Published at 19th of June 2024 06:52:22 AM

Chapter 43

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After carefully reading the information about cultivation, I felt a mix of excitement and fear. The path of cultivation seemed incredibly deep and complex, with many nuances to master, far more than initially appeared.

I decided that my next step should be to explore the "Techniques" section of the store, now unlocked. I skimmed through the listings, marveling at the variety of esoteric skills available for purchase.

Some relied on the manipulation of internal energy, redirecting and refining the flow of qi. Others focused on external techniques: ancient martial arts styles, mystical weapons, or elemental affinities. The prices varied greatly, undoubtedly correlating with the power of each skill, but still putting me in a bad mood.

In the end, I settled on some basic "xinggong" exercises to start training my body's meridians and qi circulation. They seemed like an ideal fundamental step before trying more advanced techniques. With a few taps, I spent a portion of the hard-earned money to learn them.

[basic xinggong technique 1340c]

My next task was to find complementary cultivation manuals that covered the physical and mental aspects as described in the information, these were found in the PATH section of the store.

[basic physical cultivation method 1970c]

[basic mental cultivation method 1999c]

For the next two days, I divided my efforts between practicing the basic xinggong I had purchased and cultivating the three types of cultivation. My body felt increasingly full of energy, my mind calmer and more focused. I could feel the stable paths of qi slowly taking shape.

When I felt I had made sufficient initial progress in the three cultivation requirements, I decided it was time to test my new abilities. Taking a deep breath, I opened the system interface and confirmed my entry into the war zone once more.

This time, I could clearly feel the enormous difference in ambient energies compared to the loorgs I had faced before. These new enemies... radiated power far beyond any foe I had encountered so far. But I no longer felt fear, not after feeling that despite the clear difference, it wasn't large enough to overwhelm me, at least not the normal loorgs that I could surprisingly sense vaguely, making my monocle obsolete.

Not only that, but I could even sense that I had more energy than they did. Although this isn't an official way to measure their power, it's still reassuring. Reinforcing my determination, I charged forward to meet the loorgs, deciding to see if my old tactics still worked.

I hid in the bushes at a distance and readied my bow, only to be surprised that the loorg had not only detected me but was already charging toward me.

Fortunately, I was at a large enough distance to avoid being caught by surprise. So, I quickly aimed and shot.

The loorg tried to dodge, but due to the improved bow and the arrow's speed, which was high enough, the arrow struck his shoulder, once again surprising me with the toughness of his body.

Despite the arrow and bow being much better than a normal one, it only managed to penetrate and didn't cause the arm to be torn off or a critical injury as it would to a normal loorg.

Given this, I quickly took my axe and knife and prepared for close combat, remembering and putting into practice the "xinggong" technique, which can enhance the overall strength and durability of my body.

The loorg charged at me with surprising speed, its claws extended, ready to tear me apart. I channeled the qi through my body, feeling my muscles tense and my strength increase.

At the last second, I dodged his charge with a nimble hip movement, letting him pass by. Taking advantage of the opening, I delivered a downward slash with my axe, aiming for his spine.

The loorg's armored scales clanged against my weapon, but the force driven by xinggong was enough to open a bleeding gash. He roared in fury as he turned to face me.

This time, he came at me with a swinging strike of his claws, which I blocked by crossing my axe and knife. The impact made my arms tremble, but I held my ground. Using his own momentum, I pushed him back and counterattacked with a flurry of knife stabs.

The sharp blades found flesh, opening deep cuts in his torso. Black ichor bubbled from the wounds, but he still stood, consumed by a murderous frenzy.

He lunged at me again, this time intending to tear me apart with his massive jaws. Just when I thought he would get me, I use the Qi at much as i can in my legs.

Suddenly, I found myself out of his trajectory, dancing around him as if moving in slow motion. My weapons became blurred flashes of steel as I delivered blow after blow to his exposed sides and limbs.

The loorg howled in agony as its legs were shredded and flesh torn from its bones. But he still refused to fall, his monstrous vitality keeping him standing despite his ruinous wounds.

Knowing I needed a lethal blow, I gathered all my xinggong-enhanced strength and delivered a relentless barrage of strikes to his unprotected throat.

Flesh and cartilage yielded under my qi-driven weapons until, finally, the loorg's trachea was exposed and torn. He choked and convulsed in his own black blood before collapsing to the side, each breath resonating in watery bubbles.

Panting heavily, I stood still, watching as his life slowly faded away. It had been a brutal fight, one that would have been impossible without my mastery of xinggong and my weapon enhancements.

 I glared at the fallen loorg. Such a formidable beast, and yet I had prevailed thanks to mypreparation and power.

Surprisingly, I can now fight a loorg head-on without sustaining any injuries, something that wasn't possible before I had a path and before the war zone changed.

Thinking about it, I recalled that during the formation of the dantian, the more condensed qi you have, the better it will be. Therefore, I hypothesized that due to the way my dantian formed, I managed to have a greater amount of condensed qi used in its creation.

Since it is also the connection of qi with the body, mind, and soul, it's possible that having a better dantian made my stats increase much more than they usually would.



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