Published at 19th of June 2024 06:52:18 AM

Chapter 48

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Her words sent a chill down my spine. How did she know my name? Was this related to the recent government announcements about detecting system users? My mind raced with questions. In an instant, I thought about denying everything and pretending to be someone else, but after thinking about it for a moment, if she already knew my face, it would not only be useless, but she might think I was hiding something. Despite everything, I managed to maintain a calm exterior.

"Can I help you?" I responded cautiously, trying to gauge her intentions.

She studied me for a moment, her expression inscrutable. "In fact, you can," she finally said. "And before you ask, I'm not part of the government. Even so, I know you're a system user."

I swallowed hard and my suspicions grew stronger. "I don't know what you're talking about," I said, again full of new questions. If she really tells the truth and isn't part of the government, why is she looking for me and how did she know I'm a system user?

The woman's gaze remained steady. "Mr. Sabogal, I know your skills," she stated bluntly. "I even know your dream is to achieve immortality."

My mind raced. Should I deny everything and risk worsening the situation? Or should I play along and try to gather more information about what the government knew?

"I'm not sure what you're implying," I responded cautiously, buying time to formulate a plan. "I'm just an ordinary citizen."

She smiled slightly, a gesture that didn't reach her eyes. "We both know that's not true," she replied. "You have skills that could be invaluable in our current circumstances, especially for me."

"Skills? Do you mean the skills to do something specific?"

"You can keep acting all you want, trying to deny something I already know."

I weighed my options carefully, knowing that every word and action from now on could have profound consequences. This woman's interest in me was undeniable, as was her knowledge about me. I needed to act cautiously to protect myself.

"Let's start over. My name is Emily Malena. Now, can I come into your apartment? This isn't a good place to talk about secret things, especially when the government is very attentive to system users."

With this, I had multiple thoughts. If I let her in, it could confirm that I'm a system user due to my equipment, assuming she only suspects I'm a user and isn't completely sure.

But if I don't let her in, it could look even more suspicious, and she might try to take me by force if she is someone from the government, despite her claim that she isn't.

Of course, I don't feel any energy from her that confirms she is a system user, so she could be just a normal person or could be hiding this energy somehow, since I could do it too; there’s no reason others couldn't.

Seeing my look of doubt, she said, "Don't worry about your equipment; it's well hidden, especially that hood you always like to wear that hides all types of energies."

This was like a final blow for me. How does she know so much about me? With this, I decided to let her in. After all, at this point, there was enough evidence to be sure there was no way to hide my identity as a system user. Even so, I decided to avoid giving her as much information about myself as possible.

"Come in. Sorry it's a bit small," I said after opening the door.

"Don't worry."

After she entered, I said, "Please, take a seat. So, what do you need from me?" I continued with a frown.

"Before I tell you, let me share an interesting story."

"Once, there was a woman who wanted to help people. She was raised by parents who worked in a foundation aimed at helping low-income people, so she spent her whole life helping others and, as such, had the desire to continue helping. One day, she was offered a talent that allowed her to help many more people.

However, because people like her are initially treated as weapons or threats, the government captured her. At first, they were treated as prisoners or even, in some cases, subjected to experiments. However, over time, and because there were more and more people with such talents, the government eventually released her along with many others.

After this, she decided to use her talent to help people again and, at the same time, take the opportunity to prevent the lorgs from invading more and more. Because her talent wasn't initially geared toward fighting, she progressed very slowly, unable to kill enough lorgs because entering the war zone was too dangerous.

However, over time, due to each invasion, she managed to level up, reaching the point where her talents allowed her to become stronger as she helped people.

Over time, her talents evolved to the point where she obtained a skill that allowed her to designate a person to help. This person would receive various benefits, and in return, she would gain the skill to not die as long as that person lived.

Because she knew the strongest person, she decided to designate that person as the one she would help, believing that, due to his strength, he would live a long time and prevent her from dying.

However, due to a major invasion by the lorgs, and despite the strongest people in the world attending the invasion, the strongest person in the world ended up dying. Despite everything, she still had one last hope. After six months of someone becoming a system user, the system gives them a random item. This item has no description and cannot be found in the information section of the store; it is only known that it activates at a specific moment, which is random for all people.

At the moment when this woman was about to die, this item activated."

As she spoke, I listened intently, each word from Emily resonating in my mind. While she talked, a mix of curiosity and caution took hold of me, aware that Emily's story could have profound implications for my own destiny.

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