Published at 20th of June 2024 09:29:22 AM

Chapter 54

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One day later, I finally prepared to enter the war zone again. It had been some time since I last ventured there, but now, with two paths, I was much stronger than before.

The war zone was as chaotic and dangerous as I remembered. The air was charged with the same tension as always. However, this time I felt a wave of confidence. My enhanced body, speed, protection, detection, and healing abilities reassured me somewhat, though I wouldn’t be careless because of it.

Given the situation, I used my equipment to suppress my energy and camouflage myself in the vegetation. Then I alternated between my detection techniques, Basic Qi Sensory Field and Basic Eye of the Saint, to avoid consuming too much of either energy. During this, I encountered a small group of two lorgs, whom I ambushed and easily took out with my bow.

I spent some time hunting small groups of lorgs, and thanks to my improved accuracy and senses, none managed to get close enough for me to test my strength in close combat. Because of this, I decided to seek a slightly larger group of lorgs.

After scanning the area carefully, I detected a group of seven lorgs. I approached them stealthily, activating my stealth technique when I was close and preparing to shoot arrows.

Each step I took was with precise accuracy, ensuring my footsteps didn’t reveal my presence. The group of seven lorgs was a few meters away, unaware of my ambush. My detection techniques allowed me to observe them clearly, evaluating their movements and behaviors.

With my bow in hand, I aimed at one of them. The arrow flew through the air and pierced the lorg’s neck, who fell without a sound. Quickly, I shot two more arrows, taking out two more lorgs. However, in my confidence, I didn’t notice one of the lorgs who, upon his companion falling, let out a cry of alarm. The rest of the group turned in my direction, discovering my position.

Deactivating my stealth technique, I prepared for close combat. The lorgs charged at me, but I wasn’t afraid. My enhanced body and abilities gave me absolute confidence.

The first lorg came with its claws raised, but with a quick movement, I deflected the blow with my arm and, with a twist of my hips, drove my axe into its back, breaking its spine. The next lorg tried to attack me from behind, but my sharpened senses alerted me to its presence long before it attacked. I ducked, dodged its strike, and kicked it upward, sending it flying several meters away.

The other lorgs hesitated, but fury and instinct drove them to keep attacking. With supernatural speed, I crossed the battlefield, disarming them one by one. My movements were fluid and precise, each strike devastating.

One of them tried to claw me, but the use of my Basic Shield of the Sacred Protector technique, although it broke, weakened the impact, and my enhanced durability withstood the blow without injury. Taking advantage of its surprise, I attacked its neck.

The last lorg, seeing its companions defeated so impotently, surprisingly tried to flee. But it couldn’t escape my speed. I reached it in a blink and finished it off with a clean blow.

Seeing that I was now much stronger, both due to increased stats and the use of techniques, despite only being able to use techniques of one energy type at a time, I decided to embark once again on the assault on the resurrection points.

I quickly located one of those points and headed towards it, once again camouflaging myself just in case. Indeed, this proved effective when, using a combination of Basic Qi Sensory Field and my monocle, I detected a lorg who had given me various troubles, a stealthy lorg.

Immediately, I used my Basic Qi Stealth technique. Since I detected it from a considerable distance, it was unlikely the lorg had detected me, so I decided to try to ambush it. I approached with the utmost stealth, moving slowly to avoid detection. When the lorg was in a position where I could shoot it, I aimed my bow.

The lorg wasn’t even aware of my presence, which was normal considering I wasn’t too close and it wasn’t aware of my presence at all. Feeling pleased to give this type of lorg a taste of its own medicine, I patiently waited for it to be as still as possible and then shot straight at its head.

In a fraction of a second, the arrow flew towards its target, but the lorg seemed to notice it. Due to its agility, it managed to move slightly, but even then, the arrow hit its mouth.

Knowing I would soon be detected, I shot more arrows at its chest this time, as it was a larger area and therefore harder to dodge. After three more arrows, two of which hit, though not in vital areas, the lorg, who now knew my position, was too close. So, I took my axe and knife and began the close combat.

The injured lorg lunged at me, its eyes filled with fury and pain. Despite its wounds, its speed and agility were impressive, dodging my initial attacks with surprising dexterity.

But my skills and enhancements gave me a significant advantage. With a quick move, I deflected its attack with my knife and countered with a powerful blow from my axe, aiming at its legs. The impact was precise, making the lorg fall to its knees. Without giving it time to recover, I spun on my axis and stabbed the knife into its side, seeking a vital artery.

The lorg, though weakened, did not give up. With one last effort, it launched a desperate attack with its claws, slashing the air near my face. My Basic Qi Energy Shield technique activated, cushioning the blow.

Even so, the force of the attack was enough to break my shield and cause a small injury, even with my high durability stat. But an injury of this size didn’t last long, thanks to my skills, especially now that my vitality was higher than before (remember that the MC's skills depend on the vitality stat).

Taking advantage of its weakness, I jumped back and shot a point-blank arrow that buried itself deeply in its chest. The lorg fell to the ground, finally defeated. I took a deep breath, feeling the adrenaline still coursing through my veins, despite the combat being less challenging.

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