Published at 19th of June 2024 06:52:19 AM

Chapter 47

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After that, I decided to wait a week before re-entering the war zone, as it would be better to practice the techniques more and cultivate further.

On the sixth day, just as I was preparing to re-enter, it turned out that one of the world's most famous boxers declared himself a system user. Due to his fame and the government's request for him to surrender voluntarily, this sparked several controversies.

However, what truly prevented me from entering was the government's official announcement that they now had a way to detect system users and differentiate them from ordinary people.

The pressure increased with each passing hour, making the decision more difficult. I knew that surrendering now would be risky, especially since the government had intensified their detection methods. Although I considered surrendering as an option, I was aware that negotiations with the government might not guarantee safety.

I decided to lay low for now and observe what would happen.

Using my high mental capacity, thanks to my intelligence statistic, I began to devise how to avoid being caught by the government.

I started by hypothesizing how the government could detect if someone is a system user, assuming the information is true and not a ploy to encourage more voluntary surrenders.

Firstly, I considered the possibility that they developed a method to detect the presence of a nearby system user.

Then, I thought they might detect the energy of system users, which is completely different from that of a normal person, even without a clear path. In this case, using my hood could be a viable option to avoid detection, or maybe not due to the fact that not having energy could also be seen as suspicious.

This latter theory seems quite valid, especially now that the news has spread. If other system users are also progressing like me, they likely have progressed enough to be able to have a path and detect these energies.

However, this would only work under the possibility that some system user is cooperating with the government, which is not unreasonable to think given that there may be system users in the military or in government roles.

Of course, if we follow this line of thought, there could be a person with some kind of talent that allows them to detect if someone is a system user, which would support the first theory.

My last theory is that because system users enter and leave the war zone constantly, the government could have some method to detect this activity.

These reflections made me understand that I must proceed with extreme caution and be prepared to adapt quickly to any changes in the situation. My ability to anticipate and plan will be crucial to staying hidden and protected while I decide my next move.

I recalled all the strategies I had developed during my training and cultivation. Each technique had to be flawless if I wanted to avoid detection. My stealth techniques and items would be crucial to evade any capture attempts.

The reason I decide to buy an object that helps camouflage my energy to pass as a normal person essentially lies in the need for the object to appear ordinary, thereby significantly increasing its price.

[Camouflaged Energy Ring 2893c]: This ring is designed with advanced technology that camouflages the characteristic energy of system users, allowing them to blend in as ordinary individuals against any form of energy detection. Its discreet and elegant design does not raise suspicion, hiding its energy completely, making it an essential tool for those who need to move undetected. The integrated technology automatically adjusts the user's energy signature to mimic that of non-affiliated individuals, functioning only for energy detection measures below stage 2.

The image of the famous boxer "voluntarily" surrendering to the government, advocating for the release of system users, resonated in my mind. What would happen if they discovered me?

Due to my paranoid state, I have decided not to enter the war zone for now, thus canceling my plans. However, I cannot afford to stagnate. Therefore, I decide to focus all my efforts on cultivation and learning the techniques I have recently acquired.

The days passed slowly as I watched and waited for the situation to change so I could continue my activities in peace. I made sure to stay hidden, avoiding any unnecessary contact that could expose my identity as a system user.

Finally, after several weeks of meticulous surveillance, I identified a change in the situation. The government was distracted with other controversies, as families of detained users and increasing protests against the same.

I, on the other hand, thinking that I might find myself, I decided to keep myself outside of the situation. One day, as I was returning late from work, I found a woman dressed formally standing in front of my apartment door.

 Although I had my doubts whether she was part of the government,I tried to remain calm as if she didn't know I was a government employee. However, I couldn't help but become extremely nervous when she approached me at my apartment door and called me by my name.

"Mr. William Sabogal," she began, her tone measured yet authoritative. "I've been looking for you."


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