Published at 19th of June 2024 06:52:21 AM

Chapter 44

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Feeling like this hypothesis is quite plausible, I can't help but feel happy, although such happiness fades quickly when I remember that my old tactic of hiding and shooting down several lorgs with arrows before being detected hasn't worked.

Thinking a bit further, I come to the conclusion that just as I can detect the energy of lorgs from a considerable distance, they can also detect mine. It's just that lorgs don't seem to have as developed a sense as mine, so they can't detect me from that far away.

Although it's likely that lorgs with stronger detection abilities could easily spot me. In this case, my detection cloak becomes obsolete along with the monocle, which is quite sad since I had just bought the new cloak.

Following the position of the lorgs, I head to the location of another group. This time I encounter a group of three. Knowing they would detect me if I get too close, this time I keep a wide distance before attempting to shoot an arrow.

Because the distance is much greater than what I usually do, aiming becomes a much more challenging task. However, since my senses are sharp enough, it's not an impossible task either.

In this case, I aim for their chest, as it's the largest area and where there are multiple vital spots. After shooting the arrow, this time it doesn't detect the arrow fast enough to dodge it, hitting its target. Despite this, I don't manage to instantly kill the lorg, so I believe I didn't hit any vital points.

After shooting, the other two notice me. However, due to the great distance, I manage to shoot several more arrows. This time, one of the lorgs falls after being hit by two arrows, while the other two are already injured.

That makes melee combat easier and enables me to defeat them again without any injuries. Feeling more confident with myself, I continue my path, searching for my new prey. However, as I head towards another group of lorgs, I suddenly feel a sharp pain in my back.

I quickly turn around, but I see nothing, hear nothing, and despite focusing on my new sense to detect energy, I feel nothing. Thanks to my abilities, the wound heals, but it does so slower than usual. Realizing this, I briefly focus on the wound, noticing an energy around it that I hadn't felt before.

At that moment, I feel another attack, this time on my neck. Luckily, I react fast enough to avoid losing my head. Although a part of my neck was torn, my mind remains as sharp as ever. I quickly deduce it must be a stealthy lorg, which confuses me as I'm sure I'm not near any respawn points.

Thanks to my abilities, the wound heals, albeit slower than usual, even with {Regeneration in Crisis}. Realizing this, I focus for a moment on the wound, noticing an energy around it that I hadn't felt before. I deduce this energy is used by the stealthy lorg. Even then, my regeneration heals my neck in a second.

Knowing the situation is too dangerous, I make the best decision I can: to flee. Activating the Escape Boots, I run as fast as possible, putting all the Qi available into my legs. At the same time, I activate {Vitality Absorption}, hoping to sense an approximate position of the lorg, or at least slow it down.

Thanks to my new senses, I can now vaguely feel vitality outside my body. However, the absorbed vitality seems to appear out of nowhere near me, giving me a too vague direction, but better than nothing.

With that, I manage to put my arms in that direction, hoping they will block the lorg's attack. It seems my plan works, although the skin and muscles of my arms are torn.

I appreciate the increase in my toughness statistic and the "xinggong" technique for preventing my arms from being torn off as I continue running, hoping, and trying to block each attack. Although some of them hit my stomach and legs, nearly making me stumble.

This time I decide to block with one arm while I take my axe and prepare to counterattack.

The next attack from the cultivator lorg comes from the direction I guessed. I put my free arm forward, allowing the claws to tear my flesh as I push through them. Then, with a fierce roar, I swing my axe with all my strength towards the lorg.

My axe impacts with tremendous force, embedding itself in the lorg's skin and weakening its stealth. I grit my teeth and push with all my might, channeling every ounce of Qi through my arm. I can't retreat or give up now, or I could end up in the same situation as before.

The cultivator lorg momentarily retreats, surprised by my counterattack. I seize that brief moment to lunge forward, ignoring the stabbing pain in my injured arm. My determination surpasses any sense of agony.

Swiftly, I charge toward the lorg, whose form is barely distinguishable in the forest dimness. My steps are swift and calculated, each one bringing me closer to my target. The lorg tries to evade me, but my determination and agility are relentless.

My senses are heightened, focused on every movement of the lorg, every hint of its presence. I can't let it escape, not after it wounded me. I continue chasing it, my mind solely focused on reaching it and ending this confrontation.

The lorg, though agile, starts showing signs of fatigue, likely from the wound I deduce was on its chest. Its movements become less coordinated, more desperate. I know I'm close. With one last effort, I increase my speed, closing the distance between us.

Then, with a defiant roar, I lunge forward, my axe ready for the final blow. There's no room for fear, only determination. With a quick and precise movement, I unleash all my power into a strike aimed at the lorg, hoping to end this battle once and for all.

Panting from the effort, I take a moment to catch my breath as my wounds begin to heal rapidly. A small victory, but one that demonstrates the true challenge that awaits me. Rank one lorgs won't be easy to beat, but now I know I need new countermeasures.

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