Published at 20th of June 2024 09:29:23 AM

Chapter 53

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The next thing I did was look for techniques for the Holy Path. Unlike Qi, due to the nature of sacred energy, enhancement, protection, and healing techniques are much more efficient than other techniques. However, this does not mean they don't exist or aren't useful; they are just more expensive and often not as efficient.

For this reason, instead of buying a technique to strengthen the body in general, another to considerably increase speed, a defensive one, one for detection, and one for stealth, this time I bought a technique to enhance the body overall, another to increase speed, one for protection, one for detection, and the last one for healing.

1. **[Basic Blessing of the Divine Body (1760c)]: This sacred technique enhances the entire body, strengthening muscles, bones, and organs with sacred energy.
2. **[Basic Steps of Light (2100c)]: Significantly increases speed, allowing movement with the agility and swiftness of a celestial being.

3. **[Basic Shield of the Sacred Protector (2111c)]: A defensive technique that generates a protective barrier of sacred energy around the user, capable of withstanding powerful rank one attacks.

4. **[Basic Eye of the Saint (2000c)]: Enhances detection, allowing the perception of hidden energies, invisible enemies, and distant threats with the acute perception of a sacred being. It only works with rank one stealth.

5. **[Basic Touch of the Sacred Healer (2050c)]: A healing technique that channels sacred energy to quickly heal wounds, restore vitality, and purify the body of toxins and diseases. Its effectiveness depends on the wound being treated.

Once I bought the techniques, I spent the rest of the day practicing them, and at the end of the day, I tried using cultivation techniques and saint techniques simultaneously.

Although this initially did not seem like a good idea since both energies clashed on their own even when I wasn't using any technique, when using a technique, this became even more intense. So, when I used two techniques of two different types of energy, they began to produce a more violent reaction, enough to slightly slow down my regeneration.

Even so, due to both energies becoming uncontrollable, this completely prevented me from continuing to use the techniques simultaneously. Even when I tried multiple times, the result was the same, although each time I did it, my body recovered faster. I wasn't sure why this happened.

**(Qi Deviation +100%)**

**(Sacred Deviation +100%)**

Two new adaptations appeared. Although I recognized the Qi deviation, I didn't recognize the sacred deviation. However, judging by its name, it must be the same but for the saint path. Initially, I was going to look for information about the Qi deviation and the sacred deviation in the store, but then I remembered that I now have a new source of information, and this time it's free, so I quickly asked Emily.

—"Do you know what Qi deviation and sacred deviation are?"

—"Yes, why? Don't tell me you had these reactions... wait, did you choose the holy path as your second path?"

—"Yes to both questions."

—"Really? I thought you would choose something else. Did I impress you, and you wanted to follow the holy path?"

—"No, I only did it for its healing."

—"Oh, I forgot you're obsessed with that."

—"Back to the topic..."

—"Right, deviations. Regardless of the type of energy used, deviations occur when someone's energy becomes uncontrollable enough to start destroying their body."

—"And that's it?"

—"What do you mean, 'and that's it'? Literally, your own energy starts to destroy you. Not only that, if it's not controlled in time, the energy will continue destroying you until it kills you."

—"I see."

—"You don't seem very worried. I thought your paranoia would make you more concerned."

—"Well, I just went through this process, but I'm perfectly fine."

—"Are you sure? Many times, the wounds caused by the deviation are left with residues of the uncontrollable energy, preventing them from healing. But since it's your own energy and your body doesn't detect it as a threat, your body will continue to be unable to heal it. It's like an energetic cancer."

—"Eh, well, my body healed in seconds, as always."

—"For a second, I forgot you're someone almost impossible to kill. By the way, how did you cause a deviation?"

—"I tried to use saint techniques and cultivator techniques at the same time."

—"Eh? I thought that after having two paths, you could use all the techniques you wanted."

—"Apparently not."

—"That's strange. Your future self always used multiple techniques from different paths at the same time."

—"Really? Interesting, thanks for the help."

—"No problem."

It seems that my future self managed to use multiple techniques from various paths simultaneously. Now I have to figure out how he did it. Thinking about it, I believe that first I should improve my control over these energies since the first thing that happens when I use these energies is that they become uncontrollable.

The second thing I'll do is improve my practice with these techniques, and lastly, I'll use these techniques over and over again, hoping that after practicing, I can use them more easily simultaneously.

Since I have to work tomorrow, I won't be able to enter the war zone. Therefore, I have approximately one day to improve as much as possible.

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