off even the most intense heat and radiation as mere inconveniences.

My tactics remained the same - engage the lorgs at each spawn, prevent their complete eradication to avoid the alpha, then move on to the next area. It was arduous work, but I could feel myself growing inexorably stronger, readying myself for the day when I could finally face the alpha lorg without fear.

In the midst of these days, I continued with my training to form my dantian as best as possible, and so three weeks passed.

Finally, my adaptations to infrared radiation and electromagnetic radiation reached their maximum (+1000%). Additionally, due to the corrosive crystal fragments and the infrared crystal embedded in my stomach, my adaptation to organ damage increased to 400%.

However, I have not yet found a way to imbue my weapons with that infrared energy, and I haven't found anything useful on the internet either.

Meanwhile, my level increased to 18. Perhaps because I'm close to level 20, leveling up has become nearly impossible. Even though the lorgs are getting stronger as I level up, they don't seem to give me more coins or make me level up faster.

On the other hand, I think I'm finally ready to form my dantian. In the past few weeks, constant practice has made me accustomed to Qi and allowed me to manipulate it more easily, but in the last week, this progress has slowed to the point where I made no apparent progress in the last few days.

Therefore, I believe this is the limit of what I can do without a dantian, so I prepare to create one, though I still have some doubts. For instance, during the process, internal injuries are supposed to occur, but I'm not sure if my healing ability will interfere with the creation of the dantian by healing those injuries.

Although I could drain my stored vitality to prevent this, I don't think that would be useful considering the high level my healing abilities have reached due to {Regenerative Adaptability}, {Rapid Regeneration}, and to a lesser extent, {Regeneration in Crisis}, not to mention my high vitality.

There's also the fact that this process is supposed to take a long time, which is why I start doing it on a Friday at dawn, knowing that my {Vitality Storage Generator} would fill up in less than an hour given its speed at generating its own vitality.

Despite everything and as I can't do anything else about it, I decide to try it and then see what happens. Before starting, I make sure to remove the two crystals from my abdomen and take off the physical resistance amulet in case they interfere with the process more than my regeneration will.

So I begin to meditate and gather Qi.

With the Qi circulating smoothly, I focus on gathering it in my abdomen.

I visualize the energy compressing, forming a dense and concentrated core. The process feels intense, and I perceive a certain internal tension, deducing that these must be the small injuries that appear. The tension disappears instantly but reappears once more, creating an unexpected loop.

I maintain this condensed energy, trying to attract more to condense it further. The discomfort gradually increases as more and more energy gathers. At the same time, I notice that my wounds heal more slowly, which might be a good thing in this case.

After two hours, I reach the limit of the energy I can condense. Now, all that remains is to wait. Since my wounds are still in this loop, I don't know what will happen in the end.

Over time, I realize that each time a wound opens, a part of the energy is absorbed by my tissues, so it seems the process is going well, just slower than usual.

Realizing this and seeing that the energy I had condensed keeps reducing, I decide to condense more energy, although I'm not sure if that's the right thing to do. This time I decide to go for it since the guide I bought mentioned that the more condensed energy, the better.

So a day and a half pass. This has undoubtedly been the most boring day of my life since, requiring concentration, I haven't been able to do anything else, not even move from the same position.

Regarding the formation of my dantian, nothing has changed. It continues to absorb Qi, and I continue replenishing it. The only curious thing is that after the first two hours of fully condensing the Qi, my wounds started to heal faster, probably because my adaptation to organ damage was improving more and more.

But after a while, this acceleration in my healing stopped, perhaps because my organ damage adaptation reached its maximum (+1000%). An hour later, the speed at which my wounds healed reduced once more. At that moment, I thought something important would happen, but aside from the continuous reduction in speed, nothing happened.

At that moment, I decided that there would come a point where my body would stop regenerating, and it would be then when I could proceed with the procedure as the method originally described.

But again, that didn't happen, and my wounds started healing faster once more after an hour of decreasing. I began to believe this was turning into a loop after the speed of healing reduced once more after three hours of slow increase.

But that loop didn't happen, showing me that today is not a good day for assumptions since none of my suppositions were coming true, as the speed of healing didn't increase again, although it continued to decrease more slowly.

During this time, I also had time to form a theory by observing the increase and decrease in healing speed. Let's hope this time I'm right.

In the creation of the dantian, wounds are produced, and the more Qi is condensed, the more wounds appear. Even if the Qi is absorbed by the wounds, due to my adaptation to organ damage increasing, my wounds healed faster each time. Then, as the wounds increased, the healing speed reduced.

But my skill {Regenerative Adaptability} adapted to this type of damage and created an adaptation that increased my healing once more. Since this was a new adaptation, it took time to grow, causing the last increase in healing speed to be slower.

Finally, the reason why the last reduction in healing speed became progressively slower is due to my skill {Regeneration in Crisis}.

Now, when my regeneration is almost null, I hope to proceed with the creation of the dantian as it should have originally been done.

After my regeneration stopped working a few minutes later, I proceeded as mentioned in the purchased method. I wanted to keep replenishing the Qi, but once the wounds formed and didn't close, the condensed Qi was absorbed in seconds, and then all the wounds disappeared, noticing that it was absorbed faster and faster, so I had no time to replenish the Qi.

Then, I began to feel a new sensation, which I assumed was my dantian in formation. Sadly, although I no longer had much to do, I prefer to wait for it to form completely before doing anything.

Hours pass, but I remain patient, after all, I had already waited more than a day and a half before and also understanding that this base is crucial for my future growth. As the sun of the second day sets, casting a golden glow over the garden, the sensation grows smaller, and just as night falls, it disappears.

At that moment, I feel a sensation of power that I had never experienced before. With that, I open my eyes and check my status panel to see the changes.

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