Published at 19th of June 2024 06:52:15 AM

Chapter 51

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I stood there for a moment, processing everything she had told me. The revelations about my abilities, methods to level up faster, and upcoming invasions weighed heavily on my mind. When I entered my apartment, I couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and anxiety.

Once inside, I sat down and went over everything in my head. Alexander Wolren, the system user with unparalleled information-gathering abilities, was a significant threat. But I felt reassured knowing I had ways to hide from him.

The concept of potentially having multiple paths opened up new strategic possibilities. The conversation confirmed that my future self had withheld crucial details to maintain an advantage, something I would need to continue doing just in case.

Reflecting on the paths, I thought about choosing another one. My regenerative ability gave me a unique advantage, and I needed to maximize it. I was intrigued by the possibility of acquiring abilities that could further enhance my healing and mitigate the damage from having multiple paths.

I decided to focus on what I could do immediately. First, I needed to train harder and continue progressing in the war zone. The advice to destroy resurrection points more efficiently by facing the alpha lorg directly was invaluable. But I decided it was too soon to fight one.

I still remembered my last encounter with one, and now I would have to face one at rank one. So I decided to go through my second evolution and get at least a second path before facing one. Once I could handle alpha lorgs, I could destroy the resurrection points and finally have stronger lorgs to level up faster.

I made a mental note of the invasion dates. With a month until the next invasion, I had a clear timeline to prepare. I needed to improve my stats, get a new path, and possibly evolve my talent again. Every moment counted.

Feeling a bit overwhelmed, I decided to take a break and clear my mind. I grabbed my phone and looked at the new contact I had saved. I could ask her more questions later, but for now, I needed some time to digest everything.

As I lay down, I thought about the Saint path. Since it offered the best healing available, it could potentially enhance my regeneration even further. I wondered if there were other paths that might better suit my abilities. I needed to gather more information about the various available paths and their potential benefits.

Before I knew it, I fell asleep, my mind filled with possibilities and plans for the future. The road ahead was challenging, but I felt a renewed sense of determination. With the right strategy and preparation, I was confident I could navigate the complexities of the system and emerge stronger on the other side.


When I woke up the next morning, my mind immediately focused on the task at hand. I needed to decide on a new path to take. Each path had its own strengths and unique abilities, and I needed to choose one that would complement my existing powers and help me prepare for the challenges ahead.

I quickly got dressed, grabbed my phone, and headed out to the marketplace. I needed to buy a basic training manual for each available path to make an informed decision. The paths I had to choose from were: Magic, Psychic, Saint, Aura, Elementalist, and Technocrat.

Apostle, Bloodline, and Cosmic Champion paths were not available as they depended on things beyond my control, at least according to the knowledge and resources I had. However, just as I now had the possibility of acquiring a new path, perhaps in the future, I could obtain these paths as well.

Unable to decide, I decided to buy a basic manual for each path. After all, it seemed that in the future, I could have more than just two paths. Additionally, since I had spent a lot of time killing dozens of thousands of lorgs before forming my dantian, I had enough money to buy them all.

After acquiring the basic training manuals for each path, I began to study them. I needed to thoroughly understand the strengths and weaknesses of each path before making a decision.

First, I looked at the **Magic** manual. Magic users wielded powerful spells and had access to a wide range of abilities, from offensive attacks to defensive shields and healing spells. The versatility was intriguing, but I wasn't sure if it aligned with my strengths.

The **Psychic** manual caught my eye next. This path offered mental powers, such as telepathy, telekinesis, and mind control. These abilities could provide a significant strategic advantage in battles, but they required intense mental discipline and focus.

I then picked up the **Saint** manual. This path was known for its exceptional healing capabilities and holy powers. Given my dream of immortality, improving my healing and resilience was appealing, not to mention that more healing would not be a bad thing.

**Aura** was another path I considered. It focused on manipulating the aura and enhancing the physique to create powerful offensive and defensive techniques. This could be highly effective in close combat situations, providing a balance of attack and defense.

The **Elementalist** path offered control over natural elements like fire, water, earth, air, and almost any element in general. The elemental attacks of this path could be devastating, but I needed to evaluate how well they would synergize with my regenerative abilities.

Finally, I examined the **Technocrat** manual. This path specialized in advanced technology and cybernetic enhancements. It offered a blend of knowledge and technology, potentially giving me an edge in both combat and strategic planning.

As I read through the manuals, I weighed the benefits of each path against my current abilities and future goals. The Saint path continued to stand out due to its unparalleled healing capabilities, which would enhance my regeneration and provide additional support in battles.

However, the versatility of the Magic path and the strategic advantages of the Psychic path were also compelling. The Cultivation path’s focus on internal energy could significantly boost my physical capabilities, making me a formidable opponent in close combat.

After several hours of intense study and contemplation, I narrowed my choices down to three paths: Saint, Aura, and Magic. Each had unique benefits that could complement my abilities and help me prepare for the upcoming invasions.

Ultimately, I decided to choose the Saint path for my second evolution. Its healing capabilities were too valuable to pass up, and it would synergize well with my existing regenerative powers. I could always explore other paths in future evolutions.

With my decision made, I began the process of integrating the new path. I carefully followed the instructions in the training manual, meditating to align my energies and activate the Saint path. As I did, I felt a surge of holy energy course through my body, enhancing my healing abilities and providing a sense of inner peace.

But that lasted only a moment before my Qi clashed with the holy energy, causing significant internal damage and finally expelling the holy energy. Fortunately, as Emily had said, my wounds healed a second later, of course the adaptation of Qi damage, organ damge, and other adaptations make this proces faster. I repeated this process until two new adaptations appeared in my status.

(Holy Energy Damage +100%)

(Energy Conflict Damage +100%)

After this, each time I repeated the process, my wounds healed faster, and a few hours later, my regeneration could keep up, even if this new adaptations aren't in a 1000%, counteracting the damage the moment it was caused. Now, I had only one problem: my Qi was continuously expelling the holy energy.

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