Published at 19th of June 2024 06:52:16 AM

Chapter 50

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"Well, they convinced a scientist who worked at NASA and is now a system user to help them. His name is Alexander Wolren, and he has a talent that helps him discover almost anything. He's the best at gathering information, although at this point, he's not as good as he will be.

To hide from him, I recommend using objects and techniques to camouflage your energy, although I believe you're already doing that."

"Then nothing will happen if I keep entering the war zone?"

"No. Even though Alexander is the best at gathering information, not even he can see through the mysteries of the system."

"That's good. Is something wrong?" I asked when she looked at me, puzzled.

"...I knew you were paranoid, but did you really think that something like the system, which can literally give superpowers, could be surpassed by a talent it gave to someone?"

"You never know. It's always better to be prepared; better safe than sorry."

"Well, in any case, you can keep entering the war zone. In fact, I recommend it because, aside from the paths, it's the only constant way to progress. One last piece of advice: have you tried learning another path?"

"Eh, I thought you couldn't have more than one, except for the exceptions, of course."

"Normally, you can't. The reason is simple: when there is more than one path, the energies of both paths repel each other and start destroying the person's body. But in your case, you regenerate so quickly that you can counteract this damage."

"So, I can have more than one path. How many can I have?"

"It depends."

"On what?"

"On how many times you've evolved your talent. How many times have you evolved?"

"So far, I've only gone through my first evolution."

"Just the first?"

"Yes, is that bad?"

"No, it's just that I thought you'd have more, considering you said your regeneration was ridiculous even before your first evolution, and you also said you started assaulting resurrection points even before your first evolution in the future. I thought you'd have more."

"Well, although what my future self told you is true, I've only gone through the first evolution. How many have you gone through?"

"To date, two, but soon I'll go through the third."

"That many? How do you level up, considering that as you level up, the number of lorgs needed to level up grows exponentially? Also, I thought your talent was meant to help people, not fight. Or has your talent changed?"

"None of that. First of all, due to the constant battles in the future, I'm quite good at fighting, so I've been entering the war zone since I managed to get my stats—strength, agility, vitality, sense, and toughness—to 10. Not to mention that in the future, specific exercise routines are created to get these stats to 10 in the shortest time possible.

On the other hand, after reaching level 10, I activated my path. Since I already have the knowledge to do it and know advanced training methods, I was able to progress quickly. Not to mention that I know techniques much stronger than what I could initially buy with the little money that can be obtained."

"Oh, I see. But first, that doesn't answer how to level up faster, unless you're indirectly saying that being much stronger than the lorgs, you just kill a lot. And secondly, and this is just personal curiosity, what path did you choose?"

Smiling, she responded, "I'm a saint. And sorry, I got a little off-topic."

"Don't worry. First, tell me how to level up faster, then let me also get a little off-topic and ask you more about the path of the saints."

"Sure. To level up faster, besides killing lots of lorgs, you need to kill stronger lorgs. These start to appear when you destroy several resurrection points and when new resurrection points appear."

"So, destroy them, huh."

"Yes, to destroy them..."

"I know how to destroy them. Just kill all the lorgs and then kill the alpha lorg. By the way, that's what I call the super lorg that comes out of the gate. I don't know what they call it in the future, and that's it."

"Actually, no."

"Oh, no?"

"No, to destroy the gate, you just need to kill the alpha lorg. And by the way, you named most types of lorgs in the future, so yes, it's called that."

"But the alpha lorg never appeared before I killed all the lorgs around."

"Well, that's because there are two ways for the alpha lorg to appear. The first is what you've done: kill all the lorgs near the resurrection point. The second is to literally stand in front of the portal.

The latter is a method that favors stealth. It doesn't matter if you're using one or several stealth methods. In fact, many people with good stealth even kill the alpha lorg as soon as it comes out of the portal and then leave, all without being noticed or fighting any lorgs around, not even fighting the alpha lorg."

"So that method existed, huh."

"Yes, but I recommend you keep using the first method because killing a ton of lorgs also helps level up. Besides, this is the best way to get coins."

"I see. Let's go back to how many paths I can have."

"Oh, right. You'll see, in some evolution, you'll get a skill that improves your healing speed the more of that type of damage you have. As this levels up and after several evolutions, this will also be responsible for allowing you to have more than one path. Although, according to your future self, before that happens, other skills will also help keep the damage under control."

After she said this, {Regenerative Adaptability} came to mind. Although I was about to ask if she was referring to this, I preferred to change the question a bit. After all, even though I trust her more and more, I still can't be sure she's entirely trustworthy.

"Did my future self tell you the names of these abilities?"

"No, you're so paranoid that you never told anyone exactly the name or function of any of your abilities. Although I do know an approximate idea of the functions of several skills that help counteract the damage."

It seems my future self is just as paranoid as I am, or maybe even more.

"Then just tell me what you know."

"Well, I know there's a skill that generally improves all types of healing, especially in critical areas. Another one that heals you the more wounded you are. One that makes you heal faster the more they try to slow your healing. And lastly, one that directly makes you not take damage as long as certain conditions are met, which you never said."

It seems my future self didn't tell her much, although I can understand. After all, the more they know about your skills, the more countermeasures they can take.

"Thanks for telling me this. Is there anything else I need to know?"

"Yes, these are the dates of future invasions."

Again, I became interested in this topic as it is of utmost importance.

"The next invasion will be in a month, and the next one will be in nine months."

"Good, anything else?"

"Mm, no, the rest is information I can tell you later or just curiosities."

"I understand. Let me know if anything comes up. For now, I need some time to think about this," I finally said, hoping to get a moment of respite.

The woman nodded understandingly. "Of course," she said. "Take all the time you need."

With that, we said our goodbyes and exchanged numbers to stay in touch, leaving me at the threshold of my apartment, grappling with a decision that could change everything.

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