Published at 19th of June 2024 06:52:17 AM

Chapter 49

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If anybody is wondering, yes, I made the name of the strongest person in the world by mixing the names of three popular boxers: Sugar Ray Leonard, Muhammad Ali, and Mike Tyson.



Just after the object was activated, she woke up again in a place she remembered quite well, as it was the place where she had lived 10 years ago.

With that, she paused, and I assumed she had finished her story. At this point, I already knew she was talking about her own experience, so I asked her:

"So, are you some kind of time traveler? Did you travel 10 years into the past using an object that the system gave you six months after you became a user of the system?" I was surprised and, at the same time, doubted the veracity of her story.

Emily nodded. "Exactly. I would be surprised if at this point you didn't know that I am talking about myself. After all, you were always a pretty intelligent person. In fact, you are considered one of the two most intelligent people in the world, or at least that was the case in the future."

My mind was filled with questions and mixed emotions. Emily's revelation that she had traveled through time and was talking about her own experience left me intrigued, doubtful, and worried at the same time.

I knew I had to be cautious, given that there was no conclusive evidence of this, but the fact that she knew so much about me gave me a certain feeling that she was telling the truth. I also felt the need to obtain as much information from her as possible.

"Is that so? Interesting. In any case, I hope you don't mind if I ask you a lot of questions."

"Of course. I can perfectly understand that you have doubts and, at the same time, curiosity."

"What is your purpose here, Emily? Why did you specifically seek me out?" I asked, maintaining a neutral tone.

"Because, William," she began, looking me directly in the eyes, "in the future, you play a crucial role in the events to come. You are the second strongest person, and your intelligence and skills are extremely good. Besides, I almost died once, and I don't want to go through that again.

As I told you, once my talent evolves, I gain an skill that allows me to choose someone; as long as that person does not die, I will not die either. And believe me, you are the hardest person to kill that I know."

I took a moment to absorb her words. "What kind of events are we talking about?"

"Wars, invasions, and the struggle for the survival of our species against threats you do not yet fully understand," Emily responded seriously.

The gravity of her statement did not go unnoticed by me. "So, you want us to work together?"

"Exactly. But first, I need you to trust me and prepare yourself. There are many things you need to learn and do before we can face what is coming. Also, I ask that, unlike in the future, you be the one who receives the benefit I mentioned," Emily said, her voice full of determination.

"And I suppose this type of benefit that the person you chose gets is significant enough to make them the strongest, seeing how in your story you chose who would be the strongest in the world."

"Indeed, although this benefit is quite significant, it is not enough."

"Oh, no?" I responded with curiosity.

"No, that person is a true monster. They are so powerful that even without the benefit, they are undoubtedly the strongest person."

"Are they that strong?" I said, astonished.

"To give you an idea, when I had my benefit, I was comparable to a medium nuclear bomb, while without it, it's possible to compare them to a nuclear bomb slightly larger than a small one."

"Are they that strong?! So, how strong will I be?"

"You will be something like half as powerful as half of a small nuclear bomb."

"Isn't the difference too big?"

"Yes, it is. That's why I say he is a true monster. Even so, don't feel bad, because you were the only person who could keep a fight on equal terms with him."

"Could I keep a fight with such a power difference?"

"Well, the difference lies in the type of talent both of you have. You are more focused on not dying under any circumstances, while he is more focused on raw power.

And in case you were wondering, I was the third strongest person, thanks to a skill that made it so that when I applied a benefit or a healing to someone, this benefit was also applied to me cumulatively, although only for about 30 minutes, even at my maximum level."

"I see. So, how did I become the second strongest person if you had that ridiculous skill?" I said, once again surprised by the supposed future.

"Well, first of all, it must be said that these rankings are chosen by the system, and secondly, when they are chosen, the system evaluates everything, from destructive power, strength, speed, quick thinking in combat, your skills and techniques in combat, and more.

Although you didn't have the greatest destructive power, in fact, you were about the fifth in destructive power, you stood out for many other things, like your versatility, and extremely high stats in each and every one of them, your surprising ability to fight without getting tired for a very long time, even rumored to be indefinitely, although you never confirmed it.

And not to forget your greatest strength, your ridiculous immortality that allowed you to keep fighting even after receiving lethal injuries, even for the strongest person. In fact, it is because you never die that you could fight him on equal terms."

"I understand. By the way, who is the strongest person in the future, and what is the benefit you grant?"

"The benefit is quite simple but extremely useful. It is an increase in the effect of all skills, up to a maximum of 100% when the skill that provides it is at its maximum level. In other words, all your skills will have double the effect.

On the other hand, the strongest person is someone quite famous, even today or before the system appeared. His name is Leonard Ali Tyson."

I was once again surprised, both by the benefit and by the name of the strongest person in the world. After all, he is the boxer who recently "surrendered" to the government and advocated for the liberation of system users.

But my surprise lasts shortly when I remember a much more important question at this moment: "As a last question, I want to ask about how the government detects users of the system."

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