Published at 20th of June 2024 09:29:22 AM

Chapter 55

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As I approached the resurrection point, the number of loorgs increased, and they also grew stronger, knowing that I would soon begin facing the elite loorgs that surrounded the respawn point (the elite loorgs are always near the resurrection point and yield 5 coins).

I could feel their presences closing in, one after another, as if the area were infested with them. I decided to stop using my techniques to conserve energy, but this choice would put me to the test, especially since my camouflage would be less effective.

The first group of five loorgs appeared from the dense vegetation. Although I had already detected them, I didn't have the chance to use my bow. Without my techniques activated, I knew the fight would be more challenging. I drew my axe and knife, ready to face them.

The first loorg lunged at me with uncontrolled fury, its sharp claws seeking to tear my flesh. I swiftly dodged and struck it with the edge of my axe, splitting its skull. However, the other four loorgs did not relent. They attacked in a frenzy of claws and fangs.

I felt the impact of their attacks on my body, but my regeneration was so rapid that the wounds barely lasted a second. Each time one of them managed to injure me, my body healed almost instantly. I used this advantage to fight with brutal aggression, knowing that my wounds would not stop me.

One of the loorgs managed to slash my shoulder, noting that this wound was deeper than those from normal loorgs, but before it could do more damage, I turned and drove my knife into its neck. Another loorg took advantage of my movement and clawed my leg, but the pain was just a flash before my flesh regenerated. I responded with a downward blow from my axe, cleaving its torso.

The last two loorgs hesitated for a moment, but the instinct to attack prevailed. Both lunged at me simultaneously. I blocked the first one's attack with my knife, while with my axe I swept at the second, cutting off its legs. Without giving them a chance to recover, I finished them with quick, precise movements.

I took a deep breath, letting my regeneration take care of the remaining wounds. I continued advancing towards the resurrection point, knowing that more confrontations lay ahead.

Further ahead, a group of eight loorgs awaited me. Their eyes shone with insatiable hunger, and their bodies moved with almost perfect synchronization. Despite my rapid regeneration, I knew this battle would be tough.

Without techniques, it all came down to my stats, equipment, and combat skills. This time, I started the fight by shooting arrows, managing to kill one of them. The loorgs surrounded me, attacking from all angles. My sharp reflexes and enhanced speed allowed me to dodge and counterattack with precision. Each time one of them managed to injure me, my body regenerated instantly, allowing me to continue the fight without pause.

One of the loorgs landed a deep blow on my side, but while its claw was still embedded, I drove my knife into its eye, making it retreat and fall. Another tried to pounce on me from behind, but I quickly turned and struck it with the handle of my axe on the jaw, breaking it.

The five remaining loorgs continued their assault, each trying to overcome my defense. Although their attacks were fierce, my constant regeneration and quick counterattacks weakened them one by one. With each fallen loorg, the challenge became more manageable. Finally, with one last effort, I finished the group, feeling the familiar tingle of my regeneration working to close my wounds.

I kept moving forward, getting closer to the resurrection point. The path was soaked with the blood of the loorgs I had defeated, and my muscles burned with the intensity of the combat. Then, a final group appeared, larger than any other, with fifteen loorgs ready to stop me.

The loorgs surged towards me like a dark wave, but I was ready. With lethal precision, I shot arrows, piercing their bodies with a speed that left them no chance to react. Those who managed to get close were met with my axe and knife, my movements fluid and devastating.

One by one, the loorgs fell, their bodies piling up at my feet. Although I received more wounds, my regeneration was relentless, healing me instantly and allowing me to continue the massacre.

Finally, the last loorg fell, its body collapsing to the ground as life left its eyes. I looked around, breathing heavily but with a sense of victory. I had defeated all the loorgs that stood in my way, proving that my strength and skills were superior.

With the path clear, I headed towards the resurrection point, prepared to face any challenge that might arise. Thanks to my monocle, even the stealth loorgs didn't take me by surprise. Although sometimes many loorgs gathered, attracted by the combat, there was no real danger.

After all, my toughness was at 67 and my vitality at 94, not to mention my other stats, of which the lowest were senses and intelligence at 57. Of course, my equipment also did a good job, reducing my presence enough to prevent hundreds of loorgs from pouncing on me, at least not before I fought several loorgs and attracted them in the process.

Of course, my weapons with improved blades, combined with my immense strength and speed (which depends on both strength and agility stats, as moving quickly requires strong muscles and fast reactions), help easily cut through the loorgs' defenses.

Given this, I reached the point where I had to face thousands of loorgs, just like before I had a path. Initially, I thought about using the Xinggong technique, but I decided not to after seeing that after facing so many loorgs, the adaptations I already had reached 1000%.

(Ground Strength Qi Damage +100% ->1000%)

(aura damage +400%->1000%)

(Ground Strength aura Damage +200%->1000%)

(shadow stealth aura damage +200%->800%)

(bloodline energy damage +600%->1000%)

(shadow stealth bloodline energy damage +200%->1000%)

(Ground Strength bloodline energy damage +300%->1000%)

(elemental energy damage +300% ->1000%)

(ground element energy +300%->1000%)

(shadow element energy +200%->1000%)

I really love this skill, it literally makes my regeneration faster and faster. The only curious thing is that besides the aura path and the bloodline path, there don't seem to be any others. The same goes for the elements; there are no more than shadow and ground.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!